US Border Crisis

Let God Arise

Couldn't find another thread about this topic, so please merge, if I am mistaken.

If I were a betting man, I'd say the EU and the US are pre-staging these millions of migrants for an assault on the native populations, when the SHTF, like when the currencies collapse and the stores run out of food.

They are not "migrants".

They are invaders and illegal.

Stop using communistic terms,
There, I changed it for you. Hopefully you can be content with that term. The word migrant comes from the early 19th century, prior to the dawn of communist philosophy. It did and still does refer to transitory people, who come and go and don't have a permanent residence. I never said they weren't invaders or illegal. This thread is to discuss the border crisis, current issues surrounding it, and solutions. I am not taking a political position on this one way or another, despite me being against it. Getting angry over a word is not going to change the situation.

Colonel Douglas McGregor: We are looking at the disintegration of the United States.

14,000 apprehensions per day.
300,0000 to 400,000 per month.

Basically we are talking about a flow of several hundred thousand illegal migrants per month, the majority of them young fighting age men.

That's called an invasion. Our political 'leadership' should collectively be tried for treason.

There is no way the nation will bounce back from this.

If you still live in the United States - GTFO!
Colonel Douglas McGregor: We are looking at the disintegration of the United States.

14,000 apprehensions per day.
300,0000 to 400,000 per month.

Basically we are talking about a flow of several hundred thousand illegal migrants per month, the majority of them young fighting age men.

That's called an invasion. Our political 'leadership' should collectively be tried for treason.

There is no way the nation will bounce back from this.

If you still live in the United States - GTFO!
Don't forget the fact that these people rapidly make babies as a safeguard from deportation and to get welfare. So whatever you numbers you see coming in are just preliminary, not factual data.

"Hispanics breed like rabbits/cockroaches". This used to be a commonly accepted saying/fact in the 90s up until about the middle of Obama's term when he began slowly conditioning the world into a warped semse of reality. I remember even seeing on spanish television way back in the day programs poking fun at themselves and making skits of their rampant baby making as well as illegal immigration.
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It's nice to see verbiage like "mass immigration leads to a low/no trust society" making mainstream sources (X is about as close to MSM as we get). Not long ago, such terms were reserved for rare forums such as this. There's a dawning of sorts, late as it is.

Also, this thread has a distinct shortage of :alien: emojis, given the subject matter. :alien:
Don't forget the fact that these people rapidly make babies as a safeguard from deportation and to get welfare. So whatever you numbers you see coming in are just preliminary, not factual data.

"Hispanics breed like rabbits/cockroaches". This used to be a commonly accepted saying/fact in the 90s up until about the middle of Obama's term when he began slowly conditioning the world into a warped semse of reality. I remember even seeing on spanish television way back in the day programs poking fun at themselves and making skits of their rampant baby making as well as illegal immigration.
The thing is that this doesn't hold true past the first generation. The second generation, more often than not, becomes infected with modernity just like everyone else, resulting in lower birthrates compared to their parents. I would also like to add as well that the majority of these "migrants" are ignorant (uneducated, uncultured by western standards) men, often from Central America or parts of South America (Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia), who are often only interested in making enough money to send home as remittances. But again, since they are quite ignorant, they are easy to control and manipulate (as they already are in their home countries), therefore making them the perfect candidates to become the future serfs of the post-modern era. However since their birthrates eventually tank as I mentioned before, the elite is dead-set on importing as many as they can to offset this (it seems, anyway)
The only real way the US can combat this is by having Mexico on their side and stop this people in the mexican southern border with direct deportation from Mexico. This is what Trump did and worked because he threatened to impose tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico until the flow of immigrants was stopped. They can even impose higher sanctions than that.

Hit them in the pocket and they will do their part.

Poor latino culture, absolute trash.
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The majority of rural counties have fewer working-age people than 20 years ago. As populations decline and economies shrink, rural communities have to get by with fewer services and fewer resources. But in several counties, increased immigration by just a couple of hundred people each year has erased population losses.

These success stories are a model for how smart immigration policy can help reverse rural population decline,
Success stories?
providing real opportunities for rural America to regain population and significantly improve quality of life.
How thick are people? You’re being replaced, your country is being handed over to illegal invaders, that’s what’s going on.
Let us also not forget the legal invaders. Illegal Hondurans and Guatemalans work the fields, send some money back home and often eventually go back home themselves. Legal Indians take over Microsoft and Oracle, which we had to them on a silver platter with a smile, then bring over more of their caste on H1B visas.