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Search results

  1. Renzy

    The Movie Thread

    With summer in full swing I thought I'd post a few fun summer flicks from the 80s and early 90s. Hot Pursuit (1987) starring John Cusack and Robert Loggia. Cusack plays Dan Bartlett, a prep school kid who was supposed to join his gf and her family on their vacation to the Caribbean but finds...
  2. Renzy

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    You were thinking of the *other* dinks from that Spaceballs movie ...
  3. Renzy

    2024 Election Lounge

    I agree with these points. I think that for most people voting for Trump, at this point it isn't because of what they think he'll accomplish but more as a giant middle finger to the Left for running our country into the ground. They're going to vote for him (Trump) as a symbolic act of rebellion...
  4. Renzy

    The Movie Thread

    I did see it and it turned out to be much better than I anticipated. What did you think of the film? It was a full house where I watched it (very conservative area). I was worried that the movie would be very partisan but imo it was the opposite, to the point that in many scenes it’s difficult...
  5. Renzy

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    https://www.americansurveycenter.org/newsletter/young-women-are-leaving-church-in-unprecedented-numbers/ Young women, more so than men, are leaving the Church. In the past, it was reversed. According to the survey it's because a majority of Gen-Z women are feminists and dislike the Church's...
  6. Renzy

    The Movie Thread

    Going to see the A24 Civil War movie tomorrow in theatres - it'll be my first time back in a movie theatre since Top Gun 2 came out. I've deliberately not read up too much about the film so I can go into the movie with an open mind. That being said, I'm hoping against my better judgement it...
  7. Renzy

    Lyme Disease

    Very real, not fake news, and I don't think it's any sort of government conspiracy. I just think ticks are filthy and carry a lot of diseases. I don't think it's necessary to avoid states where they're prevalent but I 100% think it's worth taking precautions to prevent tick-borne diseases. I...
  8. Renzy

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    The first time someone posted a meme about the new Romeo and Juliet flick I legit had to look up to see whether the new movie was some woke attempt to "reimagine" Romeo and Juliet as an interracial gay love story. It is 2024 after all. I couldn't tell whether Juliet was a dude or a tranny - at...
  9. Renzy

    70s thread - The best of the 1970s

    Excellent and very underrated movie. I think the title they chose for the film is poor and very misleading. They should have stuck with the title of the novel they based the movie off, The Wages of Fear. The soundtrack is excellent too - despite being nearly 50 years old it sounds like something...
  10. Renzy

    Black People Speaking The Truth About Race

    Interesting how few of the comments actually even attempt to disprove the fundamental assertion he (or rather his friend) makes: that low-IQ sub-saharan African immigrants aren't going to be able to sustain a technologically advanced European society. Seems pretty straight forward to me but...
  11. Renzy

    Cyberattacks or Likely Cyberattacks on American Infrastructure

    It looks like the anchor was dropped (front left) - I can only assume that was a desperate last minute attempt to stop the ship...
  12. Renzy

    Cyberattacks or Likely Cyberattacks on American Infrastructure

    I'm amazed they were able to rescue two of them in the water given that we've had overnight lows here in the 30s. The local news here is saying water temps were in the 40s this morning: https://wtop.com/baltimore/2024/03/key-bridge-in-baltimore-collapses-after-hitting-large-boat/