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Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

I'm not sure he's bought into the 'jews are harmless', but certainly 'jews are a minimal problem compared to Islam'. Which is either due to ignorance or being steered down that path. I imagine Jews have been nice to him his whole life whereas he's had physical confrontations with Muslims since he was a a teenager. Although, as Millennial Woes pointed out in his last stream, he's actually been sold down the river by the zionists in the long run since he's bankrupt etc.

The only positive from this is that multiculturalism is being shown up as a fragile scam and hopefully this leads to some posiitve developments.
This issue with his prison stays. Mileage will vary on this BUT:
I still think that people are in the Bargaining stage of Grief with the truth about Tommy.
Tommy is controlled opposition - I know people don't like that phrase, but thats what he is.
I grew up around people in football firms (that I was never a part of). They don't rate Tommy, they don't buy the likely lad propaganda.
He officially works for an israeli media company called Urban Scoop. Urban Scoop are very hard to pin down, they are a front company that constantly change things like their actual address, their reporting to auditors etc. They're Israeli intelligence.
Sorry to say but I grew up around Luton, I worked jobs on Marsh Farm Estate, I remember the riots in 1992 AND the ones in 1995. I know people around Harpenden where TR likes to hang out. People all say the same thing..
Tommy is a coke head who struggles to keep his real job secret when he has a few drinks. I would argue that he struggles to keep himself together, full stop - hence he is a perfect controllable front man for any disaffected native Brits who are fed up with demographic replacement.

Tommy said in his book "Enemy of the State" that he was approached by british MI6 to head up a far right resistance movement but to secretly work for them.
Well, colour me surprised because MI6 work hand in glove with the Mossad, them and MI6. That Zionist "backing" is not co-incidental, it comes with intel strings. More of that later.
Some EDL people stopped following Tommy when they saw him at an event in a Mossard t shirt. That seems innocuous enough...

People who worked alongside Tommy for the EDL and gave speeches about grooming gangs said that they started to speak about Barbara Spector and her like saying openly that jewish finance was the key in replacing native populations in Europe, > the more they learnt about the Jews involvement and financial support. of demographic replacement the more they got shut down < and Tommy Robinson told them that he was basically Zionist to the hilt and the jews and israel came first for him. Big rows with lots of people leaving and eventually Tommy Robinson leaving. EDL implodes. Good job, British Govt agents -cough-sorry, I mean Tommy. But what if Tommy..?--- oh yes.

Nick Griffin of the BNP explained that at one point when they were getting successful they were offered Big Money by businessmen and the state to go more 'respectable' - all they had to do was drop any mention of the Banks, banking practices and any mention of jewish involvement in what was being done to britain. the BNP said no and eventually sank from view.
Tommy's former comrades said that TR did the SAME thing when the EDL was growing . Come to meetings, meet these "guys" - who are those guys? Jews, American jews from the US. Mobbed up jews with federal connections.
ANY true British patriot should have been bristling with anger by this stage. ZOG money, US jews, intel agencies, MSM, media companies ALL playing native British movements like a fiddle.
TR shares alot of Glasgow Rangers fanbase flags and signs and people unthinkingly comment saying 'yes, the tide is turning, Nicola Sturgeon will be voted out" thats not how it works.
Its very sectarian in Scots politics and there's a mossad connection between protestant Northern Irish paramilitaries and their arms supply through to groups like Combat 18 and football hooligan firms like those of Glasgow Rangers or the Chelsea head hunters.

Mossad control a large amount of the drug supply into the UK through various ethnic factions like say, Albanians, they work with including whites. What we are seeing is Mossad and MI6/Whitehall tying up otherwise "dangerous" (to them) groups and using them for their own purposes. And the likes of Tommy are the key-stone to their Arch.

Tommy basically has a violent group of agent provacateurs at his disposal. Patriotic Alternative , a little bit glow but still fairly grass roots in the people who attend their "we're harmless" activities, they turned up to a Tommy Telford "Rape of Britain" rally and basically did nothing but hold some placards and parrot the same issue. TR's thugs waded in and beat the cr*p out of peaceable PA. thats not anything but agent provacateur behaviour. Tommys boys were all over the social media chat after saying 'we rule this space, watch out' Gangster behaviour basically.
He promotes anyone who is POC/black/brown/sikh and has a violent past to show that "we are all in this together". I think 95% of the times I have ever read the approving phrase "Black Lads!" (great work lads!) in my life is from TR's social media posts. very Jewish.

NOW comes the prison stays. I get it, people don't like to see how they've been tricked. The Tommy show took me in too.
But its funny because all Tommys woes increasingly look like theatre. His arrests in foreign countries have people asking how he can get away so quickly with the crimes hes accused of (instaban on his TG channel)
Tommys little wrestle with a police officer at Manchester airport before they immediately both exited stage right through a convenient door looked exactly like play acting. Play acting scenes with the feds of the Zio-British Govt? Thats not just having a bit of zio-money behind you...
These agencies aren't stupid and they will sail Tommy very close to the line but they will always have an eye on keeping Tommy fans on the Glowie reservation. ie: not really doing anything tangible.

It reminds people of Lee Harvey Oswald who was working for the CIA and who in hindsight was obviously 'sheep dipped' numerous times to give the impression that he was an .. Enemy of the State (cough!)
Those 1000's of briitish girls raped and trafficked and abused and yet, really, we are given the Tommy!! show.. ? It's all about him and his social media status and his updates. Its all about him and his coked up thugs.
Nice work MI6.

There was an uprising around 2 years ago on his channel and in response Tommy posted his brave anti-Jewish takes which amounted to:
Democrat jews are self hating jews who should remember their oppressed history and should join his side.
Real jews should support Zio-Republicanism..
Israeli covid dystopia (temporary theatre in many ways) was a bad thing. and... That's it.
Oh, also Zelensky
is betraying his blessed Jewish roots by siding with ukrop neo nazis. Real edgy stuff Tommy. But its the Fed stuff that grates.
Having the white working class Football Lads Alliance, ex hooligan network, white gangland, all sewn up gives Zio-MI6, effectively, the UK govt's own Antifa/brownshirt thugs. Operation Gladio morphs and evolves.
It all also ties up the very Britons that would otherwise oppose ZOG and instead controls them.
Thats the part of the Tommy story people are still bargaining with - He is in with the British Govt and his handlers fake his stories AND his legal woes.
Remember his stays in Belmarsh prison, the most high security prison in the UK? (((Rebel News))) Ezra Levant live broadcasting, “Im on my way to visit Tommy, but he’s locked DEEP inside an isolation unit!” How do we know? Rebel news told us so.
Remember he almost got napalmed by a muslim Somali in jail? How do we know? He TOLD us so.
He got new teeth after all these evil muslims "kicked his teeth out" in jail. How do we know? He TOLD us so. (tells people around Harpenden something different after a few drinks.) take away the gritty story - He got new teeth, he got his teeth done... as you do when you are an asset to govts, - with all the money that entails..
And THEN, when he got out of jail, Tommy was hop, skipping and jumping all around the world. So many observers (who were also trying to pin down the records of his Israeli 'business' handlers) asking how? how is that possible?
Sometimes he would live broadcast from airports, “immigration here are giving me grief!” (oh no Tommy!) A mere mortal would have been unable to enter any of those countries, wouldn't have even been allowed on the plane in the first place. He is regularly sheep-dipped and all the Right argue with all the Left about the “injustice!” "he's racist!" "he's guilty!" "he's done nothing wrong!" He's a Government Asset.
And he does his job for ZOG and the UK government. Just look at his pied piper role in the upcoming Remembrance/Cenotaph drama forecast for this weekend. Agent of the State.
The Nick Griffin video mentioned.

Across Europe it's all the same. The three benchmarks mentioned by Griffin are the only ones needed to assess whether someone is controlled opposition.

1. Are they ignoring the banking system ie. the clique of internationalist banksters that were briefly exposed in 2008 and have a disproportionate amount of influence?
2. Do they bash Islam relentlessly?
3. Do they equate the fate of Israel with the fate of the West, plug Political Zionism and talk about Judeo- Christian values?

If that's 3 out of 3 you might have to do with a sell out.

Interesting stuff, and I'm well aware of the Nick Griffin info. How would you explain TR's bankruptcy and so on, if he was an agent of the state and/or recieving money from Zionists.

I'm not being intellectually dishonest, I'm genuinely interested in your theories.

People need to believe what seems most reasonable to them.

I've told you my reasons for believing that TR is an asset of the jewish-dominated British Government.

In the Jordan Peterson thread I laid out the fact that Peterson was always being backed/curated/groomed by jewish money and the very globalists whose agenda he supposedly was pushing back on.
All that reporting is extant and referenced. And I asked that those (the majority in the thread) who have insisted that Peterson is "just on a personal journey" (even as he sits and interviews with Netanyahu) if they could at the very least reference the reported and referenced role of jews of the likes of Dongier, Szemberg, Balsillie in shaping Peterson's career as mentioned in the thread.

In reply I was told:

"when you state something about Jordan Peterson's past you need to say something factual and concrete like "I personally know Jordan Peterson and I was present when the jews approached him and forced him to sell his soul to the devil," or "I know someone who knew Jordan Peterson and they said he completely changed once the jews approached him and asked him to be controlled opposition," or, "I'm ex-CIA and I saw the jewish file on Jordan Peterson with my own two eyes."

Well, ironically, thats exactly what I'm saying here.
I didn't grow up in Alberta, Canada in Peterson's day, but I did grow up around Bedfordshire and the Home Counties in Tommy's time and know a lot of people who came up in the same place and the same time who say the same things about TR.
There's a lot of people around Tommy/Stephen who buy into the official narrative.
There's a lot of people from those past days and these current ones who say that the Tommy show is not what it seems ad that he has admitted it to them in person and to many others who know him.
Thats also the reason I have to see another Luton resident, Andrew Tate, (who was not the kind of guy who could make any sort of impact on the streets of Luton, Bedfordshire) as another 'sheep dipped' UK/ZOG operative. People who knew him find the whole Tate show a ludicrous cartoon.

When I say that of Tate I receive the angry typed questions "well, what's he doing in prison then?!!! Answer that!"
Oh but he isn't in prison. He's been under 'house arrest' in a big well appointed house being interviewed by the likes of Tucker Carlson.
The people who paid the Tates bags of money for his "war room" etc. are free to follow all the legal updates and to both believe and enjoy the pantomime, but I don't and I won't.

That doesn't mean other people have to agree with me. People inn this thread believe the complete opposite, and all power to them. Im not here to convince people against their will.
I read about lee Harvey Oswald's ridiculously compressed CV and the fact that his tax returns are STILL classified and see someone who was, indeed, a 'patsy' and who was most likely a 'sheep-dipped' employee of the CIA.
Other people on here really believe the official narrative - that he was a communist sympathising "lone gunman". Each to their own.

You read a book like "Enemy of the State" and perhaps believe all the harassment he details in the book, as well as the prison stays and the financial and legal woes.
I believe what I've heard about him which says that its all a stage show.
And therefore when I read all of his dramas I just see someone with an expensive cocaine habit and gleaming new teeth hop, skipping and jumping around the world - despite the fact that they have supposedly been in all kinds of legal trouble and have been an "Enemy of the State" and incarcerated in Britains most secure prison.
Ask anyone who's been on a no-fly list. There's no 'flying to the destination and then live streaming that immigration are giving me grief!" They don't let you check your bags in, things are computerised, the minute they try to input your details at check in the 'no-fly' 'no-visa' alerts come up.
Not only that but someone who is really harassed by the authorities has his support structure taken down. And yet, this guy who is supposedly so harassed by the authorities, seems to have flight tickets booked in his name? And an awful lot of freedom and cash in his life.
I read the "Im-being-targeted" literature and believe that I am reading ghost-written British intel propaganda on behalf of their agent. Tiny Rowland territory.

Believe what seems most reasonable to you. I just see an agent of the state dong a very valuable job for a British Govt that can only get away with what it has done via using controlled-opposition like Robinson and the Football Lads Alliance to subvert the very forces that threaten them. "Divide and Rule".
Its my opinion, granted, but we also shouldn't see Yaxley-Lennon as 'just' someone who has accepted backing from obscure 'money bags' types.

"Silly Tommy, he shouldn't have accepted that cash from a rich Malaysian Chinese businessman! He'll never tell the truth about British-Malysian food import tariffs now!" "We can't trust him on rubber-price fixing in South East Asia!" Its not the same as that, though.

Gordon Brown, the former British Prime Minister, was bankrolled and controlled by the jew, Lord Ronald Cohen,
The Egyptian-born Cohen was described as "Sir Ronald Cohen, the daddy of England‘s private equity industry and a bosom buddy of Prime Minister Gordon Brown."
In the British press Cohen was portrayed as a wealthy Jewish supporter of Brown and New Labour.
But Cohen's third wife, the Los Angeles-born Sharon Harel-Cohen, who was usually described as a film producer, was Mossad and her father, Yossi Harel, commanded the Jewish refugee ship that became known as Exodus in 1947.
Yet her dual Israeli nationality was seldom discussed.
What the controlled media didn't tell people about Sharon Harel-Cohen is that Isser Harel, her father, was one of the main long term architects of 9-11 and her father was fingered by sources as involved in planning the murder of 3,000 Americans as early as 1979.
She was an Israeli-American whose father was one of the founding chiefs of the Mossad and Israeli military intelligence until his death in April 2008. That means the daughter of one of the founders of Israeli intelligence was part of the team controlling the British prime minister.
The team controlling him when he was the, then, Chancellor of the Exchequer (no. 2 in the UK govt) when 9-11 happened.
According to Christopher Bollyn, "The link was the connection that gave Israeli intelligence control over the heads of the British government, something they have had since at least the 1990s and taken the United States and Britain into two costly and disastrous wars in the Middle East."

David Icke brought out his first 9-11 Truther book, "Alice in Wonderland", very quickly after 9-11. Spookily quickly.
It was well received but it was complete nonsense to my mind as it left out ALL the evidence of Israel involvement.
Now WHY would an "enemy of the state" like David Icke do that?
David Icke was a member of Ryde Freemason lodge and was a member at the same time, 9-11 2001, that fellow member Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, (and prime minister in waiting and fellow mason/lodge member David Cameron was also PM in waiting).
The jews were also running "truth teller" Icke, brave enemy of governments everywhere -- that David Icke.
In reality a tool of the ZOG establishment as much as Prime Minsters Brown and Cameron were. Tell a David Icke fan and they wouldn't believe their ears (so well curated has been Icke's image as a brave truth teller).

So it's not just Tommy/Stephen having a rich benefactor (generic) like a Brunei sheik.
He's run by the same Likud-nik jews that run the rest of the west, that ran the Obama and Trump white houses and who run our banks and run our UK government to this day and who are behind the very Kalergi-plan migration that he's supposed to be leading the 'popular resistance' against.
That's something many people cant un-notice about Yaxley-Lennon once they've seen it.
And thats before even hearing it in person from those that have been drinking with him.

(Autumn Groyper is Nick Funtes)

I don't know why Autumn Goyper, Nick Fuentes, is laughing, he is friends with Laura Loomer...but Tommy Robinson is such a sad case; brave english guy, but at the same time shilling for jewish power and lately he wished everyone a happy diwali and propated more non-White migration as long as it is not islamic - "hey whitey you get replaced, but it won't be muslims, but blacks and hindus...." - that is his agenda.
It's not his agenda, it's the agenda of his owners.
I know that the matrix owns him. That brilliant sentence leads me to Tate who once said that it doesn't matter who the matrix is, but what it does...and when Tate was in prison Tommy Robinson defended him, if I remember correctly; and both of them lead people away from White racial identity and actual nationalism which includes the repatriation of foreigners. Jews flood the west with muslims and then have people like Tate to promote that silly, murderous cult and at the same time they have their Tommy Robinsons - and actual nationalists then have to compete with such paid actors.
I know that the matrix owns him. That brilliant sentence leads me to Tate who once said that it doesn't matter who the matrix is, but what it does...and when Tate was in prison Tommy Robinson defended him, if I remember correctly; and both of them lead people away from White racial identity and actual nationalism which includes the repatriation of foreigners. Jews flood the west with muslims and then have people like Tate to promote that silly, murderous cult and at the same time they have their Tommy Robinsons - and actual nationalists then have to compete with such paid actors.

Both agents of British Intelligence (same for Noam Chomsky) and both playing up the "Im from Luton" angle.
From the early 90's onwards Luton always came top of any "lad mag" (Loaded, FHM, etc) article on "Britain's Roughest Towns" or "Worst Places to Live in the UK" etc. etc. without fail, every year it got the top spot for - worst town in the UK.
And then if anybody asked the locals WHY it was the worst town in the UK THEN the subject of "diversity" would come up.
Luton was the canary in the "diversity" coal mine long before Tony Blair came to power and opened the Kalergi floodgates.
So it would make sense that the Zio-feemason cabal that runs Britain to put together more than one 'pied-piper' leader to come out of Luton.

Here we have a recent article saying that not only is Luton STILL the worst place to live in the UK but that it is also the least "Christmassy" and "Festive" - which is hardly surprising given its muslim population. Guess which town was 2nd most least Christmassy in the UK? Pakistani-muslim inundated Bradford - Britains 2nd worst town.

The theatre in London last Saturday was so woeful. 10 minutes before the Tommy Crowd was about to get to the Cenotaph, the Met Police put a single line of less than 20 officers in their way saying things like "stay back!" .. so for 5 minutes there was aggravation and then the piecemeal line gave way and Boom! the hordes surged into the square at the last minute, foaming at the mouth and champing at the bit and ready for a ruck (almost Hillsborough-False-Flag in the way the authroitiese arranged it)

I have to say that, whilst I like to observe the armistice or at least the silence, every year, this year streaming the event was a disappointment.

When the British Engineer Ken Bigley was kidnapped in Iraq and beheaded they tried to have a 2 minute silence for him at the next EPL football match between Liverpool and Man Utd and forgot that Bigley was from Liverpool and that a lot of Man Utd and Liverpool fans hate each other.
So the "silence" quickly descended in to two groups of football hooligans, yelling, shouting and trying to start up chants.

The "silence" at the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day this year sounded like a bunch of bovver boys all yelling and shouting and acting in a very un-orderly manner. It was very on-brand for Tommy Robinson the ZOG personality but t didn't fit the occasion at all.
It was a complete anachronism.
I was live streaming the event and looked at the live stream comments afterwards and during the two minutes silence many were posting the same thing; "They're OUR F***ING WAR DEAD!" - I saw lots of posts like that.

If people think that .. typing.. or yelling out.. or chanting things like that during a solemn remembrance event is somehow appropriate then Britain is in serious trouble.
Thats the problem I have with the jews in the UK government running Tommy: they go out of their way to encourage the meat-head "trouble" elements of working class culture, but - that hasn't been the manner in which working class Britain has remembered its war daed up until now.

Enter ZOG and.. hey presto, venerable and dignified traditions become more like World Wrestling Federation events.
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People need to believe what seems most reasonable to them.

I've told you my reasons for believing that TR is an asset of the jewish-dominated British Government.

In the Jordan Peterson thread I laid out the fact that Peterson was always being backed/curated/groomed by jewish money and the very globalists whose agenda he supposedly was pushing back on.
All that reporting is extant and referenced. And I asked that those (the majority in the thread) who have insisted that Peterson is "just on a personal journey" (even as he sits and interviews with Netanyahu) if they could at the very least reference the reported and referenced role of jews of the likes of Dongier, Szemberg, Balsillie in shaping Peterson's career as mentioned in the thread.

In reply I was told:

"when you state something about Jordan Peterson's past you need to say something factual and concrete like "I personally know Jordan Peterson and I was present when the jews approached him and forced him to sell his soul to the devil," or "I know someone who knew Jordan Peterson and they said he completely changed once the jews approached him and asked him to be controlled opposition," or, "I'm ex-CIA and I saw the jewish file on Jordan Peterson with my own two eyes."

Well, ironically, thats exactly what I'm saying here.
I didn't grow up in Alberta, Canada in Peterson's day, but I did grow up around Bedfordshire and the Home Counties in Tommy's time and know a lot of people who came up in the same place and the same time who say the same things about TR.
There's a lot of people around Tommy/Stephen who buy into the official narrative.
There's a lot of people from those past days and these current ones who say that the Tommy show is not what it seems ad that he has admitted it to them in person and to many others who know him.
Thats also the reason I have to see another Luton resident, Andrew Tate, (who was not the kind of guy who could make any sort of impact on the streets of Luton, Bedfordshire) as another 'sheep dipped' UK/ZOG operative. People who knew him find the whole Tate show a ludicrous cartoon.

When I say that of Tate I receive the angry typed questions "well, what's he doing in prison then?!!! Answer that!"
Oh but he isn't in prison. He's been under 'house arrest' in a big well appointed house being interviewed by the likes of Tucker Carlson.
The people who paid the Tates bags of money for his "war room" etc. are free to follow all the legal updates and to both believe and enjoy the pantomime, but I don't and I won't.

That doesn't mean other people have to agree with me. People inn this thread believe the complete opposite, and all power to them. Im not here to convince people against their will.
I read about lee Harvey Oswald's ridiculously compressed CV and the fact that his tax returns are STILL classified and see someone who was, indeed, a 'patsy' and who was most likely a 'sheep-dipped' employee of the CIA.
Other people on here really believe the official narrative - that he was a communist sympathising "lone gunman". Each to their own.

You read a book like "Enemy of the State" and perhaps believe all the harassment he details in the book, as well as the prison stays and the financial and legal woes.
I believe what I've heard about him which says that its all a stage show.
And therefore when I read all of his dramas I just see someone with an expensive cocaine habit and gleaming new teeth hop, skipping and jumping around the world - despite the fact that they have supposedly been in all kinds of legal trouble and have been an "Enemy of the State" and incarcerated in Britains most secure prison.
Ask anyone who's been on a no-fly list. There's no 'flying to the destination and then live streaming that immigration are giving me grief!" They don't let you check your bags in, things are computerised, the minute they try to input your details at check in the 'no-fly' 'no-visa' alerts come up.
Not only that but someone who is really harassed by the authorities has his support structure taken down. And yet, this guy who is supposedly so harassed by the authorities, seems to have flight tickets booked in his name? And an awful lot of freedom and cash in his life.
I read the "Im-being-targeted" literature and believe that I am reading ghost-written British intel propaganda on behalf of their agent. Tiny Rowland territory.

Believe what seems most reasonable to you. I just see an agent of the state dong a very valuable job for a British Govt that can only get away with what it has done via using controlled-opposition like Robinson and the Football Lads Alliance to subvert the very forces that threaten them. "Divide and Rule".
Its my opinion, granted, but we also shouldn't see Yaxley-Lennon as 'just' someone who has accepted backing from obscure 'money bags' types.

"Silly Tommy, he shouldn't have accepted that cash from a rich Malaysian Chinese businessman! He'll never tell the truth about British-Malysian food import tariffs now!" "We can't trust him on rubber-price fixing in South East Asia!" Its not the same as that, though.

Gordon Brown, the former British Prime Minister, was bankrolled and controlled by the jew, Lord Ronald Cohen,
The Egyptian-born Cohen was described as "Sir Ronald Cohen, the daddy of England‘s private equity industry and a bosom buddy of Prime Minister Gordon Brown."
In the British press Cohen was portrayed as a wealthy Jewish supporter of Brown and New Labour.
But Cohen's third wife, the Los Angeles-born Sharon Harel-Cohen, who was usually described as a film producer, was Mossad and her father, Yossi Harel, commanded the Jewish refugee ship that became known as Exodus in 1947.
Yet her dual Israeli nationality was seldom discussed.
What the controlled media didn't tell people about Sharon Harel-Cohen is that Isser Harel, her father, was one of the main long term architects of 9-11 and her father was fingered by sources as involved in planning the murder of 3,000 Americans as early as 1979.
She was an Israeli-American whose father was one of the founding chiefs of the Mossad and Israeli military intelligence until his death in April 2008. That means the daughter of one of the founders of Israeli intelligence was part of the team controlling the British prime minister.
The team controlling him when he was the, then, Chancellor of the Exchequer (no. 2 in the UK govt) when 9-11 happened.
According to Christopher Bollyn, "The link was the connection that gave Israeli intelligence control over the heads of the British government, something they have had since at least the 1990s and taken the United States and Britain into two costly and disastrous wars in the Middle East."

David Icke brought out his first 9-11 Truther book, "Alice in Wonderland", very quickly after 9-11. Spookily quickly.
It was well received but it was complete nonsense to my mind as it left out ALL the evidence of Israel involvement.
Now WHY would an "enemy of the state" like David Icke do that?
David Icke was a member of Ryde Freemason lodge and was a member at the same time, 9-11 2001, that fellow member Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, (and prime minister in waiting and fellow mason/lodge member David Cameron was also PM in waiting).
The jews were also running "truth teller" Icke, brave enemy of governments everywhere -- that David Icke.
In reality a tool of the ZOG establishment as much as Prime Minsters Brown and Cameron were. Tell a David Icke fan and they wouldn't believe their ears (so well curated has been Icke's image as a brave truth teller).

So it's not just Tommy/Stephen having a rich benefactor (generic) like a Brunei sheik.
He's run by the same Likud-nik jews that run the rest of the west, that ran the Obama and Trump white houses and who run our banks and run our UK government to this day and who are behind the very Kalergi-plan migration that he's supposed to be leading the 'popular resistance' against.
That's something many people cant un-notice about Yaxley-Lennon once they've seen it.
And thats before even hearing it in person from those that have been drinking with him.

With regards to Andrew Tate a Muslim guy told me that his (Tate's) Sheikh after conversion to Islam is a UAE citizen who surprise, suprise is against the economic boycott of Israel
I know that the matrix owns him. That brilliant sentence leads me to Tate who once said that it doesn't matter who the matrix is, but what it does...and when Tate was in prison Tommy Robinson defended him, if I remember correctly; and both of them lead people away from White racial identity and actual nationalism which includes the repatriation of foreigners. Jews flood the west with muslims and then have people like Tate to promote that silly, murderous cult and at the same time they have their Tommy Robinsons - and actual nationalists then have to compete with such paid actors.

Tate is literally copying David Icke with the Matrix Schtick
This stuff is depressing... Just all these seemingly committed activists being compromised. I did use to listen to Tommy Robinson a long time ago.

Heard a podcast from Lauren Eastman Zionist Alt-Media Shills, EUSSR, Excess Deaths & Trudeau's Death Squads | EWO 073

The 35 minute mark he starts on the Zionist Alt-Media Shills topic

A lot of names from this thread are mentioned including Jordan Peterson and Tommy Robinson. Additionally, Nigel Farage (!)

So messed up. A carrot and stick mafia style strategy with any kind of public figure. Say what we don't like, we'll ruin you, say what we like, we'll pay you. Don't be mean to our little country. He has a bit to say about the Gaza situation as well.

And now a word from our sponsors...
Is Tommy Robinson clever enough to be a willing Zionist agent? Or is he a man from a town in England that has seen huge Muslim immigration and the problems that have resulted as a consequence of that? I believe he got into politics via the casual scene, indeed I think there was a group called Casuals United that morphed into the EDL.

It might well be that someone has approached him and said, "we Israelis have experienced these problems for decades, we understand you and we can help."

Does Tommy understand the significance of the banking system? Probably not. As others have said, he is simply tackling what he sees as the problem based upon his own experiences.

The problem with suggesting someone is a ZioCon agent is that it implies he understands the real problem, but is deliberately distracting people from it. It implies he's insincere. I think that's very cynical and it is especially difficult to understand a man's true motivation.
I think a few years ago, you could make a very fair and reasonable case that what you saw is accurate. However, I think in 2023 at the very minimum he has to be aware of the zionist role in mass immigration and the double standards Jews have for open borders in the west v Israel. He swims in the same waters as we do, so he has to have been exposed to some of the same arguments. I think Millennial Woes put it pretty well recently, I paraphrase: "He is in many ways a good lad, a likable guy, but he's compomised at worst and an attention seeking liability at best."
A few days ago he addressed the people who call him out as a Zionist, and his argument comes down to "stop being anonymous, you should put your faces and reputations on the line", just like Jordan "we're lucky to have Jews in positions of authority" Peterson also says. Classic Zionist line so they know who to get cancelled.

I really do hate the British police, as an institution. I must commend Tommy, although he's obviously totally blinded / wilfully ignorant / paid to be quiet (delete as per opinion) about certain things he's definitely got a certain charisma and he's definitely good on the subject of Muslim immigration. I suppose a good lightning rod for the average working class guy to become more informed about these issues (Tommy himself flip flops on non-Muslim but non-Western immigration).
