LGBT Agenda

The Homo agenda is really just an attempt to normalize what is obviously some kind of disease spreading through society.

Something is making people gay. It is not something anyone is born with. There is no discovery of a "gay gene." This makes sense, there is zero reproductive value in homosexuality, so of course it cannot be biological. And yet, from talking with many gays, I know that homosexuality is not something anyone chooses. People are being afflicted with homosexuality, the same way someone catches the flu or breaks their arm. It is either some kind of hormonal disease that makes people gay, or the result of some kind of hormonal injury that makes people gay.

Thus, the #1 problem with homosexuality is not homosexuality itself, but instead has been the response of Christians and "conservatives". Far too long have people mocked homosexuals, instead of showing compassion and mercy. Due to vicious mocking of homos as faggots (a word Jesus would have never used) or with other derogatory language, it has resulted in a massive cultural backlash against Christians so now being gay is seen as cool and progressive.

However, the reality of being a homo is far different than the propaganda. Most gays are miserable with their lives and hate being gay. They have tremendous drug abuse, depression rates, and nearly all of them are separated from God. I have spoken to many gays who have confessed how miserable they are to me. For being afflicted with a disease that they cannot control, the response of society towards them is barbaric.

Would the Church ex-communicate someone with cancer? How about someone who breaks an arm? Why then, is being a homosexual considered such a problem? Christians should have been mature, and followed the word of Christ (Mk 2):

"And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

So because the Church has not been focusing on understanding the illness of homosexuality, but instead mocked or shunned the homo, LGBT has exploded and is now openly glorified.

As with so many societal problems, we must look at the mirror and take the plank out of our own eye before taking the speck out of our Neighbor's eye.

I believe the Church needs a remedy for the illness of homosexuality, one that goes beyond mere abstinence (which is impossible for 99% of men) but stops far short of "gay" marriage (which doesn't exist).

Furthermore, modern doctors and researchers need to figure out what causes homosexuality. There is obviously some kind of physical component we do not understand, and something about the modern world (plastics? Vaccines?) that injures people and makes them gay at alarmingly high rates. If we could figure out the cause of gayness, then we could prevent or perhaps even cure it.

But the LGBT agenda is 100% a chew ploy that works against Christians who have been extremely vicious towards gays for centuries, for really no reason other than disgust. And it is natural to be disgusted against the homo, but even as Jesus laid his hands on the leper, Christians too needed to put aside their revulsion and be kind and understanding towards the plight of the queer.
There is a surprising amount of research showing that being sexually abused as a child is highly correlated with homosexuality later in life. I.e. male homosexual abuse of boys. Like the numbers are off the charts when compared with heterosexuals. It was something like 7% of male heterosexuals report having suffered abuse as children, whereas for adult homosexuals, it was like 70%. Not arguing that that is the only factor, but it clearly plays a role. There is something to the idea that male homosexuality needs to be spread by grooming since it cannot be spread by procreation.

I think the devil played a good trick in convincing people that it is an "identity", rather than a behavior to be overcome. Once people accept it as an identity, it is extremely difficult to get them to try to work past it.

Plastics, hormones in the water supply, broken families, etc. also surely play a role, but the homosexual child abuse connection is an elephant in the room.

But agree with @Samseau that compassion is called for. I would draw a distinction between those who are seeking healing vs those who are celebrating it and demanding acceptance as they are. An unrepentant, practicing homosexual should not be treated any differently than an unrepentant, practicing adulterer: i.e. they should be called out for their sin, and yes, made not welcome in the church unless and until they repent.
There is far more to this situation. Let's look at the astoundingly high percentages of homosexual individuals that were previously sexually abused. We have a proxy to this that reveals a hard truth. In prison, weaker inmates are "turned out". They may not be homosexual but are forced to engage in such activity against their will. It's worth mentioning that the sexual predators are also not homosexual themselves, but because they're denied normal sexual outlets resort to this activity out of desperation.

By the way, approximately 2% of our population is incarcerated, which is equal to the percentage of homosexuals. Now, not every, and in fact, perhaps, most, inmates don't succumb to this behavior, but, prison clearly demonstrates an environmental cause to this condition. Moreover, what's noteworthy is the permanent change engaging in this behavior many times causes with these individuals.

You have to be honest with these people. Scratch the surface, which is hyper-embellished, and you'll find older homosexuals "turning out" younger ones as a matter of routine. This is the typical way this behavior starts. Again, this is entirely environmental, meaning had the predator not "turned out" his or her target then that individual may have never become homosexual. And that is evil. Also, throughout this community are common themes of pederasty and pedophilia, and that needs to be explored and revealed. Indeed, statutory rape is nearly ubiquitous in this "community".

You miss the forest from the trees in this situation. In not so much why people are homosexual, but rather, why is this such a persistent issue. We must look at the pathology of ideas over time because that shows us a conical direction or flow from one idea to another idea. Stay with me. What I'm saying is that homosexualism is a result of a series of ideas put forth, mostly over the last 50 years. It has a "flow" and with that a direction that it is taking all of us. And that direction and ultimate end-point is pedophilia. And we're more or less here right now.

This is the net result of "normalizing" homosexuality. As well as the removal of all social morals and restraint, plus, the adoption of "moral relativity". This combination results in the inevitability of pedophilia and we're seeing it. You cannot separate homosexuality from pedophilia, they are one of the same. See above, gay people are "turned out" at a young age and sought after by older homosexuals and those older homosexuals know exactly what they're doing.

pedophilia is self-evidently repugnant and odious. It is either at least equal to or surpasses murder, so, we're basically talking about the absolutely worst thing you can do to another human. And this is where homosexuality takes us.

This is why this condition was universally ostracized and why it's imperative that we once again shun it. I appreciate that Christian ethos, obviously when it comes to sin in general. But, all you're doing is appeasing these people and if you give an inch they will take a mile. And they have over and over.

Our eventual success will be justified by this obvious connection. Hitherto, it's been challenging, to say the least, to oppose homosexualism because they leverage (and can leverage) the "victim card". And they are right, we excluded them in the past, not for bias or bigotry, but for practicality and out of love for our kids. That said, homosexuals use "Mott & Bailey" i.e. the Griff or victim card, which has been effective. And its been effective because they make themselves out to be victims.

The reality of pedophilia fundamentally changes this dynamic very much in our favor. Because, gays are no longer the innocent victims of circumstance or prejudice, but are themselves, abusers and predators of young people and children. Now we must look at the victim-abuser dynamic; the gay is the abuser and the kids are the victim. From this prerogative, we get back to perceiving homosexuals as people who can't control their urges as opposed to innocent mockingbirds just wanting to "live their lives". And it establishes that homosexuality is a hostile and predatory condition versus being inconsequential and benign.
Society proceeds in a ratchet-like manner to double down on whatever its core values over time, that's all. The core values in the west are egalitarianism. First there was war over slavery, then women's liberation, then racial integration, then open borders via 1965 immigration act, then amnesty, then homosexual rights, then homosexual marriage, then anyone banned from discrimination against homosexuals (Christian cake bakers), then transsexual rights, etc. You may like or hate any one or all of these changes, but the trend toward increased egalitarianism over time should be very apparent. There is no way to combat the egalitarian ratchet effect without either transvaluing those egalitarian values or having those values so weaken society that it is ultimately conquered by neighbors: . The cultural warriors like Chris Rufo are going to fail because they do not understand the depth of the problem.

After transsexualism is fully normalized up next will be either pedophelia or beastiality.
Society proceeds in a ratchet-like manner to double down on whatever its core values over time, that's all. The core values in the west are egalitarianism. First there was war over slavery, then women's liberation, then racial integration, then open borders via 1965 immigration act, then amnesty, then homosexual rights, then homosexual marriage, then anyone banned from discrimination against homosexuals (Christian cake bakers), then transsexual rights, etc. You may like or hate any one or all of these changes, but the trend toward increased egalitarianism over time should be very apparent. There is no way to combat the egalitarian ratchet effect without either transvaluing those egalitarian values or having those values so weaken society that it is ultimately conquered by neighbors: . The cultural warriors like Chris Rufo are going to fail because they do not understand the depth of the problem.

After transsexualism is fully normalized up next will be either pedophelia or beastiality.

You can absolutely make the case against egalitarianism. First off, we can dispense with the idea that all of us are exactly the same, that is ipso facto not true and from stupid to genius all can see it. The current arch toward egalitarianism can be destroyed by applying reductio ad absurdum and we're already there with "trans" and "fat acceptance". Or, demanding the Ivy League admit mentally disabled individuals. Though harvard hasn't stooped this low, yet, they're on track and have already lessened their once extreme discriminatory selection process to be more "inclusive". Because, as follows if we are all completely equal in all ways then surely we are equal to mongoloids. You can't have it any other way.

You miss the point about pedophilia. No doubt that is the current direction, but you must appreciate the extreme and obvious evil that pedophilia is. It cannot be normalized and, therefore, we'll discover a hard limit to not only equality but to things like ultra tolerance. We must be intolerant sometimes, therefore, there is very much a place for intolerance, and for that matter, bias, prejudice, and bigotry in society. Otherwise, you'll end up with a pedophilic society or something along those lines. That is evil.

I think the impact of affirmative action disproves the idea of compulsive equality. And look at the US Army all of a sudden deciding to backtrack on its egalitarian trend and back to appealing to the demographic best suited for martial arts - white men (like it or not).

Our defense and offense is reality. Theirs is fantasy. Who ultimately wins?

We also have a viable alternative and that is establishing equality under the law, which is, when you really think this over, the furtherest extent of the American tradition of egalitarianism. We are all our very own fingerprint and people. This makes for differences in all things from preferences to ability. It just is. Therefore, when forced rank on any characteristics or item, for that matter, there are discernable differences, for instance, intelligence isn't uniformly dispersed between all, and there is a measurable unequal dispersion - this more than any other item undeniably disproves equality.

So, the best we can do is equality under the law. Its practical and its congruent with reality. We have long since achieved this goal. But, rhetorically its where we need to dig in and defend.

As far as a reversal goes, pedophilia will induce a more than sufficient reaction, stopping the pendulum and sending it back in the opposite direction.
Homosexuality and it's further degenerations are a social contagion. You are seeing more of it because you have a culture that is confusing kids of their heterosexuality and instilling into them the "normalcy" of homosexuality.

Even if the "gay gene" was true (it's not), someone being born gay does not give them a free pass. All of mankind is born sinful, and yet, God is able to reconform them into the image of His Son whether they are murderers, thieves, coveters, and homosexuals.
After transsexualism is fully normalized up next will be either pedophelia or beastiality.
Those two are on the explicitly sexual front (and are happening) but this all feeds into a larger and more general front of liberation from all limits. It feeds towards transhumanism. There are plenty of examples already when it comes to "improvements" on humans in a heteronormative sense. Big Tech, Big Pharma all have vested interest in this type of "progress" now. In their minds these things are not limited to a particular hetero or homo category. As long as it blows past natural human limits it's fair game (and profitable). There are big plans in play.
One of Anglin's accurate insights into the trannie agenda has been pointing out that by successfully pushing through the child trannie stuff -- irreversible hormone "therapy", mutilation of breasts and genitals -- they have essentially already done a preemptive end-run towards their goal of pedophilia. How so? Allowing sexual mutilation of children is worse than pedophilia. If people did not wake up and push back against child sexual mutilation, they will not do so on the issue of pedophilia. How is child trannie mutilation worse than pedophilia? Think it through. Both are horrible, unthinkable crimes, but even something as evil and depraved as sexual abuse of children "at least" does not preclude the child from recovering, going on to have a normal life and family and, importantly, progeny. The child trannie agenda is already beyond this: It is a lifelong torture for the individual, as well as cutting off the lineage of that family. This post is not meant either to make light of pedophilia (obviously and God forbid!) or to be black pilled. I think there will be push-back, and God will be revenged on all of this. But we shouldn't kid ourselves about how successful the forces of evil have been, and that they may already have "won" on pedophilia by having pushed through child sexual mutilation, a.k.a. child transsexuals.
I just wanted to say two quick things here. 1.) I came across a great quote which sort of sums up the gays abused as children/older men turning younger men out thing, which is "Gays don't reproduce, they recruit" and 2.) They have known since the time of Edward R. Bernais that if you make something seem cool, trendy and edgy, a lot of people, but especially young women, will do it and that is exactly what they've been doing by gradually inserting it into the pop culture starting in the '70's/'80's. Devon Stack/Blackpilled has done some great streams pointing out how pretty much EVERY TV show in that period had at least one episode where someone who seemed totally normal/just like the main characters came out as gay and one of the main characters was really turned off by it but came to support it by the end. That was one of the tropes and another popular one was the infamous "if you're against it you're secretly gay yourself", probably most famously exemplified by Rickie's Marine dad in " American Beauty". Then, there were the first shows featuring openly gay characters, such as "Will and Grace" and here we are today. They've been working very hard on this agenda for decades now.