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Armageddon (End Times) Thread


America is consumerist. Protestantism tends to be in line with self help and inclusion, which are very modern phenomena that sell to people = perfect fit, especially because humans tend to try to fill a spiritual void with something.

One has to remember that like salvation, something that is past, present and future, the "end times" are also similar. That is, men have been lovers of XYZ, idolaters, boastful, debauched, etc many times before. All sorts of empires have risen and fallen with nearly the exact same characteristics. Also, the "end times" for any given man is when he dies, and then time is all linked anyway. No one knows when the hour is coming for him, or when the Lord will come, so it's really closer to the same thing than it is functionally different. The parousia or appearing of our Lord is a theological reality, therefore, that will be real and in time, but again will be at the real end. But we also see Him when we die, so there we go again with how similar it all is.

As far as how now is "different" the only thing that I will grant is that the world is far more global and unnaturally connected than it ever has been. That's the only characteristic that is truly different. I have my own theories about when and what it will look like, but those don't matter, as they aren't my business.
Most people have come to the consensus we're currently on the verge of change, or armageddon, right now. You don't believe this, you think it's business as usual right now?

Whether that change is from an orderly Christian age where angels rule the earth, to a demonic, chaotic "new age", a transition from industrial society to information society, technology disrupting power structures, I think it's clear we're on the verge of transition/change & the previous rules of living are null & void. Thus, a spiritual leader needs to help me navigate these realities. Adam & Eve type talk doesn't help me much.

Much end time prophecy in the bible probably applied to the fall of rome, however, it's the same thing we're living now. While this may not be popular here, end time prophecy in the Quran is very similar to to the Bible.

In terms of the return of Jesus, a few important things need to happen first, the Euphrates needs to dry completely, the antichrist needs to reveal himself also. The Euphrates gets lower every day achieving record lows & I believe the antichrist is behind the lockdown scams, but it's still unclear who did that. IMO - we will see these events happen in our lives.

PS - While it's a different subject I'd discuss elsewhere, globalization is coming to an end & the world is at it's most decentralized state in over 500 yrs. True globalization was when most of the earth was colonized, from 1500 - WW2. IIRC, it's either the Mormons or Amish that believe the end times officially began with WW1.
Most people have come to the consensus we're currently on the verge of change, or armageddon, right now. You don't believe this, you think it's business as usual right now?
What "most people" believe isn't necessarily indicative of anything. We are changing, yes, that's part of the reality of this world. I haven't stated what I think, though I hinted at it. The term you cite is just a description of a place where people will gather (in Revelation). I have my own speculation on what happens in the eschaton, and a lot of it is typology which makes it difficult to even guess about. For example, the temple of God could just as easily be the human being, who has given up his proper nature for other things (idols) to assume it. I could go on, but I won't. The "abomination of desolation" is what occurred when the Seleucids desecrated the temple, yes, that was the time of Maccabees. The teaching is that there will be a man of lawlessness, but what's curious is that the term is the generic term for human (anthropos). What seems to be the movement is a desire by evil people to have a "global citizen" and enslavement to security and false gods or idols. I think the security that is desired, much like in the covid days, is to "save" humanity from something that can destroy us. Of course, trusting earthly "saviors" will not only make things worse, it won't work in any case.
Regarding Armageddon, Christians throughout history have thought it was imminent. I believe we are the closest now to the technology that will create the pseudo-miracles of the false prophet. Look how the technocrats worship AI and aliens.

It is clear at this point that most aliens are demonic entities. It is possible some are angels, but the ones that are pushing ahead this technological advancement against God are demonic. They have been influencing humankind for ages, and eventually the technology that it will give birth to will seem like a miracle. I believe the demonic entities were partially behind nuclear weapons as well, how can a weapon that can kill millions or billions not be from Satan? AI will fuse with medical technology and bring people back to life, or give people that illusion.

Once that occurs, the person leading that technology will be worshiped as God, because people are naive. Look how easy they went on board with Covid, and you think they will resist people who are performing miracles on earth? They won’t. Eventually the mix of the false prophet and AI will enslave mankind.
At least within Reformed circles, eschatology tends to get split up into three views: Amillenialism, Premillenialism, and Postmillenialism. Even within these schemes, there's further nuances that could be examined.

Amillenialism seems to be the "default, safe" option and that is why I do not like it. It doesn't seem to make a serious effort to ground itself in Scripture, if it has anything to say at all.

Postmillenialism, I would not reject wholesale, as some of it's points are sound and Biblical, however, it also ignores much Biblical data and so I remain unconvinced of it. I find the concept of Christians taking over the world before the return of Christ to be very problematic.

Premillenialism. I am convinced of premillenialism as it the most comprehensive approach to dealing with all that the Bible has to say on the topic of eschatology. I have seen some write off premil as chiliasm, and then going on to repeat premillenialist beliefs, so anyone who makes a 1:1 comparison could not tell me the difference between the two. And judging from the writings of the Apostolic Fathers, a type of premillenialism seems to be what they believed. They believe that the return of Christ was imminent, and that the world would be given over to the Antichrist before the return of Christ.

Enemies of premillenialism try to get premillenialists to defend dispensationalism, which I wouldn't do, nor is dispensationalism necessary to be a premillenialist.

No one can say when it will happen, and to prepare one's material life for this inevitability as if it will happen in our time is not what God commanded to do. It is beyond the scope of any human to know these things. Our universe is like a great big clock, but its mechanics can only be initially investigated with human machinations, from human intent. It cannot be understood the way it is known to God, His angels, or anything else of pure energy of which we are not, because we are here in this world.

I don't know personally about the Amish or the Mormons, but the latter have very warped eschatology based on warped cosmology further based on twisted theology.

I am familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses, and they do believe in this to an extreme degree. The JW's are notorious for their predictions, they believe that the 'end times' began in 1914 and that their version of Christ's coming will happen in 2034, something to do with 120 years, they compared it to Noah's warning to build the ark and then when the flood occurred. They have some good-hearted people, but seriously misled on theology and eschatology, even on the understanding of man from the beginning. They have purposely changed their "Bible" by substituting "Jehovah" into any verse that says "God" or "the Lord" or "the Lord God". They have essentially been a doomsday cult since 1914, but their origins are even further questionable. It is highly likely that the founder, Charles Taze Russell, was a freemason. However, JW's openly mock homos, don't believe in fighting in any dirty jew wars, and tend to be very family-traditional, but it begets another question, to what end? Their incompatibility with all government has led to them being ostracized in every country they are in, and then they have the audacity to complain about persecution everywhere. They, like evangelicals, ultimately reduce themselves to a non-entity in the greater war of Christendom versus Luciferian Talmuds, another splinter from the Apostle's tradition that is neither hot nor cold, but just there to lead people away from solutions.

CS Lewis said this I believe, "Man does not have a soul. Man is a soul. He has a body." In the scope of all time, things are different from age to age, today's plastic synthetic mediocre technology can be dangerous, and is used for evil ends, but don't forget that everything that ever is, ever was, and ever will be: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9.

The luciferian's faith in technology to bring about the antichrist, who is viewed as their messiah, is also another futile gesture of human pride and ego. Everything they built has been so fake, from the technology used for energy in the control grids we are tapped in to, the absolute mockery of food and bastardization of our sustenance, the garbage quality of craftsmanship which gets worse every year, all wrapped up under the veneer of progress and modernity covering their rotten fallen cores from their circle-jerk think tanks spewing out spiritual venom for all to imbibe.

There's an unhealthy obsession with the end times that distracts many Christians from doing their duty while we are in our bodies: Obey God, follow His commandments, stamp out satanism, demonism, degeneracy, and sin, and most importantly: build families. I know several Christians, Orthodox and Catholic who still buy into this lie of "why bring a child into this world if it's all going to end soon, if evil is supposed to win, etc.." their premises are nauseatingly defeatist. Who will raise the Children in the Church if the people in the Church are not having children? I have known several incredibly beautiful girls who grew up in these unusual God-fearing families, fearing so much that they dare not have a family due to armageddon allegedly being on their doorstep. They are post-wall now, and the emptiness in her was piercing the last time I saw one of the ones I knew in younger years.

It was such a shame to waste such loveliness of God's creation and to let it wither and become barren for a demonic lie. Their contrapositive argument was always something along the lines of "well if I have babies and armageddon happens then my babies will be dead," or some other phobia of how the children will be destroyed because of the times. We cannot control every injustice and act of horror that is perpetrated on children. Survival is not a game of chance, and not entirely up to divinity either. God gave us the most advanced tool in creation: the human mind, to use, to discern, to strategize, to build, to propagate, so that we could thrive. These women who refuse children in their child-rearing years and want to go preach ministries to impulsive cannibals around the world (which Mormon's have recently begun doing) would have been better off receiving the sacraments and going to a convent, yet their attachment to worldly lies permits them, in their minds, to go virtue signal in heathen lands that have been cast down with disease, plague, and demonic violence, and keep the family idea on the backburner. They are no different from careerist feminist shrikes who freeze their eggs and wait until 40 to find the best man to keep them entertained with money, and effervescent beverages, and pointless traveling.

There is a very dangerous cavalier attitude about the end of life, the end of all life, and the end of earth by these people, who I think, none have actually sat down and ran through complex series of introspective thoughts on the topic. This attitude is similar to the hedonic that was unleashed 60 years ago with the sexual revolution of the 1960s. These attitudes were no different spiritually than any judaic subterfuge which went hidden in every country following every expulsion. Therefore these attitudes must be expelled from all Christian societies, by either providing a just punishment for the behavior, or the people who engage in it, just like all the Marranos were sniffed out after the Reconquista. It doesn't have to be medieval, women should become mothers, nuns, or social pariahs, but men must also be fathers, guardians, and warriors operating under a historical Christian ethos.

If we are living in Christ, walking with Him as best we can, then it is irrelevant to our souls when these series of events happens, perhaps not to our bodies. That doesn't mean we must carry on without a material care, we must be cognizant of this mortal coil and its consequences for ourselves and others. However, if more people understood the beauty of sanctification as it was descended down from the Apostles, then they would not be purely distracted with living in their doomsday prepping and prayers only.

Also none of us know how much time is left on our own clocks; little clocks within a bigger clock, all under God's watch. No one can refuse the master's call, so stay close to Him, but also do not forsake your bonds and your duties while you are here. All politics and social standings may be null and void in the hereafter, but these things have matter and substance to them here when people work diligently to promote causes that genuinely help others and also form the basis of a society that lives, thrives, and grows on God's Word.

Much of eschatology is wrapped within layers of spiritual discernment most humans will never achieve. Everything in God's plan for man will happen in due time, when He ordains it, no earlier, no later.
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Here is a very short clip of father Peter heers on Infowars talking about the prophesies of various saints all over the world prophesing about the same thing, Turkey striking Greece and closing the straights, Israel striking the nuclear facility in Iran and Russia and China being forced into all this, its supposed to be the start of a great war.

I know several Christians, Orthodox and Catholic who still buy into this lie of "why bring a child into this world if it's all going to end soon, if evil is supposed to win, etc.." their premises are nauseatingly defeatist. Who will raise the Children in the Church if the people in the Church are not having children? I have known several incredibly beautiful girls who grew up in these unusual God-fearing families, fearing so much that they dare not have a family due to armageddon allegedly being on their doorstep. They are post-wall now, and the emptiness in her was piercing the last time I saw one of the ones I knew in younger years.
We're living at or near the end of this propaganda ministry of modern materialism and behavioral sink due to (over)crowding. While not physically the case, the proliferation of cities and the desire for most people to participate in lives of fun and entertainment, leads to this psychological aspect of things. The problem with it all is that women not forming families at young ages always results in this, and giving them jobs and reasons to be alone in their 20s doing things that men would or might do, all leads to the same end. The children thing (why bring a child) is just icing on the cake of programming. These are mostly secular people to begin with, sadly - or if we make excuses for them, it's hard to get the secular out of the American given all the weekly influences. Hypergamy is on steroids when women can raise their expectations, which happens when you give them jobs, smartphones, etc. It's as simple as that.
They are no different from careerist feminist shrikes who freeze their eggs and wait until 40 to find the best man to keep them entertained with money, and effervescent beverages, and pointless traveling.
Exactly. I've noticed among many women and family members too that women, and this is sometimes true of men (I think just less so but it exists) generally think that they deserve guys that are much higher than their particular smv. I've talked about this a lot on the forums, being that this day and age there's not much we can do, the tragedy is more for the above average men and women, who are displaced the most due to the crowding (surplus of men) and tech (women catered to or distracted). These are actually attractive to a high number of the opposite sex, unlike 60+% of men and women, but there are far too many barriers to match them, and social restrictions and taboo to boot.
Here is a very short clip of father Peter heers on Infowars talking about the prophesies of various saints all over the world prophesing about the same thing, Turkey striking Greece and closing the straights, Israel striking the nuclear facility in Iran and Russia and China being forced into all this, its supposed to be the start of a great war.

If the conflict between Turkey and Greece happens, it will cause so many unpredictable changes. How will the West react to a war between two NATO states? Will they side with Orthodox Greece or the Islamic Turkey? What will happen to the rest of the Balkans? Will this finally cause a deep rift between Russia and Turkey, and push Greece back into the arms of Russia to form an Orthodox alliance?
Will this finally cause a deep rift between Russia and Turkey, and push Greece back into the arms of Russia to form an Orthodox alliance?
This is more of the idea, but it will be very complicated because of the other wars around the world that will be popping up, or had just occurred (Israel-Iran is the start of it, that can almost be certainly concluded at this point).
Around a year ago, a Christian youtube channel posted a playlist of videos with the claim that Jesus will return in the year 2030. His thesis is based on around 12 years of biblical research.
His videos have resonated with me and many others, gaining tens of millions of views before being demonetized by youtube.
Would be curious to hear your guys' opinion on his research and claim of the Return of the Messiah.


Around a year ago, a Christian youtube channel posted a playlist of videos with the claim that Jesus will return in the year 2030. His thesis is based on around 12 years of biblical research.
His videos have resonated with me and many others, gaining tens of millions of views before being demonetized by youtube.
Would be curious to hear your guys' opinion on his research and claim of the Return of the Messiah.


I am going to have a watch of this. I know we are told no man knows the hour but we are also told to stay alert and watch for his return. Sooner the better as far as I am concerned.
let me know what you think when you're done watching
A lot to take in but its pretty compelling. Also its interesting, is it not, that a video like this, nothing hateful or immoral, just a message about the second coming of Christ - is demonetized. Their maniacal irrational hatred of Jesus.
A lot to take in but its pretty compelling. Also its interesting, is it not, that a video like this, nothing hateful or immoral, just a message about the second coming of Christ - is demonetized. Their maniacal irrational hatred of Jesus.
the videos are very information dense - will probably take a few watches.

their hatred of Jesus is pretty blatant and out-in-the-open now.
This thread was taken out of context, I did not start it, but this was in response to preachers & how I consider preachers who continue Adam & Eve type talk useless & prefer guys like Rick Renner who present unpleasant but real information.

I'm receiving that the prevailing belief here is "oh, well that's scary stuff the end times, it'd mean I'd have to change a lot of things about how I live, I'd prefer to just not think about it". This is a big topic in these islamic sermons, they say pretty much the same stuff as guys like Rick Renner, except there are many more of them. IIRC the entire ideology behind ISIS is we are in the end times & to prevent satanic rule of earth they need sharia. The truth is an islamic cleric or whatever they're called, translated into English, often presents better information than your average rainbow flag waving US pastor who will preach about Noah's Ark ignoring the drug addicts & thieves roaming outside the church.

There's an unhealthy obsession with the end times that distracts many Christians from doing their duty while we are in our bodies: Obey God, follow His commandments, stamp out satanism, demonism, degeneracy, and sin, and most importantly: build families. I know several Christians, Orthodox and Catholic who still buy into this lie of "why bring a child into this world if it's all going to end soon, if evil is supposed to win, etc.." their premises are nauseatingly defeatist. Who will raise the Children in the Church if the people in the Church are not having children? I have known several incredibly beautiful girls who grew up in these unusual God-fearing families, fearing so much that they dare not have a family due to armageddon allegedly being on their doorstep. They are post-wall now, and the emptiness in her was piercing the last time I saw one of the ones I knew in younger years.

I'm not child free but I 100% understand those who live in totalitarian nation states like the US who are. Rick Renner recently gave a sermon on how you won't be able to control your children & how this was prophecy. I'm sure uncle sam would thank you for providing him with your children though, he's probably spending more time & influencing them more than you ever will. That's just reality & most don't want that to happen.

I am familiar with Jehovah's Witnesses, and they do believe in this to an extreme degree. The JW's are notorious for their predictions, they believe that the 'end times' began in 1914 and that their version of Christ's coming will happen in 2034, something to do with 120 years, they compared it to Noah's warning to build the ark and then when the flood occurred. They have some good-hearted people, but seriously misled on theology and eschatology, even on the understanding of man from the beginning. They have purposely changed their "Bible" by substituting "Jehovah" into any verse that says "God" or "the Lord" or "the Lord God". They have essentially been a doomsday cult since 1914, but their origins are even further questionable. It is highly likely that the founder, Charles Taze Russell, was a freemason. However, JW's openly mock homos, don't believe in fighting in any dirty jew wars, and tend to be very family-traditional, but it begets another question, to what end? Their incompatibility with all government has led to them being ostracized in every country they are in, and then they have the audacity to complain about persecution everywhere. They, like evangelicals, ultimately reduce themselves to a non-entity in the greater war of Christendom versus Luciferian Talmuds, another splinter from the Apostle's tradition that is neither hot nor cold, but just there to lead people away from solutions.
Yes, that's what I meant, JW. Sure, actually religious societies are incompatible with the nation state, this is why so many leave, mennonites, amish, etc. And yes, they are "ostracized" by the secular. They also tend to live a lot better than secular people do, which is another reason they're hated. While you may want to ostracize them, I respect any group that acknowledges the current problems & instead of sitting around whining about it, they create their own solutions.

"Relgion" isn't just something you say "oh I believe, now I'm religious", it's rules enforced upon society that all must follow for them to have any effect.

So, in summary, my belief is that yes, we are in the end times, satanic rule on earth is here or near & if you don't want to participate in it, most aspects of your life need to be changed.