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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Interesting to note that almost 400 Amazon and Google tech workers were protesting the decision of their companies to sell dangerous technology to Israel back in 2021--well before the Gaza Genocide--due to fears it would be used by Israel to harm their enemies, in a program called Project Nimbus (Latin for DARK CLOUD).

our employers signed a contract called Project Nimbus to sell dangerous technology to the Israeli military and government.
Project Nimbus is a $1.2bn contract to provide cloud services for the Israeli military and government. This technology allows for further surveillance of and unlawful data collection on Palestinians, and facilitates expansion of Israel’s illegal settlements on Palestinian land.

Just listen to the sick trigglypuffs in the audience.
I'm beginning to see that this issue is waking whites up from their slumber.

I see so many young whites getting enraged at this issue. They're starting to fearlessly talk about Zionists and all their power, because they see something truly inhumane taking place.

Whites are the most benevolent people, see how they treat animals etc. What's going on right now just irks them deeply, especially the young.

Add to that that these young Gen Z white kids have nothing to lose - they are in a garbage situation, the future looks grim in the US and Anglosphere.

I think this issue will see the sleeping giant awake
There are reports from Jerusalem that the Jews are preparing to usher in the Antichrist through red Heifer sacrifice on a newly constructed altar on the Mount of Olives.

After that, nothing stands in the way of them demolishing the Al-Aqsa Mosque and building the third Temple in it's place.

After that, only God knows what will happen. Military escalation by regional neighbours is pretty much guaranteed.

There are reports from Jerusalem that the Jews are preparing to usher in the Antichrist through red Heifer sacrifice on a newly constructed altar on the Mount of Olives.

After that, nothing stands in the way of them demolishing the Al-Aqsa Mosque and building the third Temple in it's place.

After that, only God knows what will happen.

The aformentioned alar where the red Heifer sacrifice will be staged


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I don't know what this means, but it isn't cheap to move an entire fleet. Was this to cause the USA more issues, or are they preparing to fully support the Houthis?

That's an exaggeration.
Russian Navy just finished joint exercises with China and Iran in the Gulf of Oman, and their warships (not the whole Pacific Fleet - deploying the whole fleet would leave the far east undefended) are now sailing through the Red Sea, most likely to resupply in Tartus, Syria.
Still, the area is crowded with western warships so tensions may arrise.
That's an exaggeration.
Russian Navy just finished joint exercises with China and Iran in the Gulf of Oman, and their warships (not the whole Pacific Fleet - deploying the whole fleet would leave the far east undefended) are now sailing through the Red Sea, most likely to resupply in Tartus, Syria.
Still, the area is crowded with western warships so tensions may arrise.
Bingo. Or Russia could be shifting ships into the Black Sea to support the war in Ukraine. The cruiser Varyag which is one of the ships transiting the Red Sea is the same class as the Moskva that was sunk last year. Not nearly as sensational a move as the media is making it out to be.
Bingo. Or Russia could be shifting ships into the Black Sea to support the war in Ukraine. The cruiser Varyag which is one of the ships transiting the Red Sea is the same class as the Moskva that was sunk last year. Not nearly as sensational a move as the media is making it out to be.
Bosphorus is closed to all warships, so it's unlikely, not without confronting, or bribing, Turkey.
They may have entered the Red Sea just to mess with us (Varyag is a designated carrier killer so the Ike's crew may be sweating right now), after all they could have easily make a port call in Iran or in the Chinese base in Djibouti to resupply.
Or they may have other exercises planned, for example with Algeria in the Med, and are simply passing through.
Bosphorus is closed to all warships, so it's unlikely, not without confronting, or bribing, Turkey.
They may have entered the Red Sea just to mess with us (Varyag is a designated carrier killer so the Ike's crew may be sweating right now), after all they could have easily make a port call in Iran or in the Chinese base in Djibouti to resupply.
Or they may have other exercises planned, for example with Algeria in the Med, and are simply passing through.
Interesting. I thought the Montreaux Convention was still in effect. Apparently Turkey threw it out for the war in Ukraine.

Up until 2022, Russia had deployed its Kilo-class submarines from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, arguing that these vessels were ultimately destined for "maintenance" at facilities in the Baltic Sea. There was criticism of this since the submarines would then remain deployed in the Mediterranean for an extensive period of time. Since this was becoming more difficult to justify, one analysis in May 2022 suggested that the Russians may have found a work-around to the problem, potentially using the country's internal waterways to permit transit to vessels up to the size of the Kilo-class boats between the Black Sea and the Baltic. The ability to use the internal waterways to facilitate such a transit has yet to be confirmed.[54]

Two Russian Federation ships (the missile cruiser Varyag, the flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet, and Admiral Tributs, a large anti-submarine destroyer) waited in the Mediterranean seeking to enter the Black Sea for nine months. In October 2022, they were refused permission and left the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal.[55]

On 2 January 2024 Turkey refused passage through the strait to two minehunters donated by the British Royal Navy to the Ukrainian Navy pursuant to the Convention.[56]

Wow, looks like they aren't letting anyone through nowadays. Not Russia, Ukraine, or even Britain. Wonder what's going on?
Interesting. I thought the Montreaux Convention was still in effect. Apparently Turkey threw it out for the war in Ukraine.
I believe Turkey is acting under the Montreaux Convention currently. Russian civilian ships can pass, but Russian military ships are restricted because they are at war. As I understand it, there is limited passage allowed for military ships in peacetime, but under the convention Russia would not be able to pass military ships at this time.

I saw something about ships being allowed to pass if returning to their base, but considering the conflict it taking place on and adjacent to the Black Sea, I would expect that would not be allowed at this time. At the very least, if they went in, they might never be allowed back out

Edit: The same rules apply to all combatant nations. At least Turkey is realistic in labeling Britain as a participant in the current conflict.