I really do hate the British police, as an institution. I must commend Tommy, although he's obviously totally blinded / wilfully ignorant / paid to be quiet (delete as per opinion) about certain things he's definitely got a certain charisma and he's definitely good on the subject of Muslim immigration. I suppose a good lightning rod for the average working class guy to become more informed about these issues (Tommy himself flip flops on non-Muslim but non-Western immigration).
I always get into it with other WNs about their support for Palestine, because they think, it is a great strategy (Hitler and the great mufti, exposing zionism etc), because in my opinion that strategy does not work for us, White people; it does not lead to an increased awareness of Anti-Whiteism.
That muslim who stabbed children in Ireland and the hypocrisy and lies of the state and the media, led to it and to a racial awakening of the Irish.
Back to Tommy, even he, despite being a shabboz goy, is seen as a greater threat by the British state than the pro palestine protesters, which is rather shameful for them.