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  1. angel_n

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Habsburgs disapointed tonight.
  2. angel_n

    Julian Assange

    The Patriots are in control! Iykyk
  3. angel_n

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    What would it take for SAR and other BRICS currencies to depeg themselves from the USD and would it even be feasible for them to do so?
  4. angel_n

    Israel-Hamas War Battle Updates

    How do you guys think the IDF will do against Hezbollah when their military operation in the North begins?
  5. angel_n

    Armageddon (End Times) Thread

    Normally I'm very careful when it comes to things of this nature, however I also must say that the video series is very well done and convincing. I invite you to watch it for yourself to come to your own personal conclusion.
  6. angel_n

    Currently slightly above my natural bodyweight - Should I bulk or cut for strength training?

    Looking to get back into strength training after being sedentary for a while. When weightlifting in the past, I would always start out from a low bodyweight and bulk from there. Now that I'm slightly above my natural set point bodyweight, I'm not sure whether to diet and weightlift for a...
  7. angel_n

    Armageddon (End Times) Thread

    the videos are very information dense - will probably take a few watches. their hatred of Jesus is pretty blatant and out-in-the-open now.
  8. angel_n

    Armageddon (End Times) Thread

    let me know what you think when you're done watching
  9. angel_n

    Armageddon (End Times) Thread

    Around a year ago, a Christian youtube channel posted a playlist of videos with the claim that Jesus will return in the year 2030. His thesis is based on around 12 years of biblical research. His videos have resonated with me and many others, gaining tens of millions of views before being...
  10. angel_n

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    Quote: ''The matter can be deemed concluded'' Looks like that was it for now
  11. angel_n

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    Biden already declared "ironclad" support for Israel in the event of military escalation by Iran yesterday.
  12. angel_n

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    🇮🇷❌🇮🇱 — Over the past minutes, all official channels belonging to major Axis of Resistance forces (Hezbollah, Hamas & Gaza factions, Houthis, PMF) shared this propaganda poster with the caption It's a hint that an all-in Joint Regional attack on Israel might happen soon
  13. angel_n

    The (Leaving The) European Union Thread

    https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20240410-eu-parliament-vote-stricter-migration-rules-landmark-asylum-reform Don't see much resulting from this but it's at least a step in the appropriate direction.
  14. angel_n

    The Origins of Islam

    For anyone interested
  15. angel_n

    The Origins of Islam

    Like they've done till now, they could just keep on invading the West, leech of our systems and generationally outbreed us, but this assumption is contigent on the premise that the invasion of the West by the Global South will persist for multiple more decades. Your argument does make sense though.
  16. angel_n

    The Origins of Islam

    Can I ask why you both don't think Islam will survive on a longer timeframe?
  17. angel_n

    Donald Trump

    https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/03/25/trump-to-israel-hayom-only-a-fool-would-have-not-acted-like-israel-on-oct-7/ Trump is, for the first time, speaking out against Israel. Could be a sign of a change in dynamics between the Israel Lobby and the US
  18. angel_n

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    As if Europe hasn't taken in enough Third Worlders https://www.aa.com.tr/en/americas/us-port-plans-in-gaza-have-hidden-objectives-expert/3160210
  19. angel_n

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    The aformentioned alar where the red Heifer sacrifice will be staged
  20. angel_n

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    There are reports from Jerusalem that the Jews are preparing to usher in the Antichrist through red Heifer sacrifice on a newly constructed altar on the Mount of Olives. After that, nothing stands in the way of them demolishing the Al-Aqsa Mosque and building the third Temple in it's place...