Back in the day this was part of the reason men had mistresses on the side (and wealthy men still often do). Although of course this is not the Christian way. But anyway if you are you allowing your wife to get fat? You should be taking action on this.So how would that work for Orthodox if your wife let's herself go to the point where you simply don't want to fulfill that side of marital duties? Like, she gets fat and won't brush her teeth or something, but she's not technically turning you down?
So how would that work for Orthodox if your wife let's herself go to the point where you simply don't want to fulfill that side of marital duties? Like, she gets fat and won't brush her teeth or something, but she's not technically turning you down?
So much for China being based. The feminism and hypergamy there is off the charts. its every bit as bad as the west. The only difference is Chinese men are waking up to the reality of things much faster than western men and have started refusing to simp for these older leftover women with insane standards. Based on this video it seems the majority of Chinese women from larger cities expect to land land a top 1% man when they are aged 30 or 35. Its absolutely insane. I am surprised the Chinese leadership is not doing more to address this.
Being delusional is not a bug or a corruption in women, it's a feature. Women are innately disconnected from reality to some degree, which is supposed to make them full of childlike wonder, which would allow them to make their husbands' lives much brighter. The problem is that social engineers have used that trait of women in very clever and evil ways. They have also have taken away men's ability to control their women when they get all hysterical and start causing trouble as a result of this trait.At this point I am beginning to wonder if there are any countries left in the world were women are not delusional?
I agree given their traditions and history, unity and uniformity.I am surprised the Chinese leadership is not doing more to address this
It's not a conspiracy, that's for sure, considering how different culturally all these countries are, yet women resort to the same behavior en masse. Very telling/confirmatory of the experiments we've done to come to a stark conclusion about human/female nature. Good on the Chinese men too, for not simping and letting it die. It's happening in the west as well, but there isn't as cultural of a bias like in China for traditionalism and there is more propaganda here, whereas China does nothing of the sort from at least their own governmental or societal levels.At this point I am beginning to wonder if there are any countries left in the world were women are not delusional?
While part of this may be a vestigial benefit for men, it's mostly the evolution of a trait to be at the beck and call of children. Jordan Peterson has a good talk/video on this. Their almost absurd (especially in the modern day, given less than harsh realities of life) attention and worry about children is just for the really young ages. But it's built in, so that neuroticism doesn't go away. So yes, it's a feature but as far as men are concerned, particularly after age 6-7 for kids, it's a bug.Women are innately disconnected from reality to some degree, which is supposed to make them full of childlike wonder, which would allow them to make their husbands' lives much brighter.
So much for China being based. The feminism and hypergamy there is off the charts. its every bit as bad as the west. The only difference is Chinese men are waking up to the reality of things much faster than western men and have started refusing to simp for these older leftover women with insane standards. Based on this video it seems the majority of Chinese women from larger cities expect to land land a top 1% man when they are aged 30 or 35. Its absolutely insane. I am surprised the Chinese leadership is not doing more to address this.
In the video there was literally a 34 year old woman complaining she cannot find a man. And she required a man who has a house, a postgraduate degree and is handsome and earns 1 million yuan per year ($138,000 USD). You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
At this point the Chinese government should honestly put a special penalty tax on unmarried women over 25 and give the money to married couples with children (with a fixed annual bonus payment per child).
But I was also honestly impressed by how based the Chinese dudes in the video seemed. Western men could really learn something from them.
“It isn’t as simple as lowering the minimum ages [to boost birth rates],” Peng said. “To have more children, we are asking women to get married early – this still means we still see women as baby-making machines.“
The real retardation in this is if you care about birth rates and want to increase them, you need women to have more babies, so that in and of itself is seeing them as “baby-making machines,” is it not? However, these people act as if the determining factor of if women are baby machines is if they marry when young, which does not make sense.This is a major problem with political correctness. If you want to boost birth rates suddenly you’re seen as dehumanizing women.
Absolutely. These people who say things like this and push for women to have "heckin' careers" (actually just doing the easiest basic nonsense in MSOffice, that's all any of these women's careers ever amount to) are disgusting.The real retardation in this is if you care about birth rates and want to increase them, you need women to have more babies, so that in and of itself is seeing them as “baby-making machines,” is it not? However, these people act as if the determining factor of if women are baby machines is if they marry when young, which does not make sense.
Sort of. We revisit this all the time because it's quite clear that there isn't something intrinsic in women's genes that disallows future chaos if there isn't structure. Your view of the "future" should already be in our genes, given all the time that has passed since we were first around, but it isn't. No matter who moves into future generations, there is already enough with human behavior, biochemistry, hormones, etc for the demons to make use of, even for the more advanced races (in particular ways). That's why eugenics never really "works" - but it does lessen the proclivity for certain behaviors.Thus the women of the future will always be the ones who marry and have children.
Sort of. We revisit this all the time because it's quite clear that there isn't something intrinsic in women's genes that disallows future chaos if there isn't structure. Your view of the "future" should already be in our genes, given all the time that has passed since we were first around, but it isn't. No matter who moves into future generations, there is already enough with human behavior, biochemistry, hormones, etc for the demons to make use of, even for the more advanced races (in particular ways). That's why eugenics never really "works" - but it does lessen the proclivity for certain behaviors.
Regarding the careers, since women aren't interested largely in things related to meaning, but rather emotion and resources (that is their meaning), they don't care about the career technically except for that it creates options. If you look at their behaviors, such as monkey branching, this makes perfect sense: they are all about just creating options for many things; fun, another partner, moving on from something deemed less worthwhile, etc.
You have the assumption, not I. Saying that there is some kind of effect with the people that have kids is just saying that some people have kids. I don't see the point, as obviously anyone who lives "creates" a future. The point is always the obvious - we would already have good behavior if the women from thousands of years ago had some intrinsic quality that made them "have children." On a population level, it's clear, they don't.Your assumption is wrong. There isn't gene selection for behavior in such a stringent way. Just as there isn't for men. There is some kind of effect, however, consider how men who refuse to work also lead to destruction as as women who refuse to have children. The men who work will be the ones to create a future the same as women who have desire their husbands.
On a population level, it's clear, they don't.
these same characteristics were just survival behaviors mostly due to the shorter life humans lived. Now we have this added dimension of living longer