I don't subscribe to racial theory. I'll admit you're different but I don't view one group as better or worse than the other.
It really doesn't matter what someone "subscribes" to or not. You can subscribe to the gender theory and male pregnancy as far as I'm concerned. Not relevant. Only facts are, not subscriptions and opinions. And it's not a "racial theory", it's exact genetics.
Serbs/Croats are a turkoslav people
"I don't subscribe to racial theory."
"I don't view one group as better or worse than the other."
"Serbs/Croats are a
turkoslav people."

You are being incoherent.
If you are talking about the Turkid occupation of the Balkans, the Turks did not mix with the occupied population, especially not with Christians, but lived separately in their "kasbah" settlements. Furthermore, genetic research has shown that Serbs (and Croats) have no Turkish genetic heritage.
Not sure what you mean by "European".

Education should not be treated as a commodity but as a crucial thing. Unfortunately, that is not the case everywhere.
I also remember in Croatia, I was passing through & rented a home in Zagreb (from the nutjob wife of a local politican who openly bragged about using EU development funds to restore their personal villa, where I stayed), within 2 days of knowing her she offered me her daughter.
Globohomo practice is to support the worst members of a nation, genetic/moral trash, as their henchmen politicians, which they then finance through their NGOs, because such people are the easiest to control. An added bonus is that they serve as a bad example to the youth of that country, who then via such "national representatives" become disillusioned with their nation and more easily adopt multiculturalism.
Serbs are the most common prisoner in Europe, they go there mostly purse snatching & drug dealing.
And your source is "trust me bro"?

You talk trash and talk nonsense and have nothing to support your retarded claims. Perhaps some Serb beat you back in 1999 so you carry traumas, but leave those delusions for your psychiatrist where they belong.
I met plenty of wanna be criminal kids in the barparks of Serbia.
And what were you doing with the kids in the park anyway? Are you a MAP or whatever is the euphemism nowadays?
I wouldn't be surprised if the free expression of masculinity in the developmental years and the channeling of aggression through sports and competition is a "criminal behavior" for you globohomos. Because butchering of kids and imposing the so-called "gender ideology" on them is definitely not. In any case, I haven't been there for a while, but judging a country or a nation based on a few random encounters is ridiculous.
The food quality across the region is piss poor.
I eat better in sub Saharan Africa, literally.
I don't know what you have eaten and where, or smoked, or whether you had a trepanation in Sahel Africa, but it appears that you know nothing about Balkan food and cuisine. Sheer ignorance expressed through arrogance as "knowledge", literally.
Perhaps you should return to sub-Saharan Africa and stay there. God's willing and by courtesy of Russia, perilous times may arise for NATO personnel in some parts of Europe.
There is 1 store in Croatia called "The Beef Shop", with stores in Dubrovnik & Zagreb (who's slogan is "Nice to Meat You", and has cigar rooms with naked women all over the walls in their stores - that should tell you about the culture there.
If you judge a country's culture on account of a single store, it only speaks about you and about nothing else.
Please, name to me 1 ranch in all of the Balkans that produces grass fed, USDA quality beef, cheese, eggs, etc. You cannot name this ranch, because it doesn't exist
Exactly, it doesn't exist. The Balkans are not the USA and food is not grown on "ranches" there. You know, there is a world outside of US, different practices, other ways to raise livestock and produce food besides "muh ranches"
Enjoy your hormone-injected GMO-transfat goyslop! Consume! It's FREE!
Thanks to EU colonization, there's a handful of areas in Croatia & Greece where I'd actually feel comfortable in public & you have access to edible food & it's not polluted
Praise the globohomo.
Like I said, if you think the food in Balkans is inedible or polluted, you are clearly delusional. I pity you.

Or perhaps you are too used to goyslop.
And by the way, why would you feel uncomfortable in public? Could it be because you are perhaps a ZOG bot stationed somewhere in southern Italy, maybe some officer or something, who buys cheap real estate in Albania which is just across the sea and spends his free time there, and you subconsciously realize that you are an occupier and that you don't belong there? It is good, it is correct reasoning.
in addition to persistent drought nowhere there has the resources (land, water, feed) to have large scale quality food production.
The Balkans is a region rich in biodiversity and a pleasant Mediterranean/Continental climate, known for its abundance of plant and animal species, river basins, rich cuisine and fertile land, especially in northern Serbia, which is among the best arable lands in Europe and has the capacity to feed half the continent.
I know that education is not a consumer commodity, but before you enter into a discussion you should at least learn the basics instead of talking nonsense.
This is why nearly all of you live off corn, wheat with occasional pork or poultry that feeds off of roadside trash & whatever it can find.
Not only are you uneducated and uncouth, you are also clearly delusional and have no idea what you are talking about.
I don't really care & view them all the same culturally
- "Muh I am culturally superior"
- Shows nothing but ignorance, foolishness and arrogance
You may think highly of yourself, but I really don't see why you should. The combination of ignorance and arrogance is a very repulsive and universally hated trait.
you manage to be some of the best athletes on Earth & for that I envy you.
Muh athletes. That's all you know

Athletes, NBA & TV. No proper education, no knowledge about specifics of the region, about its people, it's culture, it's rich history,
nothing. Just "muh athletes"

Your knowledge should be measured in units of TV shows.
"... what a sad contrast it is when the human animal is granted a maximum of comfort, an equal share in a mindless and “bovine” happiness, an easy and comfortable life filled with gadgets, radio and TV programs, planes, Hollywood, sports arenas, and popular culture at the level of Reader’s Digest."
—Julius Evola, "Men Among the Ruins"