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Vox Day

No idea who this guy is but I see you guys talking about him sometimes, "vox dei".....as in voice of God right?

Finally decided to look him up and I and stopped reading here:

"and self-identified Native American descent"

His picture gives off sad basement dweller vibes, really looks like he enjoys hot pockets and video games.

Anything else important to know about him?
From what I remember or read about him over the years, he was quite controversial.
* he was born and raised somewhere in Minnesota
* he is a Christian (I'm guessing Catholic based on "Vox Popoli" website name)
* he served in the U.S. military and is a veteran
* he wrote "SJWs Always Lie" in 2015 (?) during GamerGate

* I remember Google's Blogger deplatformed his website, which he then had his backup website quickly setup on his own server (?)
* I read somewhere Castalia House's books being banned on Amazon (?)
* he runs his own book publishing businesses (i.e., Castalia House, Castalia Library, Arkhaven Comics, etc.)
* he has lived somewhere in Europe for years with his wife and kids (Italy? Switzerland?) -- he was likely stationed in Europe during his military service
* he is probably in his 50's so he is older now

Edit. As for his "Native American" claim, I know there are various Indian communities and/or reservations in Minnesota. And yes...he does have a big ego because he talks about IQ, Mensa, etc. often on his blog.

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I would like to remind everyone who has forgotten, that Vox Day was the person who for MONTHS (not weeks) after the 2020 election claimed he had secret insider information that despite Biden being "elected" president, the Q-anon "storm" and mass arrests were coming and that Donald Trump would be "reinstated" as president "very soon". He claimed this garbage regularly until the spring of 2021, and insulted everyone who disagreed with him. He really pushed that BS further and longer than even the most diehard "believers"
I think the biggest exposure he had to the mainstream was his concept of the "sigma male" became a widely mocked meme

Vox is, I assume still, a nondenominational evangelical. Before he moved to Europe he attended Greg Boyd’s church and subscribed to Boyd’s controversial concept of Open Theism, which posits that God does not know the future in contrast to the traditional Christian belief of God’s omniscience. This is obviously a heretical novelty but in the roll-your-own-theology world of evangelicalism, there’s not much to stop someone like Boyd from cooking up a new theology with a little Scripture-Fu to back it up.

I recall that Vox also made statements suggesting he didn’t believe the Holy Spirit was divine and rejected the Trinity, only subscribing to the Creed of the first ecumenical council.

I remembered a few years ago some guys on Kiwifarms doxxed him and found his exact address in Switzerland or wherever on Google Maps.

I forgot about SJWs Always Lie, I recall that one was pretty good but it must’ve been almost a decade ago now so my memory is a bit fuzzy.
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Never understood why this guy was popular. I suppose he's just really good at trolling men for attention, because his "intelligence" was always mid tier from what I could gather.

The fact he fell for the Q nonsense so much was not a surprise for me.

I always thought of him as a dumbed-down Roissy. Roissy was very high IQ, but pretty evil.
Never understood why this guy was popular. I suppose he's just really good at trolling men for attention, because his "intelligence" was always mid tier from what I could gather.

The fact he fell for the Q nonsense so much was not a surprise for me.

I always thought of him as a dumbed-down Roissy. Roissy was very high IQ, but pretty evil.
Here are his last two posts. I think both are interesting. If I go to his site, I regularly find posts like this. His ideas don't line up perfectly with the most common thinking here, but it's pretty close, closer than a lot of other right leaning/Christian internet personalities.

Here are his last two posts. I think both are interesting. If I go to his site, I regularly find posts like this. His ideas don't line up perfectly with the most common thinking here, but it's pretty close, closer than a lot of other right leaning/Christian internet personalities.

I get that much of what he writes is in line with what men on this forum believe. I just don't find him particularly intelligent beyond what, again, most men on this forum are. I consider him par for the course. He is still an ally, but he is highly delusional about his own abilities, as Scorpion has mentioned.
I've long had this theory that the reason why Vox seems to maintain a robust readership despite obvious contempt for most of them is that there is a certain type of guy who's grown up in a pretty soft environment and subconsciously craves a harsh male authority to offer a challenge and conditional acceptance they've never really experienced otherwise.

Back when his blog had a normal comment section I often saw this kind of thing, lots of people asking for his opinion or trying to get his approval on this or that, almost always met with rude responses. I think this hints at a real, unmet need for a lot of guys; one that finds an unhealthy outlet in trying to solicit the approval of Harsh Internet Man. I think there's an interesting inverse to women who fall for bad boys because of unhealthy relationships with their own fathers. I've seen this same phenomenon with other prominent online dissidents but it's more conspicuous in Vox's case.

His blog can be decent as a sort of news aggregator, but whenever his personality/ego enter into the equation it gets pretty insufferable. As someone who started reading his blog daily in about 2008, I followed it until maybe 2018 or so. I actually felt Vox maybe hit his peak during the 2016 election, when he was frequently appearing in videos with Stefan Molyneux analyzing the election and current events. Those two somehow managed to bring out the best in each other, and it's been rather downhill for both since then.

That period also coincided with his best publishing streak with Castalia House where they were frequently putting out quality books by authors like John C Wright, before the comics and web projects took over and it was clear the chef was trying to spin too many plates at once. Checking Castalia's store it looks like they've barely published anything in years and a lot of books like John C Wright's appear to be gone.

Who can forget the time when Vox tried to make a movie and ended up losing $1 million of his backers' cash by wiring it to a blatant conman?

It was, needless to say, quite the blunder for an ultra-high IQ individual such as Vox to make.
Vox is a mixed bag, as far as commentators go. He has put out some excellent work while making some serious blunders. I first followed him when I was a teenager and he was a WND columnist (early 2000s). During the New Atheist onslaught, Vox released The Irrational Atheist, a book which helped me (and many others) keep our Christian faith during a difficult time. I read the (free) pdf version and bought a hardcover edition for a friend of mine who was facing a dark night of the soul.
You may find it here: https://archive.org/details/irrational-atheist

I've also enjoyed many of his videos. Some of the better ones include:
"Pagan Larping Cannot Save Western Civilization"

"Sink The Ships"

"Why Western Civilization Needs Christianity, Part 1"

"Why Western Civilization Needs Christianity, Part 2"

All in all, he's a good commentary and much better than most of the MSM shills. Yes, he has serious flaws, which is why you shouldn't mindlessly listen to him (or anyone else). Use your discernment.

For the record, Vox wasn't lying when he said he had Mexican-Aboriginal blood in him. He wrote the following on his website back in 2014.
"And lest you think I didn’t always know perfectly well that my family wasn’t exactly like all of my Scandinavian friends and neighbors in Minnesota, that is a picture of me with my grandparents. My grandmother is the daughter of a Mexican revolutionary and the Indian woman he married after he fled Pancho Villa’s assassins. And of all my family, they were the two people to whom I was always the closest."
He had posted a picture of his (obviously Brown) grandmother here:
The location for Vox's picture was http://www.milobookclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/GGT_1969.png which is now a dead website. But I do remember him posting this picture. He's not joking about his mixed heritage.

He took a lot of flack from White Nationalists once he posted the picture. He started getting nasty messages about his wife and kids, for starters.
Here's a really good post by Vox, talking about Henry VIII and the Hapsburgs. He is reposting something from another site, which I doubt I would have seen otherwise.

The premise is that much of what Henry VIII did was in response to an effort by the Hapsburgs to take over England. It's a new idea for me, but quite plausible. Here's a pretty good quote:

Is there any evidence of a Habsburg coup attempt? The evidence I have that the Habsburgs are trying to take over England during this period is that the Habsburgs do take over England in this period.
Looll he had 6 wives. Those Hapsburgs were working overtime it seems.

Henry left the catholic church for one reason only: Catherine didn´t provide him with a male child. He admired Catherine and the catholic church. He wrote a pamphlet about it. And anglican church is an english catholic church with the king replacing the Pope. It´s not like other protestants sects with no structure.

Of course the big whore also had a role. Dumb as she was. She did end up without head.

Catherine nephew was also pressuring the Pope. It´s clear. But that´s not the reason.

Fast forward to 21th century. And now you have woman raping man in divorce courts. And the raping is much more stronger in Protestant countries. Thank you Henry.

When you see a crack on a wall. If left untreated sometimes it gets bigger and bigger. I have a stone wall. Which I need to adress.

But older people don´t understand this. Because it wasn´t so bad when they were young.

Divorce is bad for woman. But also for man. And specially for children.

The reasons for the degeneracy of the protestants can be analyzed. Besides obvious jewish infitration. To me one of them it´s because you simply don´t follow christ. Christ said love. Not indifference. A priest once spoke about this in a mass. When you pass by a beggar. And you continue to walk you are indifferent to him. And Christ said love. So you cannot pass and be indifferent. You need to act.

You can see here the indifference which exists in protestants when they write about divisive subjects. If you ask me I want to go in a road trip with a protestant live and let live style. For sure. If I would lend him the keys of my house. No way.

Your indifference to others. Which exists inside protestantism is obvious. Some sect starts admitting gay priests. Yeah but they are not our protestants. Yes they are. Same for orthos. You are indifferent. If you love those people. You need to act. Not give them your back. Or pretend they dont exist.

No more playstion for my oldest. Time to go buy paints and paint the gate.
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