Why Voting Is Worth It

The Penitent Man

I see you’re all back on the Trump train with his new sidekick (who appears to have been groomed for a future leadership role since his book, which I did read). I’m sure if he’s elected, after no more voter fraud, this time he’ll lock her up, build that wall, stop immigration, release the JFK files, not get us into any wars for Israel (or at a bare minimum not launch any missiles at their enemies), appoint a really aggressive pro-American cabinet, throw all those department of justice employees who defy him into jail instead of doing nothing, drain the swamp, blah blah blah.

I’m sure he’ll stand up for the J6ers and his supporters this time and cross all the Rubicons in front of him. This time. Yes, this time. The same philosophy that has lost every single issue since 40 years before I was even born. But it’s going to work this time guys, trust the plan. Good luck with that.
I see you’re all back on the Trump train with his new sidekick (who appears to have been groomed for a future leadership role since his book, which I did read). I’m sure if he’s elected, after no more voter fraud, this time he’ll lock her up, build that wall, stop immigration, release the JFK files, not get us into any wars for Israel (or at a bare minimum not launch any missiles at their enemies), appoint a really aggressive pro-American cabinet, throw all those department of justice employees who defy him into jail instead of doing nothing, drain the swamp, blah blah blah.

I’m sure he’ll stand up for the J6ers and his supporters this time and cross all the Rubicons in front of him. This time. Yes, this time. The same philosophy that has lost every single issue since 40 years before I was even born. But it’s going to work this time guys, trust the plan. Good luck with that.

Point taken....so what do you suggest we do? Other than sarcastically complain....
I see you’re all back on the Trump train with his new sidekick (who appears to have been groomed for a future leadership role since his book, which I did read). I’m sure if he’s elected, after no more voter fraud, this time he’ll lock her up, build that wall, stop immigration, release the JFK files, not get us into any wars for Israel (or at a bare minimum not launch any missiles at their enemies), appoint a really aggressive pro-American cabinet, throw all those department of justice employees who defy him into jail instead of doing nothing, drain the swamp, blah blah blah.

I’m sure he’ll stand up for the J6ers and his supporters this time and cross all the Rubicons in front of him. This time. Yes, this time. The same philosophy that has lost every single issue since 40 years before I was even born. But it’s going to work this time guys, trust the plan. Good luck with that.
So I take it you're voting for Biden? Obviously not voting would also be voting for Biden as well, given the way elections work.

Maybe if you can also convince a Biden voter not to vote, your withholding your vote would not be a net gain for Biden.

I doubt Trump will do all the things you listed, but neither will Biden. Biden will do some bad things Trump wouldn't, and in fact Trump will do some good things.
Point taken....so what do you suggest we do? Other than sarcastically complain....
Organize the complaints, hold the GOP politicians accountable, threaten to withhold our vote for not doing what is needed. It will be tough for the GOP to win elections if they both pander to the DNC crowd and fail to win most of them over and also then lose their voting base.

Let the GOP and the GOP donors know that if they try to start WW3, that we will not fight in it for them. Let them know we are more than happy to just "shrug" and let it collapse if we are not given a fair shake and the ability to afford a home and start a family. Let the GOP know that their rhetoric about "we have to save this country" isn't an empty slogan, but a real concern felt by their base and if they fail to follow through we will no longer donate, support, or even vote for them. That if are to go off the cliff at 55 or 100, that we will no longer fight for them to keep the speed at 55.

I don't expect them to change, but the more people who wake up to this evil system, the more problems they are going to have. No more easy 7 figure income to sell out their fellow constituents. That if you want the job as sales man for the satanic elites, it will no longer be an easy gig or even an attractive one. That there are serious men with serious concerns and you are taking advantage of them and they are growing sick of it.
Organize the complaints, hold the GOP politicians accountable, threaten to withhold our vote for not doing what is needed. It will be tough for the GOP to win elections if they both pander to the DNC crowd and fail to win most of them over and also then lose their voting base.

Let the GOP and the GOP donors know that if they try to start WW3, that we will not fight in it for them. Let them know we are more than happy to just "shrug" and let it collapse if we are not given a fair shake and the ability to afford a home and start a family. Let the GOP know that their rhetoric about "we have to save this country" isn't an empty slogan, but a real concern felt by their base and if they fail to follow through we will no longer donate, support, or even vote for them. That if are to go off the cliff at 55 or 100, that we will no longer fight for them to keep the speed at 55.

I don't expect them to change, but the more people who wake up to this evil system, the more problems they are going to have. No more easy 7 figure income to sell out their fellow constituents. That if you want the job as sales man for the satanic elites, it will no longer be an easy gig or even an attractive one. That there are serious men with serious concerns and you are taking advantage of them and they are growing sick of it.

Sounds great but you don't even vote buddy...
Correct, I already withhold my vote. Now I can only convince others to do the same until the GOP addresses the serious issues we face.

You don't withhold your vote, you don't vote at all that's not the same thing you're not even eligible to vote by your own choice so you don't have to do jury duty....which mind you isn't even true.

But your solution is based on voting while your entire schtick has been "we can't vote our way out of this", and you don't actually vote...not even eligible to do so.

Even if I agree with you completely your words are meaningless as you warrant no credibility whatsoever.
A non-vote is not a vote for Biden, that's how they keep roping you in. It's a non-vote for the fake two-party system.
Yep, the fewer who vote in their fake two-party system, the more concerned they become. They expect a lot of the ghetto hoodrats and young people to not vote. When older people with more skin in the game stop voting, then they know their fake system isn't being bought any longer.
You're not really withholding your vote. You're just passively voting for Biden. Anyone not voting for Trump is improving Biden's results. It's basic arithmetic.

If you chose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
I'm okay with that as well. TBH, I can't really see a big difference in the two when it comes to the big issues we face.

The debate, as far as I can tell, on this forum is not if we can avoid going off the cliff or not. It is instead, when we head towards that cliff at 55 or 100, exactly, how much time does it buy us. I don't believe it buys much time at all, and TBH, with the situation in Israel and the only real push against it coming from the left, I am not even sure which party is 55 and which is 100.
1. Don’t vote for unpure republicans
2. Dems win in landslides with mandates
3. Things get way worse
4. ?
5. IIMT’s utopia is ushered in for the next 1000 years. He can stop working 6 gorrillion hours per week.
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1. Don’t vote for unpure republicans
2. Dems win in landslides with mandates
3. Things get way worse
4. ?
5. IIMT’s utopia is ushered in for the next 1000 years. He can stop working 6 gorrillion hours per week.
Do you think things will get better if the GOP wins? That is the big question. I figured most here realized they wouldn't get better, but would just get worse at a slower rate. I am no longer sold on that with the Israel situation and the fact the Houthi's hit Tel Aviv all the way from Yemin last night. That was a major escalation and has the Israelis terrified.
I'm okay with that as well. TBH, I can't really see a big difference in the two when it comes to the big issues we face.

The debate, as far as I can tell, on this forum is not if we can avoid going off the cliff or not. It is instead, when we head towards that cliff at 55 or 100, exactly, how much time does it buy us. I don't believe it buys much time at all, and TBH, with the situation in Israel and the only real push against it coming from the left, I am not even sure which party is 55 and which is 100.
If there's no difference between the two sides, then it doesn't really matter who you vote for or if you choose to abstain from voting completely since under your world view, everything is out of our control and every single person or institution is completely compromised. If that is the case then there's no real point to discuss or debate what the best option among the available options since they all lead to the same outcome and therefore there is no need to give your thoughts about who to support or not to support since the outcome will be the same in the end.

That is unless you simply enjoy black pilling for the sake of black pilling and get a kick out of spreading your fatalism to other people.
Do you think things will get better if the GOP wins? That is the big question. I figured most here realized they wouldn't get better, but would just get worse at a slower rate. I am no longer sold on that with the Israel situation and the fact the Houthi's hit Tel Aviv all the way from Yemin last night. That was a major escalation and has the Israelis terrified

I definitely think things will be better if Trump wins. As I understand it, you do too. You think he will delay the crash that will result in the true revolution that is needed, by making things better.

The true revolution is always a long way off. Making things better now is always the optimal strategy. I mean making things actually better for guys like us, not some woke vision of better, in case that's not clear.
I definitely think things will be better if Trump wins. As I understand it, you do too. You think he will delay the crash that will result in the true revolution that is needed, by making things better.

The true revolution is always a long way off. Making things better now is always the optimal strategy. I mean making things actually better for guys like us, not some woke vision of better, in case that's not clear.
I don't believe there is an easy answer to the question. Well-meaning Christians can come to their own conclusions on it fair and square. The hardcore Trumpers are buying into the hype again and are feeling insecure that not every other conservative is. That's fine. I won't fault them for throwing their vote in, they mean well too.
I definitely think things will be better if Trump wins. As I understand it, you do too. You think he will delay the crash that will result in the true revolution that is needed, by making things better.

The true revolution is always a long way off. Making things better now is always the optimal strategy. I mean making things actually better for guys like us, not some woke vision of better, in case that's not clear.
I honestly don't know who will make things better right now.

If Israel was just doing their normal thing and scaring away Hamas and Hezbollah and bullying their neighbors, then I would say Trump will make things better than the DNC candidate. But Israel right now is getting their asses kicked, and the entire world is turning on them and can see their wicked ways. Israel only has two choices, bend the knee and surrender, which they have not done so far OR drag the USA into it directly.

Israel has said over and over that Biden doesn't do enough for them, so obviously Israel is waiting for the election results before making their choice. I don't think the DNC completely tells Israel "no" but if Israel says they will do less for them, then I have to take Israel's word for it.

And if we get drug into that fiasco, that would be way worse than having weirdos in blue states do drag shows for children and millions of illegals working in fields and kitchens. I don't want either, but if I was given a choice, I would take the latter. I know Trump supporters think he will be less war hawkish than the DNC, but since Israel is the country under direct threat, I don't buy it. I think Trump will end the war in Ukraine and then put all the focus and resources into Israel.

That is my opinion. I respect other opinions on the matter, because at the end of the day, none of us knows what the future holds and none of us gets to make this decision, so at this point in time, there is no reason for hard feelings over this conversation. And I am not saying you have hard feelings, I am more speaking to the entire board in general. I respect your opinions on the subject, my opinion is based on what I see.

And with this, I will bow out of the conversation and let it get back on to the subject of JD Vance.
1. Another option is tapping wealthy people who have the same believes and start making political donations as a lobby to the candidate you want. Or he includes in his party stuff you want. Because in the end that´s what really counts in politics. Money. You might not have 45M as Musk. But you could start a movement.

2. Create a political party. Trump didn´t needed the GOP for nothing. He could have created his own party. The problem with that guy is that he doesn´t like his own base. He is a retard.

3. Inside political parties there´s always more left and right wing factions. There´s nothing wrong in being a more extreme faction. This doesn´t mean you can´t support a politician. Any political party has a more right or left people. Just because you criticize a politician. Doesn´t mean you are weakening.

But what they all want is money. Contrary to popular belief campaigns are not free.

4. If you see political parties as a restaurant. And that restaurant serves you shit. And you continue eating there. People need to stop and take a breath. And stop eating every pile of shit politicians put in front of you. Maybe yes it would be better that right wing political parties receive ZERO votes. So they start working. This is the main problem nowadays in politics. Things are too easy.

5. Create a foundation who releases papers and stuff you agree upon. Or support the ones that do.

6. Give monetary prizes to papers.

But the real change has to be spiritual. And from there things will change.
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Point taken....so what do you suggest we do? Other than sarcastically complain....
Withdraw from participation in political life (at least for federal elections) and focus on your community. Do you think the Amish are concerned about this stuff? They’re doing fine. Let these people eat themselves. Your vote doesn’t mean shit, if it’s even counted. How can you have lived through the modern era and think otherwise? If Donald Trump is or is not elected, you’ll have nothing to do with that outcome. If he is elected, he’s not going to do anything for you. If you benefit in any way it will be incidental to whatever his interests are.

I’ve never not voted in a presidential election before but I’m not doing it anymore. Participating in this sham political process just lends legitimacy to it. Why would I? So I can: a) whine about it when the election is stolen by fraud and watch while “my” candidate does nothing but betray his constituents, or; b) whine about it when “my” candidate betrays his constituents right after he gets elected? How can you have lived through the last election and just thought “oh man, if we had just had more votes!” Have you learned nothing? Votes aren’t going to save this country.

Wake me up when the heir to Corneliu Codreanu runs for office.
Withdraw from participation in political life (at least for federal elections) and focus on your community. Do you think the Amish are concerned about this stuff? They’re doing fine. Let these people eat themselves. Your vote doesn’t mean shit, if it’s even counted. How can you have lived through the modern era and think otherwise? If Donald Trump is or is not elected, you’ll have nothing to do with that outcome. If he is elected, he’s not going to do anything for you. If you benefit in any way it will be incidental to whatever his interests are.

I’ve never not voted in a presidential election before but I’m not doing it anymore. Participating in this sham political process just lends legitimacy to it. Why would I? So I can: a) whine about it when the election is stolen by fraud and watch while “my” candidate does nothing but betray his constituents, or; b) whine about it when “my” candidate betrays his constituents right after he gets elected? How can you have lived through the last election and just thought “oh man, if we had just had more votes!” Have you learned nothing? Votes aren’t going to save this country.

Wake me up when the heir to Corneliu Codreanu runs for office.

Believe me brother I'm the first one to say "screw all of them they don't care about us and they won't do shit", but there has to be some modicum of recognition that Donald Trump is better for our lives than Joe Biden is.