The Syria Thread

The speed with which this coup took place, and the level of armaments and organization brought to bear by the rebels is really bizarre. We know it was orchestrated by the US/Israel/Turkey, but it almost seems as if Iran and Russia were either somehow forced to withdraw their support for Assad, or made some sort of deal where they received something in exchange for standing down and essentially sacrificing their interests in Syria. What that might be, we can only speculate. But there's definitely something fishy about this whole thing, and I feel like we aren't getting the whole story at this point. I mean, the situation in Syria dates back to the Obama administration. Assad proved very difficult to dislodge and seemed to have the full support of Iran and Russia. And now he's just gone without a fight in a week out of nowhere? It doesn't add up.
They just had to trash one more country for the jews before they were done didn't they? God forbid any of these demons leave office without destroying a country, I would say "how have they not learned yet" but this is what they want....
Saw an analysis that NATO used Ukraine to tie up resources from Russia so they wouldn't be able to help Syria.

Erdogan needs to get an acting award for trashing Israel in his public speeches and then delivering the checkmate in the end.

hats off to NATO for long term strategic thinking to take out Assad that they've been wanting to for about a decade. This also says a lot about how much NATO respects Iran has with this plan.

Its also depressing to think about the bloodshed and resources wasted across the middle east. We're witnessing a century of humiliation for the middle east.
2016 timeframe - Hillary's emails paraphrasing "In Syria, we are aligned with ISIS." Jake Sullivan reportedly said similar.

Jihadis/CIA attempt overthrow, Christians and decent Muslims suffer. USAF earns nickname "ISIS Air Force" for bombing villages the day before jihadis commandeer them. Assaad fights to a standstill.

7 years of so-so stability. State Dpt offers bounty on Muhammad al Juwlani as an al Nusra top leader (hey we're the good guys).

2024 - Trump wins, CIA/Turkey/Israel give GO order - gotta get this done before orange man arrives (I wonder if Trump was informed of this during daily intel briefs). CIA learned from the last time it needs Turkey and Israel support to pull off this mission.

Al Juwlani et al are victorious (for now). A named and wanted terrorist is closest there is to a Head of State now in Syria - all with western backing. Israel W. Neocon W. Turkey W (for now). America W?

Within hours, Israel seizes land along southern Golan and lets oil contracts. That was fast. Within hours, USAF resumes bombing jihadis in Sryia (hey we're the good guys). That was fast.

Lessons learned/confirmed:

Doing business with CIA = always screwed in the end. Confirmed.
Blowback potential? What could go wrong, fomenting Jihadi revolt, then bombing them hours after they win? Is this another deal we made to cement al Juwlani's power before the other moderate headchoppers come for him, or such intratribal warfare?
No matter how cynical I am, I'm not cynical enough. Confirmed.
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