Left-Wing Journalists' Preponderance for Paedophilia & Sexual Harassment


Test Account
The former editor-in-chief of the left-leaning news website The Recount has been charged with multiple counts of child pornography.

Slade Sohmer, 44, is accused of possessing and distributing hundreds of child abuse material, including images depicting the rape of a child who was around four years old.

The Otis, Massachusetts, resident was arrested on Friday at his home after police obtained a search warrant for his devices.

He was released on Monday on $100,000 bail after pleading not guilty to two counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of dissemination of child pornography.

The journalist was ordered to have no access to the internet, engage in location notifications with a parole officer and avoid contact with minors.


Why do they usually have funny names and big noses?
Shaun Atwood is an interesting online personality who is a convicted felon and did time in prison. He's out and has made a living telling harrowing stories from the inside. One of the points he repeatedly makes is that we have a big pedophilia problem. He noticed that many of his fellow prisoners were survivors of childhood sexual abuse and this is where all the trouble started ending with them landing in prison. Its why there is a kill-on-sight policy in the convict code.

What it goes to show is that there is a pedophile problem in society. We can look at odious practices such as bacha brazi in Afghanistan, which demonstrates that even in very traditional societies, theocracies no less, pedophilia can still emerge on a systematic level. Note: that bacha brazi is outlawed by the Taliban.

pedophilia is an unfortunate element of the human experience. The incidents within the Catholic Church in the early oughts are yet another unfortunate example of how rampant this thing is. Left out of the anti-Catholic rhetoric that sought to capitalize on the Church's bad publicity was the fact that Catholicism and Christianity are polar opposites and stand in direct opposition to sexual excess and certainly pedophilia M 18:6. It was the action of wayward individuals (defrocked priests) who were not at all acting consistent with the base doctrinal beliefs.

What's significant is that if such an odious thing can happen in an otherwise morally pure environment - it can happen anywhere.

And it's everywhere, Boy Scouts, sports teams, and, above all (as in the biggest abusers by far) the public school system. Basically, wherever adult predators can get access to children.

What this demands from mankind is constant vigilance and extreme awareness. At present our "moral relative" morality is leading us, deliberately, to legitimize pedophilia. As such our contemporary "moral" system is an utter failure and evil. Since this is everywhere we must never let our guard down and to effectively minimize the occurances must adopt things like objective morality and a more mature understanding of sex in general.
The recurring theme of journalists, particularly activist and pro-lgti&94rud "journalists", being arrested, indicted, prosecuted, and convicted for pedophilia IS a trend and IS relevant. This is not background statistic noise randomly manifesting in a sample set. No! And it's not even a trend as it is a condition. And it's a condition inherent to any sexual perversion, in that, perverts and deviants will always drift towards, if not outright become, pedophiles.

The evidence is clear and undeniable. Ordinarily, we would have to concede to certain statistical realities. Surely, the sample set is comparatively small i.e. for every one accused or convicted journalist there are scores of others that are not. We can look to other institutions where this has happened and make similar observations, which is not to excuse this behavior but indicates that any random set of people will always include some pedophiles.

But so what? Pedophilia is such an extremely odious condition, therefore, one incident or one pedophile is one too many. Here's the key difference with these "journalists". They are activists who vehemently advocate for a specific cohort of society - the lgtidh&*eYq "community" and their "rights".

Here the connection isn't spurious or a result of statistical capture via random sampling, its direct and unmistakable. And if firmly (firmly) demonstrates the equally undeniable connection between the lgbtuQ#> and pedophilia as a whole and the agenda to "normalize" it. Since this connection is real and undeniable and that pedophilia is the highest of evils, as prima facia, it therefore shows that homosexualism is also inherently evil.