Then their just seems to be a general lack of focus, it seems to be of more interest to many that there are seed oils in food and microplastic in everything than any of the real and noticeable shifts and plays in domestic and global politics.
I stick to butter, olive oil and coconut fat to be safe but am unsure that sunflower oil for example is really that bad. I know some healthy and long living folks who use sunflower too. Maybe it's just canola (rape) that is the worse one.
Yeah, interesting. I remember hearing how people in the USSR used tons of sunflower oil as their main vegetable oil/fat, as the USSR was the world's largest sunflower producer back in the day. I wonder if it's just the industrial extraction/refining processes that are harmful?
"There is a lack of focus in the right wing on politics"Sunflower oil is high in Omega 6 PUFAs. So over the long haul, it's not a good oil to eat/cook with all the time.
*Get 3 post about seed oils*
Am I being trolled???