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Search results

  1. T

    America's Woke & Obese Military

    Its sad. I'd say the US military was woke enough when I got out which was a long time ago. I can only imagine how bad it is now.
  2. T

    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Not sure where the idea that space is fake came from, but, I think we don't have a good understanding of what space is - at least from a layman's perspective. For instance, objects in space are so far away from us that we measure them in lightyears or how far light travels in a year. Light is...
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    Turning this whole thing around

    Today on Zerohedge there's an interesting article about a state's pension fund refusing to invest in demonic disney. In the comments section, someone asked "how can turn this woke thing around". Ultimately, when you boil this down to the root you are forced to confront the situation for what...
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    Decline of Functioning Society

    What could possibly go wrong? Any way you cut it, if you don't do any of this social engineering the vast majority of people who are attracted to aviation, and therefore, go into it, are white men. I know because I wanted to be an airline pilot took flying lessons and was immersed in this...
  5. T

    Left-Wing Journalists' Preponderance for Paedophilia & Sexual Harassment

    The recurring theme of journalists, particularly activist and pro-lgti&94rud "journalists", being arrested, indicted, prosecuted, and convicted for pedophilia IS a trend and IS relevant. This is not background statistic noise randomly manifesting in a sample set. No! And it's not even a trend as...
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    Most atheists are just bitter and despondent individuals who are against the world, themselves, and by extension God. This usually runs parallel to a desire to be seen as "sophisticated". Scripture, to a large degree, is expressed in metaphor and represents complex human interactions-situations...
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    The Normalization of Bestiality & Furries

    They are wearing a costume and expect us to take them seriously. Every time I see this photo it makes me sick and depressed. These individuals are entirely unfit for service of any kind. They are a disgrace to the uniform. They insult and offend all of the men who died in all of the wars before...
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    One of the things that bothers me most about the whole feminist thing and the women's issue in general is that all men need to do is out-compete them and they can! I'm not trying to be a boomer and say "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps etc", what I'm saying is that pound-of-pound men can...
  9. T

    The Normalization of Bestiality & Furries

    One such tactic our side can introduce that could derail this initiative is around consent. How can anyone be absolutely sure an animal is willfully consenting to such acts? Funny, the very same people standing behind this push for bestiality are going to be supportive of animal rights and "me...
  10. T

    US Prison Reform

    I think it's an embarrassment to the prison system, the legal system, and the system in general. If you get sent to jail that should be punishment enough. Being raped over and over has never been part of the sentencing process. Judges don't say you're down for 4 years and will be raped too. This...
  11. T

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    What grates me about contemporary women today is the ego and, all in all, pride. It's coached in different and misleading ways, which unfortunately resonate with many women. For instance, having a career is liberating because before we couldn't, which is not true by the way. Most annoying is...
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    Left-Wing Journalists' Preponderance for Paedophilia & Sexual Harassment

    Shaun Atwood is an interesting online personality who is a convicted felon and did time in prison. He's out and has made a living telling harrowing stories from the inside. One of the points he repeatedly makes is that we have a big pedophilia problem. He noticed that many of his fellow...
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    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    And that's the thing. You make compelling points. And I believe it too.
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    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    I've written about this. And it makes this conflict like no other, in the sense that, if you look at it from the Jew's perspective, you'll fall for them. But, if you look at it from a Palestinian perspective you'll fall for them too. And it exposes our biases. As a Catholic, I find myself...
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    Millennials - The Dying Children

    There's a lot of truth to this. Let's say you have a kid raised traditionally and one that is not. The traditionally raised kid will be miles ahead of the other. The traditional kid will be exposed and pushed into disciplined and competitive things like sports from the beginning. Whereas, an...
  16. T

    On the (un)necessity of redpill for Christ

    Yes and no. I think the path to God and to Christ is very personal. It could be event-driven, such as succumbing to addiction (hitting rock bottom), enduring hardship like a war or an accident etc. It could be through a personal reflection. It could be age-related. It could be admiring nature...
  17. T

    Millennials - The Dying Children

    History will move on from the millennials and they will be, at most, a cautionary tale that substantiates the wisdom of the ages. Already there are rumblings of dissent from Gen Z who seem to be moving in another direction. What is described above is bad. We are creatures that respond to...
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    LGBT Agenda

    You can absolutely make the case against egalitarianism. First off, we can dispense with the idea that all of us are exactly the same, that is ipso facto not true and from stupid to genius all can see it. The current arch toward egalitarianism can be destroyed by applying reductio ad absurdum...
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    LGBT Agenda

    There is far more to this situation. Let's look at the astoundingly high percentages of homosexual individuals that were previously sexually abused. We have a proxy to this that reveals a hard truth. In prison, weaker inmates are "turned out". They may not be homosexual but are forced to engage...
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    America's Woke & Obese Military

    Well, we're actually out of money and ammo too. And from what I can see, out of any significant industrial capacity.