Will Society collapse after the boomers die?

Will society collaspe after the boomers die?

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I blame boomers for a lot of things, but they are not the source of the strife. They were under a heavy brainwashing spell post-WW2, but their sheer numbers is what prevented communism from fomenting in America the way it did in Russia. Although, their "finance Capitalism" was just as bad, it just took longer to completely blossom into total debt slavery to the jewish banks the same way the multitudes in the east were gulag slaves to jewish oligarchs, boot, toe, and heel.

The plan to turn America into a dictatorship of the proletariat (directed by jewish whims of course) was already in the works in the 1920s, and it was supposed to happen following the calculated Great Depression, the only thing they didn't count on was Adolf's miracle economy blooming and attracting millions of foreign nationals to the idea of National Socialism, therefore the plans were put on hold until the free Europeans were "dealt with" and when all remnants of anti-communist hardliners were stamped out of US power politics in the 1960s. After the public display of offing JFK, who else was left to go full force on these aliens? The boomers memories of 1946-1965 were an idyllic anomaly that was mainly the result of Germany's fight to turn back Marxist Bolshevism that bought the west time.

The masks all came off in 1965 when they opened the floodgates in the USA. Some boomers still have good memories going into the late 70s, as it took nearly a generation for the landscape of America to change so rapidly, and another generation to the early 2000s to become even more polarized, and now one more generation later in the mid 2020s for us to see how different the west really is.

Essentially, the soul of society had died before the first boomer was ever born, with the death blow to the European races during and after WW2. The body of said society has been decaying since.

The lack of demographics now, coupled with how poisoned everyone is health-wise and from a spiritual and truth perspective, has almost guaranteed the jews that there will be no resistance to their upcoming wholesale slaughter. They made a mistake before with Hitler, underestimating what one can do to a civiziliation when they remove the financial parasites. It won't be their last mistake either. These people mock God incessantly, remember that. Their strategies are not of any kind of sound mind, and only the fevered dreams of fools, madmen, and the spiritually dead.

Those at the head of knowing truth and living by its principles will be the best leaders for the future, as they won't allow their people to be corrupted, misled, plundered, and lied to, no matter their age.
I try not to blame someone else’s for my problems.

You expect me to read a book so I can get angry at something out of my control?

It's still a good book though, no one is trying to take personal responsibility away from anyone by reading it.