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Search results

  1. Knight.of.Logos

    Traditional Christmas Carols & Hymns

    More from Holy Cross Monastery:
  2. Knight.of.Logos


    My diet is pretty on-point for non-fasting days: I just eat things like steak, veggies, maybe some rice, yogurt and fruit, etc. However I find fasting days very difficult, not because the way the food tastes but because it's harder for me to avoid processed food on these days and I end up...
  3. Knight.of.Logos

    The Fat People Thread

    Although I am not technically considered obese, I have extra fat on my belly that never seems to come off despite having a clean diet and working out 3-4x a week. Anybody here have any advice for dealing with that? I think some of it might be bloating, but some of it is fat.
  4. Knight.of.Logos

    Stop Eating Seed Oils Challenge

    I've been pretty good at avoiding seed oils but during fasting days, my staple of hummus (added seed oils), and chips (also added seed oils) makes it challenging. I'll probably start making my own hummus, but I don't think I can make my own chips. I guess I can find a non seed oil bread and...
  5. Knight.of.Logos

    Contacting Priests

    I second trying for a monastery or another local parish.
  6. Knight.of.Logos

    Energy Levels After Nocturnal Emissions

    I find that I'm usually more tired the next day a bit, but by day 2 I am mostly back to normal. Even when my energy levels normalize, however, I feel like my T-levels are lower for 3-7 days after ejaculation. I think they still climb after that, like from day 7-30 (and then seem to stabilize)...
  7. Knight.of.Logos

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I knew Kraken was sharing some information, but I heard from several people that they were one of the better exchanges (especially compared to places like Coinbase) in terms of privacy. Not really sure how true that is though.