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Search results

  1. Suburban Yahoo

    The Pros and Cons of Beautiful Churches

    ALL architecture should be beautiful, and church architecture should beautifully enhance worship of God. It doesn't need to be lavish, although it was Judas who whined that money could have been given to the poor (he wanted to pilfer some). Our problem is no architecture is beautiful now, but...
  2. Suburban Yahoo

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

  3. Suburban Yahoo


    Most of those mid-20th C winter "Christmas songs" were written by Jews. Baby it's Cold Outside -- CHECK Silver Bells -- CHECK White Christmas -- CHECK it goes on and on
  4. Suburban Yahoo


    There are a couple of apects to this: 1. How Christians / Churches do this. In this aspect, wrt what you say: sure 2. How the world does this. In this aspect: it's looking more and more like a Molech death cult Also, perhaps part of #1 is teaching your children the horrors of #2.
  5. Suburban Yahoo


    Halloween in America has taken a dark and sinister turn. As kids, it was whimsical, maybe it shouldn't have been, but it's not good what it is now. A lot of people look like they're really into the dark and sinister, the horror, etc., to where it's a celebration of it.
  6. Suburban Yahoo

    An exploration of Eastern Orthodoxy

    The parable of the sower seems pertinent to evangelism. Yes, you do get low quality converts, Jesus even includes them in the parable.
  7. Suburban Yahoo

    Proof that the Christian Church is the True Israel

    Start reading about Darby and you might start thinking he answered to the same father as the likes of Rothschild. By the way, he also invented "the rapture".
  8. Suburban Yahoo

    Roosh V & Muslim Skeptic: A Discussion About Orthodoxy and Islam

    The time Jews worked with Muslims in Spain against Christians (pre-1492) is a time Jews still consider a Golden Age. Talmudic Judaism is practically designed to inoculate Jews against Christianity. So is the Holocaust narrative, which also seeks to remove the Cross as the center of human...
  9. Suburban Yahoo

    Proof that the Christian Church is the True Israel

    All of Christendom had this view of "the church is now true Israel" until John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield cooked up Dispensationalism in the 19th century to aid the Zionist cause, and fooled American Christians ever since. A nice dissertation would be "The Multifarious Heresies Emerging...
  10. Suburban Yahoo

    Proof that the Christian Church is the True Israel

    One fine example of how Jesus is Israel, just to address the OP. When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. --Hosea 11:1 Refers to God's people called out of slavery in Egypt. And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and...
  11. Suburban Yahoo

    Rules for Protestant Thread

    Glad to see a dedicated Protestant section here, as well as Catholic, etc. This makes this more broadly Christian overall, I get to see what the Catholics and Orthodox are talking about, yet sandboxes us (I hope) from propagating the Prot-Cath wars.