Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

That's nice but you can see the same kind of thing in Germany, the UK, etc. I don't see anything overtly Christian on that train. Where's Jesus, where's the mother of God, where are the angels, where are the saints, where's the cross, where are the Bible quotes?

These kinds of decorations pop up all the time here along with the Christmas songs written by Jews and the holiday sales at the outlet malls. Now I'm not against having a few snowmen and red bells here and there. But I'd really like to see more authentic Christianity on display and not this watered down version.
That's nice but you can see the same kind of thing in Germany, the UK, etc. I don't see anything overtly Christian on that train. Where's Jesus, where's the mother of God, where are the angels, where are the saints, where's the cross, where are the Bible quotes?

These kinds of decorations pop up all the time here along with the Christmas songs written by Jews and the holiday sales at the outlet malls. Now I'm not against having a few snowmen and red bells here and there. But I'd really like to see more authentic Christianity on display and not this watered down version.

This is more likely related to New Year celebrations which, after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, were emphasised under the communists with the intention of disrupting the nativity fast. It has Дед Мороз, which is their version of Santa (St Nicholas of Myra is one of the most revered saints in Russia so the communists wanted a version of Father Christmas totally removed from Christian tradition) and similar decorations etc. Although last year in Saint Petersburg I did see large Nativity scenes in the street.

Christmas in Russia is January 7th, and is very much separate from the Christmas trees, tinsel and fairy lights of new year and very much a Christian holiday, though it is also doubtless celebrated as a cultural thing by non-believers. One of the advantages of the Russian Orthodox Church keeping the old calendar is that the Bolsheviks were less successful in turning Christmas into a secular festival of gluttony.

This metro station isn’t the best example to pick to illustrate this, but there is absolutely 100% a revival of Orthodoxy in Russia which has been ongoing since the fall of the Soviet Union and has been prophesied by numerous saints.
My friends sad news from russia, in Russia 2024 is year of family but now we have new statistics.

In first half 2024 there is 360 000 marriage and 318 000 divorce, so 7 out of 10 marriage break up. Russia is now in top three countries in world with highest divorce.

Russia authorities is concerned, so they make new three month cooling down period to make divorce. Also divorce fee now higher but it don't work.

My friends we need total spiritual rejuvenation, the youths have wrong mentality.

My friends big riot in Russia because russia channel 1 most important channel blur the russia imperial flag of tsarist russia.

In Russia TV if flag or symbol is blur it mean this is hate symbol, anti russia symbol.

Big problem in Russia my friends, also many official crests remove cross from symbols, sometimes church to.

I post more later my friend this is not good.


My friends Russia central bank make decision not show church on Russia banknote anymore. They say Russia is multiconfessional country so no church.

There js new 1000 ruble banknote and there is riot about image on banknote

Before on 1997 banknote there is monument to Yaroslav the wise, bell tower, and the church of st. John the baptist in yaroslavl.


Then last year russia central bank make decision to make new 1000 ruble banknote
In this banknote there is Orthodox church but they remove a cross. Also there is bathhouse with islamic crescent nearby, so they replace the chapel of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the Church of John the Baptist with mosque


This make many people mad. So bank of russia withdraw the old design and make new design, it is ship Meteor, which win public vote. The kazan Palace of farmers and the Saratov bridge over the Volga are second and third place.


They remove all the church and cross my friends, not good

My friends this for all haters.

Russia most important rabbi berel Lazar daughter engage with son.of most important rabbi in odessa

Haha my friends Odessa js old russian and jewish city..Russians and jews in Odessa want Russia to become master in Ukraine, you can see this here.
My friends yesterday is big day in Russia but also day of big shame.

Holocaust remember day in auschwitsz, putin and Nettanyahu cannot come.

Big scandal my friends, but Russians know we liberate auschwitsz, we defeat nazis in 1945. Now we defeat neonazis in Ukraine.

Putin cannot come to poland so he go to boundaries stone in Saint Petersburg

HE say many important words

My friends friendship between russia and Israel strong, Israel also go go may 9 victory parade soon

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I've been saying that the passport bro movement is a psy-op. Why only import migrants, if they can also get rid of family-oriented men by convincing them to leave their country? In that regard, all the CIK threads that discuss relocating to other countries/continents/planets should be seen as the result of Babylonian propaganda.

But passport bro's weren't financed by USAIDs.

USAIDs has a center of operations setup in Kazakhstan, to encourage non-White immigration into Russia proper:

Notice the center of operations in Ukraine and the large center of operations within central Asia.

Passport bros are part of something else entirely, men just reacting to the dating pool in the (((West))) which is half-dead (or more).

My friend you make fake news to Divide Russia

In Russia muslim, buddhist and christian and jew all together.

Russia have need more people we have very good immigration law to make hardworking humble people come to Russia to work and be part of Russia people and society.

In 2024 4 million migrant come to Russia, there is 20 million migrant in Russia now. Millions migrants get russia passport already. bastirkyn talk about this two months ago, many statistic on migrant in Russia. Most migrant are good they work hard love russia. Some are bad we send them back.

Be careful my friends, many people want to make division in russia. Migrant agains citizen, muslim against Christian, christian against jew

Putin in 2015 speak so much good words

"President Putin stated, 'Orthodoxy is closer to Islam than to Catholicism.'" Putin said that it is necessary to rid Russians of their fear of newcomers from other regions. In his opinion, this work can be done by regional authorities and public organizations. Additionally, Putin stated that all Russians should understand that they are citizens of one country "Russia was originally formed as a multiethnic and multireligious country... We have a country of Eastern Orthodoxy, and some theorists say that it is much closer to Islam than to Catholicism. I do not want to evaluate how just such a statement is, but we have developed a certain culture of interaction over the centuries, said Putin."
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But passport bro's weren't financed by USAIDs.

USAIDs has a center of operations setup in Kazakhstan, to encourage non-White immigration into Russia proper:

Notice the center of operations in Ukraine and the large center of operations within central Asia.

Passport bros are part of something else entirely, men just reacting to the dating pool in the (((West))) which is half-dead (or more).

My friend in kazakh people travel to Russia with no visa

Russia is very friendly to country like Kazakhstan they can come to Russia with no visa

Also I look in Russia news for news on this usiad story but nothing.

So I think is fake news, nothing in Russia media.
My friend in kazakh people travel to Russia with no visa

Russia is very friendly to country like Kazakhstan they can come to Russia with no visa

Also I look in Russia news for news on this usiad story but nothing.

So I think is fake news, nothing in Russia media.

Alright brother whoever you really are you have well made your point, I'm sure many here agree that Russia is highly romanticized and in many cases the grass isn't always greener on the side.....hell I think even the biggest Russian proponents on here will admit to a touch of that.

So can you stop? It's just clutter for no reason, you're good dude it's funny and slick....use that for something better

Thank you sincerely
Alright brother whoever you really are you have well made your point, I'm sure many here agree that Russia is highly romanticized and in many cases the grass isn't always greener on the side.....hell I think even the biggest Russian proponents on here will admit to a touch of that.

So can you stop? It's just clutter for no reason, you're good dude it's funny and slick....use that for something better

Thank you sincerely
I am sorry my friend there is bad people here they come to say bad thing about my country, my leader.

I don't stop why must I stop?

I give you real image of russia.

There is two Russia, Russia make by weirdo Americano themepark fantasy people that don't speak Russian, never go to russia, don't know russia culture history politic

There is also russia of real Russia people.

My friend 90 percent post here is from weirdo americano people that don't speak russia never go to russia. But you tell real Russia man go quiet.

You say you understand but you don't understand my friend.

Here my good friend frances who give you this news?

In Russia now problem with rent, 2024 rent increase 31.4 precent average. Pavel lutsenko say this to tass news.

In 2025 increase of rent will continue.
I am sorry my friend there is bad people here they come to say bad thing about my country, my leader.

I don't stop why must I stop?

I give you real image of russia.

There is two Russia, Russia make by weirdo Americano themepark fantasy people that don't speak Russian, never go to russia, don't know russia culture history politic

There is also russia of real Russia people.

My friend 90 percent post here is from weirdo americano people that don't speak russia never go to russia. But you tell real Russia man go quiet.

You say you understand but you don't understand my friend.

I know dude and you've done a good job of giving guys perhaps a reality check, I think because they saw you as a parody and you obviously are doing a very good somewhat comical parody it was actually not very confrontational so it worked well.

But brother you're good at this! Use it for something better! Something that will make us laugh, something fun....I would love to know who you are one day so I can laugh my ass off and give you kudos.

I was on supraforums, 20+ years ago when I was a teenager and owned one. There were a few funny guys on there with parody accounts at the time the off topic was one of the liveliest forums on the internet believe it or not. The best one was a guy who made the user ID "Sheriff John Bunnell" who was a real person if you've never seen his show and had a picture of him looking stoic from the show he hosted as his avatar. Any time someone would talk about doing something illegal with their car he would post something short and cryptic and you would hear it in the guys voice in your head if you've ever watched the show the guy had a distinctive voice.

Stay Within The Law
Speed Kills
Stay Safe

It was hilarious and we were all sad when he was gone one day. You're better than him dude, not as funny obviously because that's not your schtick but better, but that's enough dude it ran its course you did well.