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Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

I really do hate the British police, as an institution. I must commend Tommy, although he's obviously totally blinded / wilfully ignorant / paid to be quiet (delete as per opinion) about certain things he's definitely got a certain charisma and he's definitely good on the subject of Muslim immigration. I suppose a good lightning rod for the average working class guy to become more informed about these issues (Tommy himself flip flops on non-Muslim but non-Western immigration).

I always get into it with other WNs about their support for Palestine, because they think, it is a great strategy (Hitler and the great mufti, exposing zionism etc), because in my opinion that strategy does not work for us, White people; it does not lead to an increased awareness of Anti-Whiteism.
That muslim who stabbed children in Ireland and the hypocrisy and lies of the state and the media, led to it and to a racial awakening of the Irish.

Back to Tommy, even he, despite being a shabboz goy, is seen as a greater threat by the British state than the pro palestine protesters, which is rather shameful for them.
This is deeply offensive. The correct term is an Anglo-fro.
I had to add the not insult part, because on the old forum that might have been a strike or maybe not; the rules over there and their application became very unpleasant over time for some reason, so that writing wasn't really fun anymore.
Israel 'accidentally' killed three British citizens (ex special forces aid workers) as well as a Pole this week.

The usual suspects (Tommy, Douglas Murray, Katie Hopkins, Lawrence Fox et al) haven't said a single word about it. In fact, Tommy explicitly outlined his support for Israel on X last night.

Totally bought and paid for and/or grifting for the easier team to support. Connor Tomlinson from the Lotus Eaters (Sargon's channel) podcast broke ranks and criticised Israel as well as the normie right for being silent. Good for him.
He's currently in the process of destroying what little goodwill he had left. Posting loads of pictures of himself in Israel. The sad thing is, he's been totally conned - he doesn't even benefit that much from taking this position!

He's currently in the process of destroying what little goodwill he had left. Posting loads of pictures of himself in Israel. The sad thing is, he's been totally conned - he doesn't even benefit that much from taking this position!

I don't think we are very far away from a "based" "outsider" politician/celebrity stating "Israel is our greatest ally" and getting boo'ed off stage.

Sure they stack the crowd with insiders and boomers, but the dam is breaking. Great to see Robinson get rightfully destroyed.
Totally bought and paid for and/or grifting for the easier team to support. Connor Tomlinson from the Lotus Eaters (Sargon's channel) podcast broke ranks and criticised Israel as well as the normie right for being silent. Good for him.

It is interesting to the the Lotus Eaters' political journey after one of its presenters was part of Reform's purge as dictated by the state-funded Hope Not Hate.
Yeah. Harry (the one with long hair who's into metal music) also appeared on Milleniyule and they all (well, the young ones) quote Morgoth regularly - so they're definitely aware of the issues. The tide is shifting. I wouldn't be surprised if the current alt-light are talking about the JQ in a few years from now. In a similar chain of events that saw Sargon go from defending race-blind civic nationalism to basically being a crypto-ethnonationalist himself within 5 years.
^What a waste of manpower and political will the English working man and his Scottish and Ulster Loyalist cousins are.

Why can't they just stay neutral in the latest fight between the Zionist and Islam? If one must get involved in a war, it would be better to do a Wilson or a Roosevelt and join in after the combatants have exhausted themselves.

My criticism of Tommy Robinson isn't absolute though. He has genuinely taken a lot of beatings and jail sentences and the middle class activist judges and journalists find it far easier to persecute him than the captains of the grooming industry. Still he is yet another Grand Old Duke of York.

Nick Griffin

Tommy Robinson's Passover message, complete with sad piano. Caution: Have a bucket ready!

Denies he works for them because "I've never received a penny from Israel". But this Shillman Fellow has had a fortune from various Likudnik billionaires in the USA & Canada.

Said before that if a war broke out he'd go and fight for Israel, so it appears even that was a lie.

The only truth in this schmaltzy performance is that those of us on the right opposing genocide in Gaza are "genuine'". And his complaint that events since Oct 7 have 'mainstreamed' understanding of the brutality of Zionism and the deeper, darker, older Talmudist misanthropy from which it springs.

"The average British person" is waking up!

He's never even made an Easter Message. Like the little dog by the gramophone, "His Master's Voice".
He's currently in the process of destroying what little goodwill he had left. Posting loads of pictures of himself in Israel. The sad thing is, he's been totally conned - he doesn't even benefit that much from taking this position!

It's such a shame as he's a great source for UK news outside of his pro-Jew bias. Anybody got any other people to recommend for this?
Griffin is a really good source of truth bombs on the Zionist grift movement since he knows from the inside how it all works

I'd say he is a good case study for young men too - especially when they risk being led up the hill and down again by civic nationalists and the bloated Tory buffer who care more about Israel's borders than their own.

He has been involved in all types of nationalism: street marches, uniforms, Third Way, the Non-Aligned Movement, the "respectable" suited and booted electoral route before becoming a Christian Nationalist (Russian Orthodox apparently).

The deep state of NGOs; activist judges; civil servants; Tories in patriotic mode, and Israel-first nationalists will all come down hard on British ethno-nationalists to ingratiate themselves with their enemies (Reform's membership being subject to the scrutiny of the state-funded Hope Not Hate is just the latest of many examples). Once this is seen, it is impossible to unsee how desperate some conservatives want to be "platformed" and accepted in to the dialectical process. Don't be the victim that is sacrificed by them to appease their enemies.

Griffin warned young men to stay away from National Action but he was met with "OK Boomer" replies. These young men are now in jail, their lives ruined and with no legal means to emigrate elsewhere with political crimes on their records.
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