USAID(s) Fiasco

USAID worker somewhat understandably complaining of being haphazardly evacuated from DR of Congo:

The worker complains of the quick shutdown and the fact that his family had to flee, in some level of distress, leaving their homes and personal belongings behind. Of course, he says that Trump shutting down USAID is unconstitutional, etc, etc.

What's missing: any awareness at all that his presence was simply tolerated by the locals, not welcomed. Also, he's missing that it is the great American Empire that is the sole provider of his security - not his unbounded virtue.

Still, I anticipate further such events in the out years. If Trump is to withdraw frvolous things like USAIDs, he may well be forced to withdraw from some of our other interests - like some of the 700+ mil installations worldwide. I'm confident he can do it with an orderly plan, but they need to start planning soon. We got a taste of this last year in Niger, when a newly elected local government uninvited the US base. No need to expand on the Afghan departure. There have been protests outside of US bases even in S. Korea for decades.

I've heard/read (here?) about the risks of being an overseas servant of a withdrawing empire. If/when we begin withdrawal from many of these places, the dogs will be at our heels.

EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin announces that $20 billion in taxpayer funds were just discovered, laundered into in external financial institutions managed by agents of the Biden Admin to finance left wing NGOs.

“$7 billion was sent to an entity called the Climate United Fund.”

But Zeldin has now clawed back the money and referred the case to the Department of Justice. Boom.

The amount of fraud is really breathtaking.

I always figured there was a fair amount of waste, eg overpriced military items, contractor kickbacks, and so on.

I also figured there was a fair amount of Deep State/CIA coordination with NGOs and media (on topics like censorship, trans stuff, woke stuff), but that most of the actual money was coming from private "shadow" donors like Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, etc.

But it's actually far more money than I thought. Tens of billions in almost every executive department. And worst of all, it's all simply laundered taxpayer money - ie the American people being forced to pay for their own destruction.

Absolutely outrageous stuff.
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The amount of fraud is really breathtaking.

I always figured there was a fair amount of waste, eg overpriced military items, contractor kickbacks, and so on.

I also figured there was a fair amount of Deep State/CIA coordination with NGOs and media (on topics like censorship, trans stuff, woke stuff), but that most of the actual money was coming from private "shadow" donors like Soros, Rockefeller Foundation, etc.

But it's actually far more money than I thought. Tens of billions in almost every executive department. And worst of all, it's all simply laundered taxpayer money - ie the American people being forced to pay for their own destruction.

Absolutely outrageous stuff.

What else did you think you paid taxes for? National defense and a Social Security “retirement account “? Virtually all of the money you pay goes to traitors, your enemies, and foreign parasites. And they run huge deficits so we’re trillions in debt!

Prison is not an adequate punishment for any of these people.

... the American people being forced to pay for their own destruction.
This is so obviously true. And why would people pay for their own destruction? Because they've been thoroughly jewified via Hollywood-globohomo social engineering to put money above people. They'll literally sell themselves down the river to make a buck.

We are so obviously brainwashed to pay taxes, which are unconstitutional. How have we been brainwashed? By technology, mainly the television and more recently by our phones. Why would Taco Bell pay 7 million dollars for a 30-second Super Bowl commercial if it did not increase their sales? Commercials literally brainwash humans into consumption compliance, and JQ-produced pop music brainwashes men to be weak ("Oh baby oh baby, please don't leave me baby") and women to be hyper-sexualized ("Squeeze my lemon till' the juice runs down my leg").

This is what a talmudic jew run state looks like. Hopefully, with Trump and Elon uncovering all of this evil financial waste people will be more reluctant to pay their taxes and less reluctant to pin the tail on the jew. The cultural subversion and financial grift will continue unless we name and uproot the tentacled jew from power.
A human life is sacred, USAID was doing research with aborted babies and putting their tissue into animals.

Thos children should have recieved a proper burial, not being used for experiments, this is a disregard to human life and nature.

This is a complete violation of the basic rights of man. Everyone involved must be investigated and those responsible should face serious consequences (20+ years up to death penalty).

About the Reuters bucks:

That sparked a covid era memory about Reuters:

USAID got their ROI on this one. $9M to alter facebook algos, block opposition political speech, shadow ban/block alternate views - from the largest social media platform on earth. They cast doubt on anyone that dared object to dogma of covid, vaxxes, blm, antifa, and biden nonsense, even monkeypox. It's all fake and gay.
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There is speculation that Putin/Xi wanted USAID/NED gone as pre-conditions to the Peace Talks.

Some points that could support this -
  • Several Days ago during Dubai's World Governments Summit, Elon talks about dismantling USAID to an Arab Audience. At 2:35 in the youtube I link below, I quote "...hopefully helpful to other countries, because with the new administration, they're less interested in interferring with the affairs of other countries...the times that the US has been pushy in international affairs, which may have resonated with a number of the audience, and I think we should in general, leave other countries to its own business. Basically, America should mind its own know...rather than push forward regime changes to other places..."
  • The amount of noticeable Regime Change attempts during the Biden Administration has been staggering. Most of which has failed with the exception of Bangladesh. You can notice this in the posts across different regions in the International Forum in the past year. It was almost as if USAID/NED knew this was their last years, so they wanted to go out in a hail mary before it gets killed.
  • Many countries has noticed this and has been wary of their playbook. Here is a Vietnamese TV station warning about a color revolution threat emerging at one of their local Universities 5 months ago
  • USAID has been weaponized against Trump and through many domestic social engineering campaigns which will be uncovered in due time. I see similar methods when I look back at Jan 6th. Zero problems for Trump to let that go given this.

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I met a guy who did USAID-type stuff in Africa for the Soviet Union in their equivalent organization. He had a good time and really enjoyed working with the locals on water infrastructure.

I think Mike Benz made the point that all countries do this kind of stuff....but this just reached an extreme level.
Targeting US the domestic population, spreading lots of weird sexual messaging...

Countries always have and always will play these kind of soft power games.
Russia for example sends supportive messaging to separatists in Spain (but doesn't support independence for its muslim provinces ;)).

Politics is a dirt business, but this stuff was just too much. In an interview, a Saudi official said the sexual propaganda was just too much, too far left. It ends up alienating most of the world.

Some things are just evil, bad for the entire world.