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Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)


To understand the DINK phenomenon, just watch the vid below:

Dual-income no kids movement. Anyone know some DINKs? I feel like I know and have seen quite a few DINKs, even though I do not actively seek such people out. They are everywhere, and they are highly disturbing people despite generally being nice people overall. They are incredibly selfish and shortsighted.

I even know a Billionaire DINK, and many other rich DINKs. Why have so much income and not have a single child? It's completely demonic.

I've also dated women, back in the day, who told me on Date #1 they never wanted children, but wanted marriage. I would ask them, "But your biological imperative compels you to reproduce," to which the girl would reply, "No biological imperative here." So then I announced, "Well, I'd like children, but I don't want marriage," and I never called her again.

But for whatever reason, there is some kind of strong demonic force that actually makes people hoard as many resources as possible, even get married, and then do nothing except pleasure themselves. From the man's perspective, if one is going to be that selfish, why even get married? From the woman's perspective, I suppose it make some kind of sense. Marriage without children is probably the ultimate goal of a selfish woman.

Regardless, what are other member's experiences with DINKs?
I think it all comes from fear. Fear of this uncertain climate. Subconsciously they know their culture is dying. No matter how "anti-racist" they are, they fear the rise of African and migrant barbarism, and they know it's going to get ugly.

A race of people that have been conditioned to hate themselves, to not want to fight for their future, and even to feel that they deserve to be wiped out.
Its always some guy with a hopeless looking face and dead eyes in these videos. Willing hostage saying whatever earns him the aproval and continued acces to a crazy woman. If she would flip the script and decided to want a ton of children the guys would be going with that like a parrot. Its probably just failed shit tests resulting in the women not wanting THEIR kids how they ended up in this place.
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To understand the DINK phenomenon, just watch the vid below:

Dual-income no kids movement. Anyone know some DINKs? I feel like I know and have seen quite a few DINKs, even though I do not actively seek such people out. They are everywhere, and they are highly disturbing people despite generally being nice people overall. They are incredibly selfish and shortsighted.

I even know a Billionaire DINK, and many other rich DINKs. Why have so much income and not have a single child? It's completely demonic.

I've also dated women, back in the day, who told me on Date #1 they never wanted children, but wanted marriage. I would ask them, "But your biological imperative compels you to reproduce," to which the girl would reply, "No biological imperative here." So then I announced, "Well, I'd like children, but I don't want marriage," and I never called her again.

But for whatever reason, there is some kind of strong demonic force that actually makes people hoard as many resources as possible, even get married, and then do nothing except pleasure themselves. From the man's perspective, if one is going to be that selfish, why even get married? From the woman's perspective, I suppose it make some kind of sense. Marriage without children is probably the ultimate goal of a selfish woman.

Regardless, what are other member's experiences with DINKs?

I didn't watch the video yet but it's very unsettling to look at the woman in the screen capture. She's pretty and still young enough to have children, but she just drips with pride and greed, and her eyes looks completely empty. So proud to die alone and be a genetic dead end. "Demonic" is an adjective that gets overused but it really does seem to apply in this case.

Back in the day when a lot of us were PUAs to some extent or at least trying to be we'd judge everything as "alpha" or "beta." I remember Heartiste saying that to get married without intending to have children was the ultimate beta move.

I'd never thought of it that way before, but it was enough to get me thinking and probably one thing that got me on the road to realizing that for most people having a family is the purpose that they so often lack and try unsuccessfully to fill with materialistic things and empty travels and fun. I'm much less wealthy now than I was when I was single and childless but I shudder to imagine how I'd feel waking up each morning by myself if I didn't have my wife and children and were still trying to live that lifestyle at my age. It was already highly unfulfilling in my early forties. Now that I'm over fifty it sounds unbearable.
Its always some guy with a hopeless looking face and dead eyes in these videos. Willing hostage saying whatever earns him the aproval and continued acces to a crazy woman. If she would flip the script and decided to want a ton of children the guys would be going with that like a parrot. Its probably just failed shit tests resulting in the women not wanting THEIR kids how they ended up in this place.

You may be correct, yet I know at least two DINKs that resulted because the men never wanted a child, and even made their intentions clear before getting married!

Men not wanting children is a lot more natural than women not wanting children. Girls are born into the world wanting to play with baby dolls. Reproduction is inherently natural to all females of every species. And yet there are so many women today who value abortions above all else and do not want children.

Clearly, our culture denatures women, and encourages the worst impulses of men. I think most men, if encouraged, will gladly accept a life of empty hedonism, sex without consequences or children, and open marriages.
Imagine being the end of your genetic line.

Blink, that's it, a million years of genetic survival finished. Just so you can enjoy a double mokka latte and walk by the beach and have pizza when you like.
You're right, this is the kind of lifestyle these people have in mind. However, you can live in a city with a beach, and go there with your kids, and you can still have a double mocha latte. It's just not quite the same designer lifestyle.
You're right, this is the kind of lifestyle these people have in mind. However, you can live in a city with a beach, and go there with your kids, and you can still have a double mocha latte. It's just not quite the same designer lifestyle.
Yes. It also takes a lot of work and sacrifice to raise a family right. These people don't want to do that work.

Lots of people, me included, don't realise until they've had kids, that the the point of life is to have kids.

That's why I left my hatred for Muslims some time ago. Exactly because they, at least, do not have those kinds of people. Sure, they may contribute to some issues in my country, but the happiest comments my daughter receives from random people are from Muslim mothers. They truly love children, and grandparents love to cook and take care of them. Good luck with the boomer whites. For them, it's 'exhausting' to take care for one day a week to babysit, and they prefer their grandkids to be in daycare. Disgusting. And then we have the atheist, highly educated, self-hating whites, who give you stares in public when your children are a bit loud. Muslims don't care. Well
My wife and I are DINKs. We did not choose this for ourselves. We were in the same kindergarten class. We started dating in high school. In college, we got engaged. We both went into teaching so we could have the summers off with our children. My wife could not get pregnant. I became very angry with God. It took its toll on our marriage. After some time, we just began to cope by basically living the lifestyles of many of the DINKs in these videos. We traveled, bought expensive things, went to nice restaurants, got a couple of dogs, etc.

On the surface, people assume that we have chosen this for ourselves. I think we need to show more grace to some of these couples. Many of them may be coping from infertility issues.
You were thinking of the *other* dinks from that Spaceballs movie ...

"Dink" is a synonym for "gook".
So looking at the title alone, I thought it was some kind of anti-Vietnamese rant.

Now back to the DINK - Dual Income No Kids - topic.
It looks to me like another urban-millennials kind of thing. I've been a small town guy for most of my life, and I don't really know any people who chose this kind of lifestyle. And I don't really understand it - after all, the purpose of marriage (as an institution) is to create the most optimal condition for raising kids. If someone doesn't want to have kids, and wants to live a child-like responsibilty free life, why marry in the first place.
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Supposed moral or religious obligations to have children (and hatred of people who don't want them) is something I do not understand.
If you want children fine, however if it you don't want them why do we need to vilify such a choice ?

I see a much bigger problems such as faggots adopting, and tranny operations on underage kids.
That's real evil.

People who don't want kids may also be making a clear choice not to bring innocent lives into this mad prison zoo the globalists have created, and which the jews control.

This thread is a bit nasty und somewhat unfair.
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My wife and I are DINKs. We did not choose this for ourselves. We were in the same kindergarten class. We started dating in high school. In college, we got engaged. We both went into teaching so we could have the summers off with our children. My wife could not get pregnant. I became very angry with God. It took its toll on our marriage. After some time, we just began to cope by basically living the lifestyles of many of the DINKs in these videos. We traveled, bought expensive things, went to nice restaurants, got a couple of dogs, etc.

On the surface, people assume that we have chosen this for ourselves. I think we need to show more grace to some of these couples. Many of them may be coping from infertility issues.
Perfect example of why we are called not to judge others. Sometimes I see really fat guys at the gas station buying junk food. But it's clear some of them are hard workers with families and may always be in a rush. If you're working three low paying jobs on 3 hours of sleep a night to feed your family, you're probably not going to have time to look after your health. We never know what someone's circumstances are.
My wife and I are DINKs. We did not choose this for ourselves. We were in the same kindergarten class. We started dating in high school. In college, we got engaged. We both went into teaching so we could have the summers off with our children. My wife could not get pregnant. I became very angry with God. It took its toll on our marriage. After some time, we just began to cope by basically living the lifestyles of many of the DINKs in these videos. We traveled, bought expensive things, went to nice restaurants, got a couple of dogs, etc.

On the surface, people assume that we have chosen this for ourselves. I think we need to show more grace to some of these couples. Many of them may be coping from infertility issues.

DINK is a voluntary choice, the priest speaks about it in the video. DINKs use contraceptives or birth control. You are not a DINK, you never intended to be childless. Also, there are many couples such as yourself who become blessed with children unexpectedly later in life despite not believing it could happen. See, for instance, the birth of John the Baptist.

Perfect example of why we are called not to judge others. Sometimes I see really fat guys at the gas station buying junk food. But it's clear some of them are hard workers with families and may always be in a rush. If you're working three low paying jobs on 3 hours of sleep a night to feed your family, you're probably not going to have time to look after your health. We never know what someone's circumstances are.

We aren't judging people we don't know - we are judging people we DO know, who openly proclaim, with pride, of a sinful lifestyle choice. Did anyone actually watch the video? Of course this is speaking about voluntary decisions.

What Fr. Josiah is doing is important, it is important to call out unrepentant, sinful behaviors lest others become seduced by them.