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The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

I wanted to post this in the thread "Your Favorite Hymns" but I can't because it's a Protestant thread.

'Eternal Father, Strong to Save' : the hymn of the U.S. Navy, the Royal Navy, and the Royal Canadian Navy, among others.

I always liked this one; they used to sing this at the Canadian Peace Officer Memorial service that takes place on Parliament Hill in September. That was several years ago, it's probably been replaced by land acknowledgements and aboriginal grunting now.
My cleaning business is beginning to get clients and leads and I have to say: I'm disappointed I spent so much of my life agonizing over having a career or getting a career when all I needed was to focus on making money and it didn't matter the vector. I am also annoyed I thought I could only do a side hustle or build my own business on the internet, not something physical and local.
My cleaning business is beginning to get clients and leads and I have to say: I'm disappointed I spent so much of my life agonizing over having a career or getting a career when all I needed was to focus on making money and it didn't matter the vector. I am also annoyed I thought I could only do a side hustle or build my own business on the internet, not something physical and local.
Agreed. When you are self employed, all you have to do is find customers and serve them directly, then they pay you directly. It's such a different mindset than conventional employment.

Of course there are a lot of additional burdens that come with it, such as marketing, accounting and finance, payroll and HR, overhead, inventory, facility management, self employment taxes, licenses and regulations, etc.

Still, when you start getting lots of customers and the revenue starts flowing in, it's great.
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My cleaning business is beginning to get clients and leads and I have to say: I'm disappointed I spent so much of my life agonizing over having a career or getting a career when all I needed was to focus on making money and it didn't matter the vector. I am also annoyed I thought I could only do a side hustle or build my own business on the internet, not something physical and local.
Username does not check out! :)

Good for you and best of luck!
Today I met a woman who described herself as a bisexual Buddhist witch who is intimidated by "cis gender" straight women. She was wearing a Hajib like Muslim women do because she said she took a vaccine which made her allergic to the sun. She also said she couldn't eat anything wrapped in aluminum anymore. What surprised me was that she had a Gideon's Bible in her hand which she said she read frequently. She insisted she wasn't a Christian so I told her how much I appreciated the Bible and that she should keep reading it.
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You know, for those seeking wives.
What is it about Buddhism that attracts so many white leftists? Do they just pose as calm then sperg out over politics? No way they actually read anything on Buddhism outside one or two articles.

From what little I know of Eastern religion, I'd surmise that Buddhism is a way for spiritually inclined people to seek inner peace without taking moral positions that would force them to change their lifestyle or alienate them from their friends and the culture at large. It probably does appeal more to the laid back liberal hippie types than the screaming, rigid SJWs.
What is it about Buddhism that attracts so many white leftists? Do they just pose as calm then sperg out over politics? No way they actually read anything on Buddhism outside one or two articles.
Liberals in general deny the concept of objective reality. This makes them more inclined to the mystical mumbo jumbo. The "Buddhism" that they practice is just smorgasbord spirituality. Historical Buddhists were far more dogmatic than these liberals, not that these liberals are not even more dogmatic in their woke-ism religion.
Something I hear a lot of these Buddhist liberals say a lot on Buddhism is that "it's more of a philosophy than a religion". Buddhism as it's practiced in the traditionally Buddhist nations actually does have a lot of the "religious" elements that the western liberal sees as outdated and primitive. Something that gets repeated a lot is that Buddhism is an atheist religion which isn't true. There's no supreme creator god but's still devas, bodhisattvas, hungry ghosts, and many other spiritual beings that would be equivalent of the gods, demi-gods, and other such beings that you find in the polytheistic religions.

A lot of these elements end up getting left out by westerners when it comes to their interest in Buddhism. I think a big part of it is because Buddhism spread in the west via scholars and people who had an academic interest in the philosophy and metaphysics of Buddhism so the aspects of Buddhism that are deemed as "religious" haven't been propagated as much. Speaking of the metaphysics of Buddhism, I think another reason Buddhist ideas has had so much success in the modern west is because modern western culture abhors any sort of objective, set standard for anything which ties in nicely with the Buddhist ideas of how everything is in constant flux and that there is no essential essence to anything whether it be to personal identity, categories, or concepts. Think of how so many people now can't define what a man or a woman is and insists that both categories don't have any objective reality and can change constantly to adapt to new norms.

For those of you who are more philosophically inclined, look into the history of realism vs nominalism when it comes to the debates on metaphysics in the western tradition. Our current culture has largely accepted the nominalist framework and since Buddhism metaphysics is as nominalist as it can get, it's not a big surprise that those ideas have found a welcome home in modern western culture.
Buddhism as it's practiced in the traditionally Buddhist nations actually does have a lot of the "religious" elements that the western liberal sees as outdated and primitive.
I read that Nobunaga used to host debates between Jesuits and Buddhists.

The concept of debate itself presupposes logic and objective truth.

Because the leftist denies objective truth, he is constantly redefining reality according to his own image. He is never speaking outside of his own mind. This is why they are so rhetorical in how they talk.

It is a sure proof of Divine inspiration that the Bible recognizes this in the very beginning of Genesis. Man either believes in the one true God or he tries to become God.
It's insane how much better everything is when you're grateful. I've replaced all the lines I had for complaining about life, with ones of gratitude, and prayer over said gratitude. Haven't been irrationally upset or moping since a while now, and even friends and family notice. Moping really does make you feel like a prisoner, but there is a way out.

Next step for me should be smilemaxxing since friends and family say I don't have the most receptive face usually, which creates a bit of a bad impression.
@Blade Runner I"m not "trying" to make a meet up. I'm making one. Hope to see you there for a little Angelic Being debriefing.

And @Samseau, you're banning me from a thread from a disingenuous whore mongering newbie OP who is now belittling established members, taking no one's advice, and trashing the forum? I love you brother, but it's time to give me a promotion (my heritage badge so I can have access to my meet up thread), not a demoralizing demotion.
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@Blade Runner I"m not "trying" to make a meet up. I'm making one. Hope to see you there for a little Angelic Being debriefing.

And @Samseau, you're banning me from a thread from a disingenuous whore mongering newbie OP who is now belittling established members, taking no one's advice, and trashing the forum? I love you brother, but it's time to give me a promotion (my heritage badge so I can have access to my meet up thread), not a demoralizing demotion.

Wait a minute, why don't you have the Heritage tag? Did you join the forum late? Sounds like a mistake to me.
Wait a minute, why don't you have the Heritage tag? Did you join the forum late? Sounds like a mistake to me.
Wait a minute, I need what you have, "heirloom." I don't quite understand what's what. I got all these trolls calling out my posts from 12 years ago. Point proven. Just give me the most prestigious older sh*t badge.