Weird Things You've Noticed Recently

In my trip to Rotherham, I discovered two one things that were strange or unusual.

1. There were no little kids at all outside. No children over the age of 5, or under the age of college students.

2. I passed a strange foreign looking man with a purple travel bag and felt a weird inclination to say Mossad. I Whisphered it under my breath.

I figured that was kinda crazy, so I decided to follow him for a bit.

He walked quick enough to be casual yet fast, then when he reached a position I couldn't clearly see he practically jumped behind a van and took off enough to gain a headstart, then disappeared in a shopping mall.

I'm half tempted to believe it was coincidence, but I have a strange feeling that there's more to it than that.

I didn't have a chance to check his physiognomy, but I would probably guess Jewish or at least middle eastern.

Probably just me jumping at ghosts, but it'd be pretty funny if I scared the living daylights out of a Mossad Agent...

Fair enough. I wouldn't say you were wrong though. I was practically on a wild goose chase.

I wouldn't necessarily follow them. But I'd suspect the guy actually was shady in some way and you subconsciously picked up on his body language.

That said, odds are overwhelming that this guy was doing some kind of low level organized crime and not an intelligence operator.
Things used to be referred to as "addictive", why are they now "addicting"?

We used to say someone "commited suicide", why do they now "die by suicide"?

More Orwellian destruction of language?
Things used to be referred to as "addictive", why are they now "addicting"?

We used to say someone "commited suicide", why do they now "die by suicide"?

More Orwellian destruction of language?
I haven't really seen these changes, but I can see how "die by suicide" might be a sort of euphemism. "Died by" sounds perhaps less personal or less accusatory than "committed". When you "commit" something, that's an action, a choice you took. When you "die by" something, you are a victim. It's a different framing of the situation.
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I almost never read the Bible, and I do not read the writings of Saints, but I should change that.

Not sure if you've seen this, but there's a group of us here on CIK reading the Bible.

Even most chain sit-down restaurants have gotten quite expensive last few years. Last night my wife and I went to a chain Steakhouse with a Xmas gift card that justified the frivolous dining out expense. Seemed strange that despite the high inflation, the place had a 45 minute wait and majority of the patrons seemed very lower/mid income, dressed kind sloppy/bum like etc. Cars in parking lot were quite expensive full size pickups, SUVs etc. Are these people spending all their money and running up debt on cars they can’t afford and dining out? Just felt like a crowd of people I’d normally see at a cheap /low-end AYCE buffet like Golden Corral.
Anyone else out of no-where getting left leaning YouTube video algorithms? Seems like it just started today (2/6). For last “x” number of years, I got mostly conservative videos. Not sure what flipped if it’s just my feed or others noticing this.
Anyone else out of no-where getting left leaning YouTube video algorithms? Seems like it just started today (2/6). For last “x” number of years, I got mostly conservative videos. Not sure what flipped if it’s just my feed or others noticing this.
My Youtube watch history is turned off, which drives them insane, but it keeps them from recommending targets videos to me. I only go to Youtube when I get links from other sources, so I don't need their crappy recommendations anyway.
My Youtube watch history is turned off, which drives them insane, but it keeps them from recommending targets videos to me. I only go to Youtube when I get links from other sources, so I don't need their crappy recommendations anyway.
I don’t ever log in but just use it as a guest. I do scroll through recommendations mostly when I use it.
I don’t ever log in but just use it as a guest. I do scroll through recommendations mostly when I use it.
I get recommendations too, but without a watch history they just hit me with random stuff similar to whatever I'm watching. The YouTube page always has a big warning that my watch history is turned off, like it's a pretty bad emergency I need to deal with. However, I find it works better.