USAID(s) Fiasco

There is speculation that Putin/Xi wanted USAID/NED gone as pre-conditions to the Peace Talks.

Some points that could support this -
  • Several Days ago during Dubai's World Governments Summit, Elon talks about dismantling USAID to an Arab Audience. At 2:35 in the youtube I link below, I quote "...hopefully helpful to other countries, because with the new administration, they're less interested in interferring with the affairs of other countries...the times that the US has been pushy in international affairs, which may have resonated with a number of the audience, and I think we should in general, leave other countries to its own business. Basically, America should mind its own know...rather than push forward regime changes to other places..."
  • The amount of noticeable Regime Change attempts during the Biden Administration has been staggering. Most of which has failed with the exception of Bangladesh. You can notice this in the posts across different regions in the International Forum in the past year. It was almost as if USAID/NED knew this was their last years, so they wanted to go out in a hail mary before it gets killed.
  • Many countries has noticed this and has been wary of their playbook. Here is a Vietnamese TV station warning about a color revolution threat emerging at one of their local Universities 5 months ago
  • USAID has been weaponized against Trump and through many domestic social engineering campaigns which will be uncovered in due time. I see similar methods when I look back at Jan 6th. Zero problems for Trump to let that go given this.

This is a very interesting theory, and very plausible !

This might also explain why Dmitry Medvedev of Russia praised Musk in a recent tweet, and why that american prisoner in Russia was released so quickly last week and returned to the USA even before they got a Russian imprisoned in america in return. Also, in the last 15 years Putin has banned almost all the foreign NGOs and charities in Russia because they were all getting millions/billions foreign money to go against the Russian government.


US taxpayer dollars were going to be spent on the following items, all which have been cancelled:
- $10M for "Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcision"
- $9.7M for UC Berkeley to develop "a cohort of Cambodian youth with enterprise driven skills"
- $2.3M for "strengthening independent voices in Cambodia"
- $32M to the Prague Civil Society Centre
- $40M for "gender equality and women empowerment hub"
- $14M for "improving public procurement" in Serbia
- $486M to the “Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening,” including $22M for "inclusive and participatory political process" in Moldova and $21M for voter turnout in India
- $29M to "strenghening political landscape in Bangladesh"
- $20M for "fiscal federalism" in Nepal
- $19M for "biodiversity conversation" in Nepal
- $1.5M for "voter confidence" in Liberia
- $14M for "social cohesion" in Mali
- $2.5M for "inclusive democracies in Southern Africa"
- $47M for "improving learning outcomes in Asia"
- $2M to develop "sustainable recycling models" to "increase socio-economic cohesion among marginalized communities of Kosovo Roma, Ashkali, and Egypt"


60 Minutes had a former USAID boss crying about the cuts. He said:

Andrew Natsios: The most accountable aid agency in the world is USAID. I have written actually widely on this subject. Forty percent of the staff are accountants and lawyers and people trying to make sure no money is stolen. We've created systems to monitor that.

40% of the staff !!!
Go to the 3min 40 sec mark.
Unrelated but related to NGOs...

WARNING! Our fears have come true: the globalist-liberal-Soros NGO network is fleeing to Brussels, after President Trump dealt a huge blow to their activities in the US. Now 63 of them are asking Brussels for money, under the guise of various human rights projects. Not going to happen! We will not let them find safe haven in Europe! The USAID-files exposed the dark practices of the globalist network. We will not take the bait again!
Firstly, it's incredible what's happening, and unprecedented in many ways especially given the Woke political climate in other parts of the world but surely if he's genuine, Trump needs to talk more about Treason. This would be THE deterrent needed to clean house, or drain the swamp....

Perhaps it's coming, who knows, but it should be called what it is and if you're going to make someone an example, then do it.
Lord knows you have plenty of examples *cough* Fauci *cough*

How can you deport illegals yet not go after the real criminals in the same breath? Especially given the proportion to the severity of the crime. Surely this is what America truly wants?
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Wasn't sure where to put this....

But lets see if anything actually happens, like money returned, people in jail....

"Give Us Back Our F**king Money" - How Washington Stole Everything...​

Every person in your family or community living on nuts and bolts and berries has had his life stolen by the bureaucratic blob.

And, we are going to get it all back.

So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those who are not stealing. $4.7 trillion, almost impossible to trace, represents two-thirds of the annual U.S. budget. And if it’s happening in the U.S., it is happening everywhere: France, Canada, the U.K., Germany, where budgetary processes are probably even more opaque than those of the U.S.

How does the Department of Defence have a $35 trillion black hole?

I used to think of people who worked for the government with a kind of veiled contempt or, in a more benign mood, compassion. I thought of them as pity jobs for those without initiative, as jobs paying off lefty campaigners, as a warehouse for the barely competent. In my own dealings with them, I found them punitive and extractive, papering me with demands to spend more and more money to hire more and more of their pet contractors, to get approval. In my working life, looking at the results of their involvement in America’s rural areas, I hated them for the hell they visited on people unable to fight back. They forced bad science on good people, and refused to see reason. They ruined forests, water courses, fisheries, and township after township turned to dustbowl status. The misery in rural sitting rooms in every state in the U.S. was palpable, long lasting; the green Blob ruined families for generations.

But I did not think of them as being embroiled in a theft so large as to be unparalleled in world history.

The level of the theft has now to be dawning on everyone not living off the public purse which is, what, 60%, 70% of us? The anger setting in is soul-deep, and very very powerful. People who live straightened lives, the poorly pensioned, those living off the laughable social security stipend, those waiting for health care, those whose children can’t even dream of an education, of college, of a six-figure salary which is now subsistence in the ruined cities. Those facing cancer treatment because of the vaccine, and don’t have excess funds. Their families, despairing, hurting, broke.

This isn’t going to go away. It affects everyone. Not addressed down to its deepest level, you are looking at a tax revolt, a national strike. A revolution. A real one, not a papered paid-for color revolution, which is what they have been doing to us.

Those living on social security should have five times the pension they do.

Can you count how many of those there are? Can you?

And meanwhile this:

Is this true? To this date, unknown; the digging continues. Look at this ghastly creature. She apparently has an account in the Cayman Islands. Look at her all compassionate and condescending. She started a war that killed 1.5 million people so far. And apparently got rich from it. A mass murderer celebrated at Upper East Side dinner parties.

Memes like this rocket around, and every one is now suspect. At this point who cares if it’s true, it’s truthy, it makes sense that she made out like a bandit, that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar have millions hidden somewhere. Ocasio can say “I only have $500,000!” all she wants, but we don’t believe her. If the Wall St Journal says it is false, we don’ t believe them. Do you actually think they’d have the money sitting in their savings account? No, it would be buried off-shore. The media is not only complicit, it is the principal actor in this scam. It built the fantasy world we live in, where people read The Guardian, the Times and the Globe and Mail and think they’re informed.

No, they are being propagandized. And as a result, no one sane believes anything any legacy newspaper or television or media says anymore. They hid the theft. They did not report on it. No one trusts a thing they say.

And this fellow, below, growling what every taxpayer is thinking: firing, disgrace, vitiation of not only the government pension, but your house, your savings, everything. You know what this guy is? Young. Strong. Determined. Imagine an army of them. It’s building. It is very satisfying to listen to him. No wonder they were creating beta-males, dumping hormones in the water supply, the food supply.

DOGE will fire up the citizens of every country, and they all will demand their “fucking money back.” In every country. Every single country, this will grow and grow and grow. Within five years, ten at the outside, the entire world will be a different place.

And as DOGE moves into Defence, State, the IRS, Health, the revealed thieving of the upper middle classes will change the world. No wonder they were trying to disarm us.

Late last year, I thought I’d take a look at one of the papers I used to write for, the Globe and Mail, Canada’s long-time “national newspaper”. Fifteen years ago, I looked at its circulation because I wanted to sell my house, and the richest likely people lived in Calgary. The Globe had 5,000 subscribers in Calgary. It wasn’t worth the advertising dollar. Only three hundred thousand across the country, I noted, which made sense. The Globe at that point, was serious, worthy and dull. Since then it has become corrupt and bought and paid for by the state.

Its number of pages have shrunk by 70%, the physical paper smaller in size by a third. It can’t afford writers like me. It has 35% fewer reporters - mostly desperate kids - and bureaus — but lo and behold, it now has 1,000,000 subscribers!

How is that possible, I asked myself over and over, and it wasn’t until the Politico scandal broke that I realized what had happened.

They had replaced actual people with government subscriptions.

If you page through government accounts at, you can read $16,000 annual Politico Pro subscription line items many times in every agency, agriculture, defence, social security, you name it. The government is gaming the subscription numbers. Advertisers, knowing this, have fled, since there is no Return On Investment. If you look here, you will see the number of times various agencies paid subscriptions to Politico, the Washington Post, the Times, the Wall Street Journal, AP, the BBC.

I am not saying that agencies don’t need subscriptions, but I’ll bet the reality of it is more like the discrepancy between the Globe and Mail when it was still thriving at 300K, and the Globe and Mail, now irrelevant, at one million. Did governments not subscribe until 2016?

Thomson Reuters was granted $3,000,000 to effect a large-scale social engineering experiment by USAID/Defence, namely the Covid scam. I would imagine those millions are a fraction of what was actually paid.

Ninety percent of media in Ukraine is funded by the American taxpayer, according to Mike Benz. Ninety percent.

All of them have fake readers, subsidized by the tax payer. This is a moral hazard, obviously. As a reporter, you play for the one who hired you. So, no longer a viable private sector company, but a government granting office, selling government-approved ideas.

Government grants probably push media out of the red; those grants represent profit. Which means the government calls the shots on everything printed. And when I say government I mean permanent bureaucracy. .

Why would you believe anything you read from them?

Equally, you will note in the DOGE records, the number of climate related grants, to places like the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Why? What do they do? Well, I’ll tell you what they do, they go round with power points scaring the pants off commodity investors and forcing them into wasteful green ‘programs’, which do absolutely nothing for the “climate”. I’d bet billions are wasted that way.

Climate is a black hole of funding/theft. On Thursday, Lee Zeldin at the EPA reported a $2,000,000,000 grant from the EPA to a group associated with Stacey Abrams, a group whose 2023 donations totalled all of $100. What would they do? Stand up climate protestors, paid climate protestors. Go to schools and scare the kids. Rile up neighborhoods, glue themselves to paintings and sidewalks. The number of actual protestors, not counting the weak hysterics, is near zero. Heading every climate related group is a grim psychological operative, using every trick in the book to turn people into slavering maniacs.

These grants are meant to stand up an army, turn out protestors, spur riots, destroy the Trump presidency. Destroy MAGA. Steal.

DOGE in an initial look found that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid wasted $100 billion in 2023. They found that figure within a day. Where did that money go? To whom? Unknowable since 2/rds of the budget - $4.7 trillion - has no tracing.

Thousands upon thousands of cases of vanishing money.

This is my point: the whole culture, the entirety of the psychological space we walk around in, was manufactured and forced upon us using our money. The reason the ‘media’ failed is not because of digital, it’s because everything it produces is untrue garbage. Every time it took a government grant it lost more readership, because it played to the government. And as time went on, its content bore no relation to any lived reality beyond the subsidized. It became fake, falsified, demonic. So when people started to wake up, they stopped buying it, reading it, watching it. MSNBC and CNN’s audience dropped 50% again after November 5th, for the tenth year in a row.

What replaced it was censorship.

Michael Shellenberger has done the most detailed work on how the censorship apparatus was built. His series on the Censorship Industrial Complex is a must-read.

Given the dank dark hole at the center of legacy media, the military stepped up. This, below, was one of the core meetings - please note that it has 625 views, but nonetheless, received billions of dollars to kill populism across the world. Please note too that the representatives from Google and Facebook oversee policy for Eurasia. You can hear the whole thing analyzed here:

This is the head of the snake

This was a meeting to brainstorm on how to stop “unfiltered alternative media”, and present official views in their place.

Every former CIA head was involved, including retired Generals, Brookings, Homeland Security, CSIS, the universities, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the Wilson Center, the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA), with Michael Chertoff as the Blob Monster in chief. USAID gave these jokers $800 million over the last eight years. And that was a fraction of their financing with our money.

Mike Benz has done the best work deconstructing the money flow, its original purpose, its founding and its source. He has tracked it across the world, and only some of it is from the revealed USAID. It was built to attack us, and to fight populism across the world. Specifically. So, therefore, the Globe and Mail, or any paper, can’t afford to hire actual journalists, because what they are doing instead of reporting is manufacturing news aimed against us, as hostiles, on behalf of the regime. They are oriented entirely as follows. World-wide, no matter what.

  • Stop Trump
  • Stop 5 Star - Italy
  • Stop Brexit - UK
  • Stop Vox - Spain
  • Stop AFD - Germany
  • Kill all unfiltered news - treat it as a virus
  • Kill all accounts and narratives that support the above on Google and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The war on TikTok? It doesn’t consent to their filters. Or at least not 100%.
And we are beating them. Independent media beat all that mustered intelligence and all that money to tell the truth and elect Trump. Populist movements are roaring across Europe, rejecting all the usual ideas. Populists are in power in the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Hungary. This weekend Germany will turn out. I suspect, given what I know about election fraud, that fraud will be rampant, but German life is now so dire, AFD may overwhelm the polls.

Here’s my question - What if it was all to hide the grand scale theft?​

What if this theft, the trillions a year flowing out to who the hell knows, was the entire purpose of the National Security State? Yes, these grants, the billions spent by USAID were designed to assemble army of dissidents, across the globe, to protect U.S. interests. Thousands of activists paid to agitate against any government going against the aims of the National Security State. USAID stood up LBGTQ groups, dancers, rap stars, theatre people, feminists, abortion activists, every conceivable activist group grubbing for pennies. Feminist groups were financially supported in every country in order to fracture the family.

The purpose wasn’t “aid”, it was to make life in every country contentious, angry, divided against itself, and to guarantee that whenever the CIA wanted, tens of thousands would pour onto the streets to protest. It was rent-a-riot money. It was to put CIA/globalist puppets in charge.

The money was also spent to quash any legitimate protest by populists angry about globalist policies of migration, eternal war, censorship, over-regulation and energy draw-down because of “climate”.

The money was spent to obscure the DC Blobs advance on the wealth of Eurasia.

For instance, the largest army base in the world is now being built in Romania, facing the Russian bear. Your money is building it. Romania refused to certify its election results because a populist anti-war-with-Russia candidate won the election. Which meant no honking military base, no hand over fist theft through the accounting.

As Denz points out, Russia has $75 trillion in natural resources, meaning it is the richest country in the world and the Blob/WEF has their eyes on that prize.

The above cited conference of the Global Censorship Project.took place in 2017. And while its stated purpose was foreign adventure ie censorship and overturning populism, it morphed quickly into a color revolution against Americans. It was easy to shift the algorithms from killing all populist accounts and narratives in western and eastern Europe to killing them in the USA.

Art and Activism​

I, and others, have written extensively about the co-opting of popular culture by the CIA, by its seeding and deliberate corruption of the anti-war movement in the 60’s and 70’s, the creation of rap music to fracture the black community, the standing up of movie stars and pop stars to spout regime nonsense. Equally, in eastern Europe, Dua Lipa was sent out to squelch populism in the Balkans. Pussy Riot was stood up against Putin, and twenty-two African rappers were brought over to the States to learn how to fight populism in their own countries. Every election cycle, tired old celebrities do videos about their oh so compassionate vote. Turns out they are all paid by USAID. Can you imagine the tens of thousands of feminist organizations, here and abroad, set up by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State?

We beat the pants off all of them. Little people in their pjamas in front of laptops, reading, typing, and analyzing patterns and talking to each other, without any money, or power or organization, killed the most powerful army of power-mad supposed brainiacs in the world, wielding billions of dollars against us.

We beat them.

Not one more red cent goes out.

And, we are going to get our money back.

All of it.
Wasn't sure where to put this....

But lets see if anything actually happens, like money returned, people in jail....

"Give Us Back Our F**king Money" - How Washington Stole Everything...​

Every person in your family or community living on nuts and bolts and berries has had his life stolen by the bureaucratic blob.

And, we are going to get it all back.

So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those who are not stealing. $4.7 trillion, almost impossible to trace, represents two-thirds of the annual U.S. budget. And if it’s happening in the U.S., it is happening everywhere: France, Canada, the U.K., Germany, where budgetary processes are probably even more opaque than those of the U.S.

How does the Department of Defence have a $35 trillion black hole?

I used to think of people who worked for the government with a kind of veiled contempt or, in a more benign mood, compassion. I thought of them as pity jobs for those without initiative, as jobs paying off lefty campaigners, as a warehouse for the barely competent. In my own dealings with them, I found them punitive and extractive, papering me with demands to spend more and more money to hire more and more of their pet contractors, to get approval. In my working life, looking at the results of their involvement in America’s rural areas, I hated them for the hell they visited on people unable to fight back. They forced bad science on good people, and refused to see reason. They ruined forests, water courses, fisheries, and township after township turned to dustbowl status. The misery in rural sitting rooms in every state in the U.S. was palpable, long lasting; the green Blob ruined families for generations.

But I did not think of them as being embroiled in a theft so large as to be unparalleled in world history.

The level of the theft has now to be dawning on everyone not living off the public purse which is, what, 60%, 70% of us? The anger setting in is soul-deep, and very very powerful. People who live straightened lives, the poorly pensioned, those living off the laughable social security stipend, those waiting for health care, those whose children can’t even dream of an education, of college, of a six-figure salary which is now subsistence in the ruined cities. Those facing cancer treatment because of the vaccine, and don’t have excess funds. Their families, despairing, hurting, broke.

This isn’t going to go away. It affects everyone. Not addressed down to its deepest level, you are looking at a tax revolt, a national strike. A revolution. A real one, not a papered paid-for color revolution, which is what they have been doing to us.

Those living on social security should have five times the pension they do.

Can you count how many of those there are? Can you?

And meanwhile this:

Is this true? To this date, unknown; the digging continues. Look at this ghastly creature. She apparently has an account in the Cayman Islands. Look at her all compassionate and condescending. She started a war that killed 1.5 million people so far. And apparently got rich from it. A mass murderer celebrated at Upper East Side dinner parties.

Memes like this rocket around, and every one is now suspect. At this point who cares if it’s true, it’s truthy, it makes sense that she made out like a bandit, that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar have millions hidden somewhere. Ocasio can say “I only have $500,000!” all she wants, but we don’t believe her. If the Wall St Journal says it is false, we don’ t believe them. Do you actually think they’d have the money sitting in their savings account? No, it would be buried off-shore. The media is not only complicit, it is the principal actor in this scam. It built the fantasy world we live in, where people read The Guardian, the Times and the Globe and Mail and think they’re informed.

No, they are being propagandized. And as a result, no one sane believes anything any legacy newspaper or television or media says anymore. They hid the theft. They did not report on it. No one trusts a thing they say.

And this fellow, below, growling what every taxpayer is thinking: firing, disgrace, vitiation of not only the government pension, but your house, your savings, everything. You know what this guy is? Young. Strong. Determined. Imagine an army of them. It’s building. It is very satisfying to listen to him. No wonder they were creating beta-males, dumping hormones in the water supply, the food supply.

DOGE will fire up the citizens of every country, and they all will demand their “fucking money back.” In every country. Every single country, this will grow and grow and grow. Within five years, ten at the outside, the entire world will be a different place.

And as DOGE moves into Defence, State, the IRS, Health, the revealed thieving of the upper middle classes will change the world. No wonder they were trying to disarm us.

Late last year, I thought I’d take a look at one of the papers I used to write for, the Globe and Mail, Canada’s long-time “national newspaper”. Fifteen years ago, I looked at its circulation because I wanted to sell my house, and the richest likely people lived in Calgary. The Globe had 5,000 subscribers in Calgary. It wasn’t worth the advertising dollar. Only three hundred thousand across the country, I noted, which made sense. The Globe at that point, was serious, worthy and dull. Since then it has become corrupt and bought and paid for by the state.

Its number of pages have shrunk by 70%, the physical paper smaller in size by a third. It can’t afford writers like me. It has 35% fewer reporters - mostly desperate kids - and bureaus — but lo and behold, it now has 1,000,000 subscribers!

How is that possible, I asked myself over and over, and it wasn’t until the Politico scandal broke that I realized what had happened.

They had replaced actual people with government subscriptions.

If you page through government accounts at, you can read $16,000 annual Politico Pro subscription line items many times in every agency, agriculture, defence, social security, you name it. The government is gaming the subscription numbers. Advertisers, knowing this, have fled, since there is no Return On Investment. If you look here, you will see the number of times various agencies paid subscriptions to Politico, the Washington Post, the Times, the Wall Street Journal, AP, the BBC.

I am not saying that agencies don’t need subscriptions, but I’ll bet the reality of it is more like the discrepancy between the Globe and Mail when it was still thriving at 300K, and the Globe and Mail, now irrelevant, at one million. Did governments not subscribe until 2016?

Thomson Reuters was granted $3,000,000 to effect a large-scale social engineering experiment by USAID/Defence, namely the Covid scam. I would imagine those millions are a fraction of what was actually paid.

Ninety percent of media in Ukraine is funded by the American taxpayer, according to Mike Benz. Ninety percent.

All of them have fake readers, subsidized by the tax payer. This is a moral hazard, obviously. As a reporter, you play for the one who hired you. So, no longer a viable private sector company, but a government granting office, selling government-approved ideas.

Government grants probably push media out of the red; those grants represent profit. Which means the government calls the shots on everything printed. And when I say government I mean permanent bureaucracy. .

Why would you believe anything you read from them?

Equally, you will note in the DOGE records, the number of climate related grants, to places like the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Why? What do they do? Well, I’ll tell you what they do, they go round with power points scaring the pants off commodity investors and forcing them into wasteful green ‘programs’, which do absolutely nothing for the “climate”. I’d bet billions are wasted that way.

Climate is a black hole of funding/theft. On Thursday, Lee Zeldin at the EPA reported a $2,000,000,000 grant from the EPA to a group associated with Stacey Abrams, a group whose 2023 donations totalled all of $100. What would they do? Stand up climate protestors, paid climate protestors. Go to schools and scare the kids. Rile up neighborhoods, glue themselves to paintings and sidewalks. The number of actual protestors, not counting the weak hysterics, is near zero. Heading every climate related group is a grim psychological operative, using every trick in the book to turn people into slavering maniacs.

These grants are meant to stand up an army, turn out protestors, spur riots, destroy the Trump presidency. Destroy MAGA. Steal.

DOGE in an initial look found that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid wasted $100 billion in 2023. They found that figure within a day. Where did that money go? To whom? Unknowable since 2/rds of the budget - $4.7 trillion - has no tracing.

Thousands upon thousands of cases of vanishing money.

This is my point: the whole culture, the entirety of the psychological space we walk around in, was manufactured and forced upon us using our money. The reason the ‘media’ failed is not because of digital, it’s because everything it produces is untrue garbage. Every time it took a government grant it lost more readership, because it played to the government. And as time went on, its content bore no relation to any lived reality beyond the subsidized. It became fake, falsified, demonic. So when people started to wake up, they stopped buying it, reading it, watching it. MSNBC and CNN’s audience dropped 50% again after November 5th, for the tenth year in a row.

What replaced it was censorship.

Michael Shellenberger has done the most detailed work on how the censorship apparatus was built. His series on the Censorship Industrial Complex is a must-read.

Given the dank dark hole at the center of legacy media, the military stepped up. This, below, was one of the core meetings - please note that it has 625 views, but nonetheless, received billions of dollars to kill populism across the world. Please note too that the representatives from Google and Facebook oversee policy for Eurasia. You can hear the whole thing analyzed here:

This is the head of the snake

This was a meeting to brainstorm on how to stop “unfiltered alternative media”, and present official views in their place.

Every former CIA head was involved, including retired Generals, Brookings, Homeland Security, CSIS, the universities, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the Wilson Center, the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA), with Michael Chertoff as the Blob Monster in chief. USAID gave these jokers $800 million over the last eight years. And that was a fraction of their financing with our money.

Mike Benz has done the best work deconstructing the money flow, its original purpose, its founding and its source. He has tracked it across the world, and only some of it is from the revealed USAID. It was built to attack us, and to fight populism across the world. Specifically. So, therefore, the Globe and Mail, or any paper, can’t afford to hire actual journalists, because what they are doing instead of reporting is manufacturing news aimed against us, as hostiles, on behalf of the regime. They are oriented entirely as follows. World-wide, no matter what.

  • Stop Trump
  • Stop 5 Star - Italy
  • Stop Brexit - UK
  • Stop Vox - Spain
  • Stop AFD - Germany
  • Kill all unfiltered news - treat it as a virus
  • Kill all accounts and narratives that support the above on Google and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The war on TikTok? It doesn’t consent to their filters. Or at least not 100%.
And we are beating them. Independent media beat all that mustered intelligence and all that money to tell the truth and elect Trump. Populist movements are roaring across Europe, rejecting all the usual ideas. Populists are in power in the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Hungary. This weekend Germany will turn out. I suspect, given what I know about election fraud, that fraud will be rampant, but German life is now so dire, AFD may overwhelm the polls.

Here’s my question - What if it was all to hide the grand scale theft?​

What if this theft, the trillions a year flowing out to who the hell knows, was the entire purpose of the National Security State? Yes, these grants, the billions spent by USAID were designed to assemble army of dissidents, across the globe, to protect U.S. interests. Thousands of activists paid to agitate against any government going against the aims of the National Security State. USAID stood up LBGTQ groups, dancers, rap stars, theatre people, feminists, abortion activists, every conceivable activist group grubbing for pennies. Feminist groups were financially supported in every country in order to fracture the family.

The purpose wasn’t “aid”, it was to make life in every country contentious, angry, divided against itself, and to guarantee that whenever the CIA wanted, tens of thousands would pour onto the streets to protest. It was rent-a-riot money. It was to put CIA/globalist puppets in charge.

The money was also spent to quash any legitimate protest by populists angry about globalist policies of migration, eternal war, censorship, over-regulation and energy draw-down because of “climate”.

The money was spent to obscure the DC Blobs advance on the wealth of Eurasia.

For instance, the largest army base in the world is now being built in Romania, facing the Russian bear. Your money is building it. Romania refused to certify its election results because a populist anti-war-with-Russia candidate won the election. Which meant no honking military base, no hand over fist theft through the accounting.

As Denz points out, Russia has $75 trillion in natural resources, meaning it is the richest country in the world and the Blob/WEF has their eyes on that prize.

The above cited conference of the Global Censorship Project.took place in 2017. And while its stated purpose was foreign adventure ie censorship and overturning populism, it morphed quickly into a color revolution against Americans. It was easy to shift the algorithms from killing all populist accounts and narratives in western and eastern Europe to killing them in the USA.

Art and Activism​

I, and others, have written extensively about the co-opting of popular culture by the CIA, by its seeding and deliberate corruption of the anti-war movement in the 60’s and 70’s, the creation of rap music to fracture the black community, the standing up of movie stars and pop stars to spout regime nonsense. Equally, in eastern Europe, Dua Lipa was sent out to squelch populism in the Balkans. Pussy Riot was stood up against Putin, and twenty-two African rappers were brought over to the States to learn how to fight populism in their own countries. Every election cycle, tired old celebrities do videos about their oh so compassionate vote. Turns out they are all paid by USAID. Can you imagine the tens of thousands of feminist organizations, here and abroad, set up by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State?

We beat the pants off all of them. Little people in their pjamas in front of laptops, reading, typing, and analyzing patterns and talking to each other, without any money, or power or organization, killed the most powerful army of power-mad supposed brainiacs in the world, wielding billions of dollars against us.

We beat them.

Not one more red cent goes out.

And, we are going to get our money back.

All of it.

I don’t want my money back. I want blood.
Wasn't sure where to put this....

But lets see if anything actually happens, like money returned, people in jail....

"Give Us Back Our F**king Money" - How Washington Stole Everything...​

Every person in your family or community living on nuts and bolts and berries has had his life stolen by the bureaucratic blob.

And, we are going to get it all back.

So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those who are not stealing. $4.7 trillion, almost impossible to trace, represents two-thirds of the annual U.S. budget. And if it’s happening in the U.S., it is happening everywhere: France, Canada, the U.K., Germany, where budgetary processes are probably even more opaque than those of the U.S.

How does the Department of Defence have a $35 trillion black hole?

I used to think of people who worked for the government with a kind of veiled contempt or, in a more benign mood, compassion. I thought of them as pity jobs for those without initiative, as jobs paying off lefty campaigners, as a warehouse for the barely competent. In my own dealings with them, I found them punitive and extractive, papering me with demands to spend more and more money to hire more and more of their pet contractors, to get approval. In my working life, looking at the results of their involvement in America’s rural areas, I hated them for the hell they visited on people unable to fight back. They forced bad science on good people, and refused to see reason. They ruined forests, water courses, fisheries, and township after township turned to dustbowl status. The misery in rural sitting rooms in every state in the U.S. was palpable, long lasting; the green Blob ruined families for generations.

But I did not think of them as being embroiled in a theft so large as to be unparalleled in world history.

The level of the theft has now to be dawning on everyone not living off the public purse which is, what, 60%, 70% of us? The anger setting in is soul-deep, and very very powerful. People who live straightened lives, the poorly pensioned, those living off the laughable social security stipend, those waiting for health care, those whose children can’t even dream of an education, of college, of a six-figure salary which is now subsistence in the ruined cities. Those facing cancer treatment because of the vaccine, and don’t have excess funds. Their families, despairing, hurting, broke.

This isn’t going to go away. It affects everyone. Not addressed down to its deepest level, you are looking at a tax revolt, a national strike. A revolution. A real one, not a papered paid-for color revolution, which is what they have been doing to us.

Those living on social security should have five times the pension they do.

Can you count how many of those there are? Can you?

And meanwhile this:

Is this true? To this date, unknown; the digging continues. Look at this ghastly creature. She apparently has an account in the Cayman Islands. Look at her all compassionate and condescending. She started a war that killed 1.5 million people so far. And apparently got rich from it. A mass murderer celebrated at Upper East Side dinner parties.

Memes like this rocket around, and every one is now suspect. At this point who cares if it’s true, it’s truthy, it makes sense that she made out like a bandit, that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar have millions hidden somewhere. Ocasio can say “I only have $500,000!” all she wants, but we don’t believe her. If the Wall St Journal says it is false, we don’ t believe them. Do you actually think they’d have the money sitting in their savings account? No, it would be buried off-shore. The media is not only complicit, it is the principal actor in this scam. It built the fantasy world we live in, where people read The Guardian, the Times and the Globe and Mail and think they’re informed.

No, they are being propagandized. And as a result, no one sane believes anything any legacy newspaper or television or media says anymore. They hid the theft. They did not report on it. No one trusts a thing they say.

And this fellow, below, growling what every taxpayer is thinking: firing, disgrace, vitiation of not only the government pension, but your house, your savings, everything. You know what this guy is? Young. Strong. Determined. Imagine an army of them. It’s building. It is very satisfying to listen to him. No wonder they were creating beta-males, dumping hormones in the water supply, the food supply.

DOGE will fire up the citizens of every country, and they all will demand their “fucking money back.” In every country. Every single country, this will grow and grow and grow. Within five years, ten at the outside, the entire world will be a different place.

And as DOGE moves into Defence, State, the IRS, Health, the revealed thieving of the upper middle classes will change the world. No wonder they were trying to disarm us.

Late last year, I thought I’d take a look at one of the papers I used to write for, the Globe and Mail, Canada’s long-time “national newspaper”. Fifteen years ago, I looked at its circulation because I wanted to sell my house, and the richest likely people lived in Calgary. The Globe had 5,000 subscribers in Calgary. It wasn’t worth the advertising dollar. Only three hundred thousand across the country, I noted, which made sense. The Globe at that point, was serious, worthy and dull. Since then it has become corrupt and bought and paid for by the state.

Its number of pages have shrunk by 70%, the physical paper smaller in size by a third. It can’t afford writers like me. It has 35% fewer reporters - mostly desperate kids - and bureaus — but lo and behold, it now has 1,000,000 subscribers!

How is that possible, I asked myself over and over, and it wasn’t until the Politico scandal broke that I realized what had happened.

They had replaced actual people with government subscriptions.

If you page through government accounts at, you can read $16,000 annual Politico Pro subscription line items many times in every agency, agriculture, defence, social security, you name it. The government is gaming the subscription numbers. Advertisers, knowing this, have fled, since there is no Return On Investment. If you look here, you will see the number of times various agencies paid subscriptions to Politico, the Washington Post, the Times, the Wall Street Journal, AP, the BBC.

I am not saying that agencies don’t need subscriptions, but I’ll bet the reality of it is more like the discrepancy between the Globe and Mail when it was still thriving at 300K, and the Globe and Mail, now irrelevant, at one million. Did governments not subscribe until 2016?

Thomson Reuters was granted $3,000,000 to effect a large-scale social engineering experiment by USAID/Defence, namely the Covid scam. I would imagine those millions are a fraction of what was actually paid.

Ninety percent of media in Ukraine is funded by the American taxpayer, according to Mike Benz. Ninety percent.

All of them have fake readers, subsidized by the tax payer. This is a moral hazard, obviously. As a reporter, you play for the one who hired you. So, no longer a viable private sector company, but a government granting office, selling government-approved ideas.

Government grants probably push media out of the red; those grants represent profit. Which means the government calls the shots on everything printed. And when I say government I mean permanent bureaucracy. .

Why would you believe anything you read from them?

Equally, you will note in the DOGE records, the number of climate related grants, to places like the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Why? What do they do? Well, I’ll tell you what they do, they go round with power points scaring the pants off commodity investors and forcing them into wasteful green ‘programs’, which do absolutely nothing for the “climate”. I’d bet billions are wasted that way.

Climate is a black hole of funding/theft. On Thursday, Lee Zeldin at the EPA reported a $2,000,000,000 grant from the EPA to a group associated with Stacey Abrams, a group whose 2023 donations totalled all of $100. What would they do? Stand up climate protestors, paid climate protestors. Go to schools and scare the kids. Rile up neighborhoods, glue themselves to paintings and sidewalks. The number of actual protestors, not counting the weak hysterics, is near zero. Heading every climate related group is a grim psychological operative, using every trick in the book to turn people into slavering maniacs.

These grants are meant to stand up an army, turn out protestors, spur riots, destroy the Trump presidency. Destroy MAGA. Steal.

DOGE in an initial look found that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid wasted $100 billion in 2023. They found that figure within a day. Where did that money go? To whom? Unknowable since 2/rds of the budget - $4.7 trillion - has no tracing.

Thousands upon thousands of cases of vanishing money.

This is my point: the whole culture, the entirety of the psychological space we walk around in, was manufactured and forced upon us using our money. The reason the ‘media’ failed is not because of digital, it’s because everything it produces is untrue garbage. Every time it took a government grant it lost more readership, because it played to the government. And as time went on, its content bore no relation to any lived reality beyond the subsidized. It became fake, falsified, demonic. So when people started to wake up, they stopped buying it, reading it, watching it. MSNBC and CNN’s audience dropped 50% again after November 5th, for the tenth year in a row.

What replaced it was censorship.

Michael Shellenberger has done the most detailed work on how the censorship apparatus was built. His series on the Censorship Industrial Complex is a must-read.

Given the dank dark hole at the center of legacy media, the military stepped up. This, below, was one of the core meetings - please note that it has 625 views, but nonetheless, received billions of dollars to kill populism across the world. Please note too that the representatives from Google and Facebook oversee policy for Eurasia. You can hear the whole thing analyzed here:

This is the head of the snake

This was a meeting to brainstorm on how to stop “unfiltered alternative media”, and present official views in their place.

Every former CIA head was involved, including retired Generals, Brookings, Homeland Security, CSIS, the universities, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the Wilson Center, the National Endowment for Democracy (CIA), with Michael Chertoff as the Blob Monster in chief. USAID gave these jokers $800 million over the last eight years. And that was a fraction of their financing with our money.

Mike Benz has done the best work deconstructing the money flow, its original purpose, its founding and its source. He has tracked it across the world, and only some of it is from the revealed USAID. It was built to attack us, and to fight populism across the world. Specifically. So, therefore, the Globe and Mail, or any paper, can’t afford to hire actual journalists, because what they are doing instead of reporting is manufacturing news aimed against us, as hostiles, on behalf of the regime. They are oriented entirely as follows. World-wide, no matter what.

  • Stop Trump
  • Stop 5 Star - Italy
  • Stop Brexit - UK
  • Stop Vox - Spain
  • Stop AFD - Germany
  • Kill all unfiltered news - treat it as a virus
  • Kill all accounts and narratives that support the above on Google and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The war on TikTok? It doesn’t consent to their filters. Or at least not 100%.
And we are beating them. Independent media beat all that mustered intelligence and all that money to tell the truth and elect Trump. Populist movements are roaring across Europe, rejecting all the usual ideas. Populists are in power in the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Hungary. This weekend Germany will turn out. I suspect, given what I know about election fraud, that fraud will be rampant, but German life is now so dire, AFD may overwhelm the polls.

Here’s my question - What if it was all to hide the grand scale theft?​

What if this theft, the trillions a year flowing out to who the hell knows, was the entire purpose of the National Security State? Yes, these grants, the billions spent by USAID were designed to assemble army of dissidents, across the globe, to protect U.S. interests. Thousands of activists paid to agitate against any government going against the aims of the National Security State. USAID stood up LBGTQ groups, dancers, rap stars, theatre people, feminists, abortion activists, every conceivable activist group grubbing for pennies. Feminist groups were financially supported in every country in order to fracture the family.

The purpose wasn’t “aid”, it was to make life in every country contentious, angry, divided against itself, and to guarantee that whenever the CIA wanted, tens of thousands would pour onto the streets to protest. It was rent-a-riot money. It was to put CIA/globalist puppets in charge.

The money was also spent to quash any legitimate protest by populists angry about globalist policies of migration, eternal war, censorship, over-regulation and energy draw-down because of “climate”.

The money was spent to obscure the DC Blobs advance on the wealth of Eurasia.

For instance, the largest army base in the world is now being built in Romania, facing the Russian bear. Your money is building it. Romania refused to certify its election results because a populist anti-war-with-Russia candidate won the election. Which meant no honking military base, no hand over fist theft through the accounting.

As Denz points out, Russia has $75 trillion in natural resources, meaning it is the richest country in the world and the Blob/WEF has their eyes on that prize.

The above cited conference of the Global Censorship Project.took place in 2017. And while its stated purpose was foreign adventure ie censorship and overturning populism, it morphed quickly into a color revolution against Americans. It was easy to shift the algorithms from killing all populist accounts and narratives in western and eastern Europe to killing them in the USA.

Art and Activism​

I, and others, have written extensively about the co-opting of popular culture by the CIA, by its seeding and deliberate corruption of the anti-war movement in the 60’s and 70’s, the creation of rap music to fracture the black community, the standing up of movie stars and pop stars to spout regime nonsense. Equally, in eastern Europe, Dua Lipa was sent out to squelch populism in the Balkans. Pussy Riot was stood up against Putin, and twenty-two African rappers were brought over to the States to learn how to fight populism in their own countries. Every election cycle, tired old celebrities do videos about their oh so compassionate vote. Turns out they are all paid by USAID. Can you imagine the tens of thousands of feminist organizations, here and abroad, set up by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State?

We beat the pants off all of them. Little people in their pjamas in front of laptops, reading, typing, and analyzing patterns and talking to each other, without any money, or power or organization, killed the most powerful army of power-mad supposed brainiacs in the world, wielding billions of dollars against us.

We beat them.

Not one more red cent goes out.

And, we are going to get our money back.

All of it.
The greatest surprise to me about all this arises from the surprised reactions at the scale of the theft. Did they think it took half the product of the country to maintain roads and stuff?
Someone doxxed @DataRepublican.

I have been doxxed. Rather than let others control the narrative, I am addressing this directly.

My name is Jennica Pounds. I recently resigned from my job to pursue DOGE-adjacent efforts full-time. While my background check is still in progress, my ultimate goal is to work with the Administration to cut waste and improve efficiency.

What began as a side hobby became a mission when I uncovered the role of NGOs in these issues. This is not about left or right. This is about us—the people.

I gave up everything for this—my safety, my career—because I believe in what I am doing.

I am 100% Deaf and nonverbal. My lack of signing fluency does not make me any less Deaf. It is a result of a language impairment related to my autism called expressive dysphasia, which affects my ability to construct language fluently in real-time. This impacts my signing, speaking, and even writing, though writing allows me more time to correct mistakes. My interpreter and I spend hours refining my talking points to ensure she conveys what I mean, not just what I say.

I am Deaf. And being Deaf is not, and should never be, defined by one’s signing ability, particularly when there are medical conditions involved.

I do not believe the Deaf community should be politically aligned with any party. A priority of mine has always been on holding the Administration accountable to Deaf Americans, including advocating for policy changes such as allowing a second interpreter camera stream on television broadcasts. I will continue using my platform to push for these necessary changes.
