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Search results

  1. Husky

    Smartphone acceptance starting in 2012 supercharged cultural decline

    So true. I do a lot of walking with the dog. Every day women, mostly, almost bump into me because they're looking at the screen 6 inches away from their faces. Many time they have headphones or buds (whatever they're called) on. Completely oblivious to what's going on around them. Worryingly...
  2. Husky

    Christianity In The USA

    The circus continues... https://www.rt.com/news/587094-pope-francis-fires-critic-bishop/
  3. Husky

    Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

    I seem to remember that this guy got deported from Russia? I'm not 100% on that though. I wonder what he means by saying that. I can't see a connection. So, I'm not saying he's not correct about the immigration situation. It is a problem in many parts. But I think he has an axe to grind where...
  4. Husky

    The Russell Brand Thread

    I read a couple of days ago on the Daily Mail that he'd earned over £300,000 since the accusations, and the Mail was making out that he shouldn't be allowed to make money now. I remember a time when people were innocent until proven otherwise. Fond memories.
  5. Husky

    The War Against Christianity

    Vatican allows LGBT people to participate in church sacraments https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2023-11/transsexual-and-homosesual-persons-and-the-sacraments.html
  6. Husky

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

  7. Husky

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Starbucks and McDs under attack! What a shame. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12697291/pro-Palestine-vandals-smash-Starbucks-window-Yorkshire.html
  8. Husky

    Hugging your dad

    All I can say is I wish I'd hugged my dad more. Do it while you can.
  9. Husky

    Latest UK Lunacy

    The next UK government will be forced to raise taxes to a new post-war high, according to a new analysis, as an additional £142 billion ($172 billion) a year will be needed to maintain public services in their current state by 2030.
  10. Husky

    Latest UK Lunacy

    From the video: "Over a hundred local councils are planning right now to send a joint letter to the government regarding critical and unsustainable finances and they need a great reset of their balance sheet and a fresh start." Imagine going to your bank and telling them you need a great reset...
  11. Husky


    I like the Answers in Genesis website and videos for these kind of questions. This one relates to your question specifically, I think. There's an audio version (at the top of the page).
  12. Husky

    Russia Culture General

    I would like to bring over the thread on Russia Culture started by thetruewhitenorth (RVF) where we can post mainly positive and interesting content on anything related to Russia (apart from politics). Examples: arts, nature, architecture, culture, movies and so on.
  13. Husky

    Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill)

    I'm not doubting your info here. But, I think, that the last time he was seen in a video he was making a dash for freedom at the border. I'm assuming he had a passport with him then. Maybe he didn't, but that would have put his chances of getting out at close to zero. Anyway, I do hope he's...
  14. Husky

    Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill)

    The first time he was picked up should've been enough warning for him to get out. I guess he thought someone had his back. I always thought he was full of sh*t most of the time. However, that's not an excuse for him to be suffering wherever he is now. It just shows the double standards at play...
  15. Husky

    The War Against Christianity

    I was going to put it there, but saw it was in "Culture" on RVF. I agree that it probably belongs in General Christianity.
  16. Husky

    The War Against Christianity

    I've put this thread in this forum as it was on RVF. Please move it if needed. "Religion is increasingly being associated with bigotry and intolerance, yet proposed law changes discriminate against believers" https://www.rt.com/news/585535-anti-christian-discrimination-australia/
  17. Husky

    The Vladimir Putin Thread

    This could be it?
  18. Husky

    Clown World Thread

    If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have thought it possible.