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Search results

  1. doodydota

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Makes sense. I have a hard time picturing a Jew with a shovel.
  2. doodydota

    Strange Spiritual Occurrence

    My university group is connected on facebook. After many years I signed up again. My account is new. I have not liked anything, but some gardening sites related to my studies. Suffice to say I can not open facebook in front of my mother without shame. Every 2nd "random feed" is filth. I've...
  3. doodydota

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Ukrainians are brave and patriotic. It's undeniable. If you chose a different narrative you can call it stubborn and brainwashed. I had a construction project last year. We employed many Ukrainians. Hard workers. Good dudes. Not the smarterst, fucked up lots of things, because they misunderstood...
  4. doodydota

    Poland Politics Thread

    IMHO it may turn out beneficial that the EU liberals have gained power. Their policies are transparent and for public to see. The immigration and climate policies implemented by PiS were previously concealed, often passing laws during the night and behind closed doors. A number of dissatisfied...
  5. doodydota

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Western Ukraine (Galicia) is where the most hardcore nationalists are. They hate Poles even more than they hate the Russians. The Ukrainian national identity has been created by mass murder of Jews and Poles. There does not exist a reality where Poland even thinks about annexing Galicia. You'd...
  6. doodydota

    Poland Politics Thread

    All you have to know about the "PiS' guy still as President"... his wife, Agata Kornhauser-Duda, is Jewish. Their daughter has shares in real estate firms that specialize in takeover of hotels bancrupted by covid.
  7. doodydota

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    The Polish MP, Grzegorz Braun, is not a random dude, his name must be remembered. He was the only MP who never obliged with the mask mandates, he also publicly ridiculed the pandemic and accused the health authorities of genocide. Of course main stream media portraits him as "crazy".
  8. doodydota

    :( Just see the old RVF serber is down

    :( Just see the old RVF serber is down
  9. doodydota

    Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

    Please don't bash me - I know I am an ignoramus on this topic. However, my intuition tells me that the question of understanding SPACE is fundamental. SPACE does not exist as a thing. The word "space" is akin to the word "shaddow" - both space and shaddows cannot exist without something...
  10. doodydota

    The Climate Change Delusion Thread

    This year I've enrolled in The Agriculture University in Cracow. I've been out of the education loop for two decades, and it is interesting to see how Agenda 2050 has creeped in all over the place. During this month, I have encountered: - CO2 and methane conference leaflets (cow farts will...
  11. doodydota

    The old Roosh V Forum helped me solidify my scepticism towards vaccines. Digging deeper, I came...

    The old Roosh V Forum helped me solidify my scepticism towards vaccines. Digging deeper, I came to the conclusion that there is no basis of many claims that virology makes.