Several falsehoods in this and other posts you have made:
1- Ignoring documented harrowing treatments of Russian POWs by the Ukrainians, including shooting them in the legs and having them bleed to death. That is the only reason Russian soldiers would want to commit suicide. Russia has a large number of Ukrainian POWs and would gladly exchange them for Russian POWs if the current Ukrainian military culture wasn't so ideologically fanatical as to kill off Russian POWs.
2- The idea that Russia and China are under Rothschild banking control. That's a narrative that is being pushed by GAE glowies and propagandized relays. It is an especially dumb narrative not just in terms of China, but also for Russia, which is more independent today than it ever was since 1917. That is the reason why NATO has been relentless in its Russia/Putin vilifying campaign, this war is about extending and preserving the GAE.
3- The notion that Russia is throwing "meat waves" at Ukraine, and that their leadership doesn't care about human lives, and hasn't bent over backwards to avert this war or to minimize the loss of both Russian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians. If Putin didn't care about his soldiers, he would have long mobilized a million plus soldiers and ordered costly "big arrow" offensives into Ukraine.
Cooper you kvetch about Azov and NATO like a broken record. You are stuck in the maze and can't see the truth on the outside.
You think that one side is untouchable in its morality while the other is completely filthy, this is a falsehood. They are both stains on this world. Why do you care about the alleged treatment of Russian POWs by Ukrainians from a couple videos released two years ago? That is not the reason why they started committing suicide en masse. There are plenty of videos of Russian POWs not being killed or tortured.
Russia and China are under communist jew ideology, even with their pretenses of "nationalism." Why would glowies be interested in shining a light on their true bosses by pointing out the disproportionate jewish influence over the current Russian government and outright control over sectors of their society? What exactly is Russia independent of in your mind? They're not free from jewish control. If they were they would be naming the jew, but they don't.
Lengthy jail sentences for anyone who dares to offend the jew in Russia, you will never see sentences like these given to shitskins who attack White Russians.
"Russia: Lengthy jail sentences for rioters who targeted jews at Dagestan airport"
Now more brown slaves are being imported to Russia ad nauseum:
"Indians Will Soon Be Able To Travel To Russia Without A Tourist Visa"
They're not fighting international jewry, they're just a proxy for it. This is what these people believe they are fighting, not israel and not the jew world order:

So explain to me what level of nth dimensional chess is this that they repeatedly say they are against White Nationalism, European Nationalism, and call all their enemies "nazis" instead of jews, have some of the strictest holohoax-denial laws in the world, yet are somehow free of international jewry and fighting against it? Don't cite stupid examples from israel, that little parking lot is not the center for world jewry.
The English translation is an edited version of the Russian one. It is not fake. I don't waste a nanosecond of my time on the chans, gab is unfiltered and so is telegram, there isn't a lot of "fakery" there that doesn't get caught and booted real fast. I am against this war and I'm not trying to make one side look bad while the other isn't. I have plenty of criticisms against Ukraine and their fake nationalist controlled groups that are only allowed to exist to keep propaganda going in a two-way brother war.
The only thing that crosses my mind if the instructions are not genuine is that someone made it to make fun of how the Russian troops are killing themselves. You're deflecting as usual. Yes soldiers everywhere commit suicide, but this is not about the trannified US DEI military where suicides are commonplace regardless of whether a war is ongoing or not. This is about the suicides in the Russian military.
This is a bit of a catch-22 because the soldiers are clearly Russian by their uniform insignias and the setting in all the videos yet if I post all of it here it will no doubt be flagged for gore. The way the suicides are captured on camera is not something that would be from the 2008 era, or even before the 2014 Maidan era. It's clear most of the footage is from 2023 and 2024, taken by small drones not UAV's like predators or reapers. The amount of troops in the Russian military committing suicide is clearly a realistic phenomenon of significance that people here are downplaying by saying "look over here at something else, stop noticing!"
The problem with engaging with the “hyper-competent Jews stage-manage and control every single facet of modern life” take is that it’s non-falsifiable to the point of absurdity.
Where do I say that jews are competent? 40% of them have schizophrenia and other mental illnesses that retard their intelligence, yet they are clever and manipulative to the nth degree. The swindle is in their DNA. They control the institutions of banking, media (the press), academia, medicine, government, and entertainment. The flow of information that trickles down from these six forms much of the daily thoughts and awareness of people everywhere. They don't need to control people's everyday actions when they have mastery of the top. The events that transpire underneath the tip of the pyramid are inconsequential to them. The masses of goyim are too stupid to think for themselves and without the Church as the central guiding light they are guided by the vices of the jew to the gutter instead of to the heavens.
It's actually really easy to falsify the "Talmuds control everyone" nonsense.
If Talmuds really benifited from starting wars for no reason, so they can depopulate Whites, why don't they start more wars inside of Europe? Obviously it's because they control Europe, and no longer need wars there.
The whole point of the jews plan for the Aryan race is not to depopulate it completely, they know they would not have any useful servants and slaves if they did this. They do not want negro slaves. They want coffee-colored mixed-race dumbed-down miscegenated slaves who will not resist them but be sentient enough to carry out basic tasks of servitude. They want the world brought down to their level and below. They import the third world to miscegenate with the Whites and they punish the Whites who refuse to mix with wars and death. The result of this war so far between Russia and Ukraine has been the influx of millions of non-Whites into Eastern Europe as more pureblood Slavs are killed.
Their rabbis preach it constantly that when Europe and Christianity are destroyed (the two are inseparable) only then will their excrementitious moschiach appear. A destroyed Europe is a miscegenated Europe. People forget this is a centennial game. The world wars ending in the favor of international jewry gave them the ability to slowly ferment their eschatologically-promised slaves through forced mixing.
Talmuds only start wars when they need to conquer. Once it's conquered, all history, both recent and ancient, shows there is no need for war. After WW2 the Talmuds owned Europe and there hasn't been a war in Europe since.
The war against Russia right now is because the Talmuds don't control it. Plainly obvious, yet for some reason a lot of people have such deeply ingrained hatred of Russia, most likely from the USSR days, they cannot bear to admit Russia is a far more free and Christian place than America is.
Your claim that there have been no wars in Europe since WW2 is demonstrably false. All of these conflicts happened post-WW2 inside Europe:
The Greek Civil War 1946-1949
The Cypress Emergnecy 1955-1959
The Troubles in Northern Ireland 1968-1998
Turkish invasion of Cyprus 1974
The Yugoslav Wars 1991 - 2001 (Slovenian Ten-Day War, Croatian War of Independence, Bosnian War, Kosovo War, Presevo Valley Insurgency, Macedonian conflict).
The Transnistria War 1990-1992
The first Nagoro-Karabakh war 1988-1994
The Chechen Wars 1994-1996
The war is not against Russia's government, but against the Russian people. People here have a hard time separating the government from the people. Are any of you guys are on actual Russian telegram channels to hear these people talk themselves about what is going on over there? My information is more accurate. Your unilingual disadvantages leaves you at a comprehension an echelon lower than those who understand the bigger picture inter-ethnically and historically.
Everything that dispels this fairytale image of Russia being the most based most Christian most honorable place is vehemently reviled as fake or GAE propaganda, that's how trapped some of you are in this little box of west vs east. The only real battle is jew vs you, and if you're atomized to the point of choosing a political bloc like NATO or BRICS over your own race of people, then you are already lost. I will post more in the globalism thread to further analyze this, because people are missing a lot and just focusing on the immediate opposing sides.