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  1. A

    Elon Musk Thread

    I'm done with Twitter\X. Deleted the app on my phone yesterday. Musk is officially allowing porn on the platform. And this guy says he's concerned about population decline and yet allows porn which is probably a contributing factor to global population decline (I have no link to back this up...
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    The Mexico Thread

    About a month ago 3 surfers (two Americans and one Aussie) were killed by bandits at a fairly known (but out of the way) surf spot a bit south of Ensenada. So there's definitely risk. I drove with the family the whole length of Baja and back about 9 years ago. We went on a combo mission trip...
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    Donald Trump

    I read someone pointing out all of the RINO stuff Burgum did as governor and it was quite shocking. Horrible on Covid btw.
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    Decline of Functioning Society

    It's like a plane running out of gas mid flight. Engines not working, it's gradually descending, you know it will soon crash but it might glide along longer than you would think, but it's demise is certain. Our engines haven't been working for some time now, the only question is what altitude...
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    The rapture

    Pre-millennial eschatology was not uncommon in the early church, but Pre-millennialism is not necessarily Pre-millennial dispensationalism as taught by Darby and popularized in the Schofield Reference Bible. No early church father or thinker ever espoused the current view with it's focus on the...
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    Whore addiction

    Some of you are over thinking this. If he's really cut off or separated from the girl this time then fine. But if he should fall again, then the wise and prudent thing is to take her to church. 'Look.....I can't keep living like this, this ends or you come to church with me on a regular...
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    The RFK Jr Thread

    Anybody have info on RFK's spiritual state? I think I read or heard him say he's a believing Catholic after years of whoring and drugs. I'm just an observer here and most likely won't vote (Desantis was my guy but alas the indictments could not be overcome) but am definitely intrigued by Jr...
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    The RFK Jr Thread

    Yeah agree. That said, any mainstream Dem would never walk back such statements so there's that. My guess is his opinion now is that with Roe being overturned it's up to the states to decide what they're going to do with it. He isn't going to get behind a Federal amendment to ban and he's not...
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    The RFK Jr Thread

    This is lame. I'm leaning RFK (actually I probably won't vote) but when I saw this earlier today I was like, ugh.
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    The RFK Jr Thread

    To be fair he walked this back.
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    Salvation at Nuremberg

    My son tuned me onto this youtuber 'ZoomerHistorian'. His video's are really good and no doubt would be enjoyed by the good folk on this forum. Anyway, the one below is awesome. It's about the men (Nazi's) who eventually hanged and two the chaplains (mainly the Lutheran as the Catholic never...
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    Whore addiction

    Haven't been on this forum in a long time, but have read most of the comments. I'll just say that the advice to bring her to church is sound; as Samsau has said, she'll either get saved (I know Orthos don't believe in a being saved as a one time event) or run which would be good for you either...
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    No I'm not seeing he was going after little girls. Late teens maybe but most likely young adult women would be my guess. I'm just saying he partied with Epstein at Mar A Lago and knew about Epstein's proclivity to be with young teens which Trump himself noted in an interview.
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    We know for a fact that many high profile folk such as prince Andrew partied with Epstein. How many pics we got of them together? I only ever see that one where he's standing on what looks like the stoop of Epsteins NY house. Where's all the pics of Bill Clinton and Epstein? Haven't seen those...
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    Irish Politics Thread

    Saw there was no thread created for the ongoing 'unrest' in response to an Algerian stabbing some Irish kids in Ireland. Looks exciting. Conor McGregor is all in at least on Twitter.
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    10 plane trips on Lolita Express but no intel on where those flights went to.
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Trump was very close with Jeff Epstein. When I was on the Trump train (voted for him twice and went to stop the steal protests and almost J6) I dismissed the Epstein connection as nothing to see as all Trumpers do. I\we would say: Once Trump knew what Epstein was doing he banned him from Mar a...
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    I have no emotional investment as I view politicians transaction-ally as everyone should. So if Trump is the nominee I won't vote and that's fine. Actually to be more precise, I have little emotional investment in RDS winning. Trust in God's ultimate plan does that. Regarding Desantis, if he...
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Yes. Desantis is far superior to Trump, IN EVERY WAY. Is he perfect? Far from it as no human politician will ever be so. Trump is almost 80, facing 91 Federal indictments and gets like a C- for his first try at president. So why would we nominate him? Am I missing something? He sh__ the bed in...
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    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Our inflation started with gutless Trump's Cares Act which, btw, funded mail in balloting for states that wanted it. We all thought Trump not being a details but big picture guy was great. He's a real guy, not a wonk politician. But now it's clear that to be president you gotta know details and...