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The White Pill Thread

This thread is only for white pills.

Anyone else killing it? My life is better than it has ever been. My marriage is great. I’m healthy and strong. I’m in a good financial position. My faith is strong. Everyday I wake up I’m feeling great and looking forward to what the day will bring. Sometimes I wonder why God blessed me with such a great life.

Come on and share all your wins here.
This thread is only for white pills.

Anyone else killing it? My life is better than it has ever been. My marriage is great. I’m healthy and strong. I’m in a good financial position. My faith is strong. Everyday I wake up I’m feeling great and looking forward to what the day will bring. Sometimes I wonder why God blessed me with such a great life.

Come on and share all your wins here.
I am nowhere near this at the moment but i have been there in the past so i know its possible if you did it once you can do it again my life is probably one of the worst times its ever been but i will never stop chasing it and i know i will return to the good time eventually. So the white pill is never give up almost everything is fixable.
Yes, things are very good for me too. I often can't believe it and except something bad to happen, and I often pray that if it does I'll be able to roll with it and keep faith.

One frustrating thing is that I feel like I have a lot of good advice for younger men, but I learned long ago that almost no one wants to hear it because it mostly goes against the accepted narrative. I often pray that I can just be a good example and help that way, but I mostly see my coworkers and guys I like in "difficult" marriages that "take a lot of work" or single and childless and wondering what the point of their lives was. That's just the guys. The women are almost entirely a lost cause thanks to feminism.
I just bought a house. The deal I got is something my realtor could hardly believe. Part of me thought I was over stretching myself, but I am still seeing more and more how this was the best option for me.

It is clear that God has blessed me.
God bless! Nothing better than finding a great real estate deal. Congrats on closing it. 🤝
I am nowhere near this at the moment but i have been there in the past so i know its possible if you did it once you can do it again my life is probably one of the worst times its ever been but i will never stop chasing it and i know i will return to the good time eventually. So the white pill is never give up almost everything is fixable.
You've been there before, and you'll get there again. I have no doubt you can do it. If you want us to pray for you, just say the words.
Yes, things are very good for me too. I often can't believe it and except something bad to happen, and I often pray that if it does I'll be able to roll with it and keep faith.

One frustrating thing is that I feel like I have a lot of good advice for younger men, but I learned long ago that almost no one wants to hear it because it mostly goes against the accepted narrative. I often pray that I can just be a good example and help that way, but I mostly see my coworkers and guys I like in "difficult" marriages that "take a lot of work" or single and childless and wondering what the point of their lives was. That's just the guys. The women are almost entirely a lost cause thanks to feminism.
Young men think they know everything and don't want advice. Lord knows that I've been there myself. But the rest of us know how important good advice is to a successful life. What are 5 practical things you do on a daily basis that makes your life noticeably better?
To no-one's surprise, our enemies are miserable

Our current society teaches you how to be miserable. Let's share our collective wisdom to share ways to lead a happy and meaningful life. I'll start with one powerful lesson that took many years to learn: always be a giver and not a taker.

You should always give more than you take. Most people are takers. They will only call you if they have bad news, or they need money, or they need something from you. They will always take and never give in return. Do the opposite. Volunteer your time, your money, and your expertise. Surprise your loved ones with gifts. Share in people's wins. Don't complain too much. Focus on the positives in your life and in theirs. Don't hoard or gatekeep. And most importantly: do all of these things without the expectation that you will be paid back. This simple lesson will transform your life for the better. People will be drawn to you, and you will have a much richer social and professional life.

One caveat for this lesson is only offer these things to people who deserve it. You are not a doormat, nor a simp, and you are not there to be taken advantage of by sociopaths and narcissists. Being a giver does not mean having no boundaries. It means rewarding the people you care about in your life.

OK, what is something other advice you guys have?
Thanks for this thread, I think the forum needs more of this kind of energy.

Come on and share all your wins here.

My life has completely turned around since COVID for the better, I found Christ, joined the Church, married a wonderful woman (they are out there!!), and while career and finance is currently a struggle due to trying to jump ship from a dying industry (and a decade of poor decision-making), with God's help I believe it will turn around very soon.

Our current society teaches you how to be miserable. Let's share our collective wisdom to share ways to lead a happy and meaningful life. I'll start with one powerful lesson that took many years to learn: always be a giver and not a taker.

Great advice, I have been a taker for most of my life and it is one of my biggest regrets. Not only for missed opportunities for giving but because I've created a lot of behavioral inertia where I still don't even think to be giving or generous in many cases when the opportunity presents itself. Seeing how generous others can be is greatly inspiring when I see it and I hope to do more and more when I can.

I don't feel that I have much wisdom to share at this time, other than the redpill basics... exercise, talk to women even if they're not someone you'd be interested to date or marry, always have a mission, don't spend too much time online... you are what you eat physically and digitally.

Learn your strengths and weaknesses and be honest with yourself. In terms of your weaknesses, try to gauge if they're something you need to work on or improve, or if they are rather innate and you should tailor your mission around them. For example, for a long time I wanted to be a creator, pioneer, leader, out of ego and glory-driven reasons. But I discovered with time and experience that I am innately much more of a facilitator, an editor, a mediator, someone who supplements, adds and revises rather than creating the initial spark and drive. Since accepting this humbling reality, I've become much less jealous and competitive with others, and less hard on myself, and instead clearly seen how and where I can effectively collaborate.
I'm mid 30s. Just bought my first house. Got a great deal on a foreclosure through an auction. Currently flipping it and already sitting on a huge chunk of equity.

I'm doing better than ever with my business. Most money I've ever made in my life and semi-passively. Some of my work partners are good Christian guys.

I'm becoming a leader in my Parish and taking an active role in building the community instead of sitting around whining. I'm making some lifelong friendships.

Became fully Orthodox over Christmas. For the first time in my life I can say I'm ready for marriage with the right woman. I'm ready to travel the world with my life partner and make some children.

Healthy, sober, and ready for more Blessings.
I'm mid 30s. Just bought my first house. Got a great deal on a foreclosure through an auction. Currently flipping it and already sitting on a huge chunk of equity.

I'm doing better than ever with my business. Most money I've ever made in my life and semi-passively. Some of my work partners are good Christian guys.

I'm becoming a leader in my Parish and taking an active role in building the community instead of sitting around whining. I'm making some lifelong friendships.

Became fully Orthodox over Christmas. For the first time in my life I can say I'm ready for marriage with the right woman. I'm ready to travel the world with my life partner and make some children.

Healthy, sober, and ready for more Blessings.

God bless you brother
Thanks for this thread, I think the forum needs more of this kind of energy.

My life has completely turned around since COVID for the better, I found Christ, joined the Church, married a wonderful woman (they are out there!!), and while career and finance is currently a struggle due to trying to jump ship from a dying industry (and a decade of poor decision-making), with God's help I believe it will turn around very soon.

Great advice, I have been a taker for most of my life and it is one of my biggest regrets. Not only for missed opportunities for giving but because I've created a lot of behavioral inertia where I still don't even think to be giving or generous in many cases when the opportunity presents itself. Seeing how generous others can be is greatly inspiring when I see it and I hope to do more and more when I can.

I don't feel that I have much wisdom to share at this time, other than the redpill basics... exercise, talk to women even if they're not someone you'd be interested to date or marry, always have a mission, don't spend too much time online... you are what you eat physically and digitally.

Learn your strengths and weaknesses and be honest with yourself. In terms of your weaknesses, try to gauge if they're something you need to work on or improve, or if they are rather innate and you should tailor your mission around them. For example, for a long time I wanted to be a creator, pioneer, leader, out of ego and glory-driven reasons. But I discovered with time and experience that I am innately much more of a facilitator, an editor, a mediator, someone who supplements, adds and revises rather than creating the initial spark and drive. Since accepting this humbling reality, I've become much less jealous and competitive with others, and less hard on myself, and instead clearly seen how and where I can effectively collaborate.

Congratulations, brother! It sounds like your life is on an upward trajectory, and I'm confident it will continue in that direction.

I was a taker, too. We always have to make a conscious effort to improve ourselves. It's not a natural, automatic process, but one that requires hard work, sacrifice, and determination.

You made an excellent point about recognizing your strengths and weaknesses. It's impressive that you have the self-awareness to identify your own shortcomings and the humility to adjust your behavior accordingly. This shows a great deal of maturity.

I believe that the best time to learn about your strengths and weaknesses is during your teenage years and early twenties. I strongly advise everyone in this age group to seek out a mentor who can give them an objective assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. Unlike family members or friends, a mentor can offer a clear-eyed view of these aspects. Once you understand these traits, you can then design your life to leverage your strengths to the fullest. Many of us, myself included, have been steered towards careers that don't truly fit us due to external pressures. We must stand firm against these influences, no matter how well-intentioned they might be.
I'm mid 30s. Just bought my first house. Got a great deal on a foreclosure through an auction. Currently flipping it and already sitting on a huge chunk of equity.

I'm doing better than ever with my business. Most money I've ever made in my life and semi-passively. Some of my work partners are good Christian guys.

I'm becoming a leader in my Parish and taking an active role in building the community instead of sitting around whining. I'm making some lifelong friendships.

Became fully Orthodox over Christmas. For the first time in my life I can say I'm ready for marriage with the right woman. I'm ready to travel the world with my life partner and make some children.

Healthy, sober, and ready for more Blessings.
Congratulations on your conversion and the purchase of your first home—both significant achievements! I'm thrilled to hear about your thriving career and your role as a community leader. It's admirable to see you actively improving both your life and the lives of those around you, rather than simply observing from the sidelines.
This teacher lasted months teaching truth in the new world order before the skunks at the ADL finally put enough pressure to have him put on leave. This video had me cackling a bit, him teaching this stuff to a bunch of non-Whites was probably why he got away with it for so long. He went for the hard-hitting facts by using Freedman as a reference. The mainstream historians hate this guy because he was a jew who converted to Catholicism. Wish there were more brave teachers like him, this was in California's Bay Area, one of the most braindead regions of the United States. Someone needs to teach this.

"Teacher Suspended For Telling Kids Some Truth 4-9-2024"

Notice how good the newspeople are, they don't mention anything about any "lies" being taught, the viewer is simply segued with a talking head from the new Cheka saying that Freedman's texts are some of the most "virulent countersemitic in history".

This is a white pill because it shows that there are still humans out there knee-deep in the commie mire who will risk their livelihoods to expose truth. The more that do this make the state punishment less of an inevitability and more of a risk for their own future.
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SPLC laid off a bunch of their hall monitors. They have almost a billion in reserves, and F rating for charities, and they laid off about 60 people today. Looks like they are cleaning their own dissidents out as well.

I'm getting married soon. We are both in our thirties; she is grounded about the realities of fertility and doesn't want to wait around. We plan to try to have kids immediately after marriage.
God bless you, and keep Matthew 7:7-8 in mind. My wife was past 30 when our first child was born. All our children were born healthy and are still healthy. Having a family with her is the best thing that's every happened to me. May the same happen to you and your wife!