The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

For the last few years I worked through a ton of things from my past and near-present. Now I can hardly stomach thinking about the past and I feel allergic to nostalgia. I take it as a sign of growth and healing. I used to long for the past and the internet didn't help with easy access to many aspects of recent history. It is time to look forward, and for once in my life I can't wait for the future.
That's a good sign. When I first quit smoking, I would sometimes pass by a waft of cigarette smoke and it would bring those feelings of nostalgia and a strong sense of desire. But over time, I began to associate that smell more and more with disgust.
I have noticed that leftists, secularists, and other degenerates who have drunk the kool-aid are simply incapable of understanding that someone can both be a victim and a villain at the same time. Their worldview of 'the oppressed vs. the oppressors' is founded on a sharp distinction of those two categories. This is why they can never take personal responsibility for anything, because they are eternal victims. Whatever evil they do afterwards is forever justified by whatever victimhood they have experienced, or at least convinced themselves that they've experienced.

The truth is everyone is, to some degree, a victim of something, but simultaneously, absolutely guilty of transgressing God's Law. In this sense, the only true victim is Jesus Christ, who never sinned or committed evil. Our victimhood does not excuse our evil. And it takes a true reprobate to use your victimhood to justify your evil. This is why we require God's Mercy and Grace if we are to have any hope, and no, it is not something that we deserve.
I'm so sick of Silicon Valley tech bros. Because I am starting a cleaning business I googled to see what my local competition was and one of the companies that popped up first in the search results was something called homeaglow. It caught my eye because I was wondering how on earth were they able to make a living charging $19 for a first clean. Everything seemed discounted and low-balled as low as possible. They were A-OK with the cheapest customers. Then I looked into it and the company is based out of San Francisco. Then I looked into it more and people were complaining about it being the worst service and they were scammed and didn't read the fine print and were charged as much or more than they would have been had they gone with someone local. It's all because a couple of tech bros decided to "disrupt" the home cleaning space by making a scamming online booking system that pulls people into a recurring subscription and then charges high rates should the customer catch on.

I can't stand how much of our society has been disrupted by tech bros, the kinds of guys who go to Burning Man and think they will change the world. The scummy Jack Dorsey and his kind who were gross, broke nobodies who fell into VC capital and now they think they're the good guys who can reshape the world as they like.
The more I live my life, the more I see the havoc and misery that sin has wreaked in people's lives. And it is in those times that I hope that they come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone who truly believes in Jesus finds Him to be a perfect savior. He is able to deliver us from all sin and misery.
I'm so sick of Silicon Valley tech bros. Because I am starting a cleaning business I googled to see what my local competition was and one of the companies that popped up first in the search results was something called homeaglow. It caught my eye because I was wondering how on earth were they able to make a living charging $19 for a first clean. Everything seemed discounted and low-balled as low as possible. They were A-OK with the cheapest customers. Then I looked into it and the company is based out of San Francisco. Then I looked into it more and people were complaining about it being the worst service and they were scammed and didn't read the fine print and were charged as much or more than they would have been had they gone with someone local. It's all because a couple of tech bros decided to "disrupt" the home cleaning space by making a scamming online booking system that pulls people into a recurring subscription and then charges high rates should the customer catch on.

I can't stand how much of our society has been disrupted by tech bros, the kinds of guys who go to Burning Man and think they will change the world. The scummy Jack Dorsey and his kind who were gross, broke nobodies who fell into VC capital and now they think they're the good guys who can reshape the world as they like.
Now that you've Google those terms, every time you go on YouTube you're going to be assaulted with ads by douchebags like them.

And let me tell you, there are many. I tell Google not to show me ads from one of these twats and instead it shows ads from another guy selling something similar.
Iv been thinking about social media and wondering if theres even any value in engaging with "people" on it, how do I even know im talking to an actual person on the other side? When Elon bought twitter he complained that half of the accounts were bot accounts so people werent even engaging with another human being, with AI for all we know we could even be engaging with a demon so Im thinking what is the point of responding or engaging on these platforms it might all just be fake, I want to know for sure that Im talking with another human being on the other side but with AI and bots a person never knows anymore so its kind of ruined social media, thoughts?
I drive for a living and today I brought someone to a planned parenthood facility. On my way out I saw a man holding a sign that quoted the 6th commandment, Thou Shall Not Murder. I gave him a thumbs up and donated to a pro-life organization soon after.

Strangely just prior, I was driving through a liberal town and saw a Jewish temple with a sign that said: Reproductive Freedom is a Jewish Value, which made me think of a tweet by E. Michael Jones.
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I feel like my dreams haven't matured, so to speak. All I remember from last night was me pushing a desk through a high school gymnasium in the middle of a performance and I was the fighting the feeling of embarrassment. Maybe dreams are too abstract to mature, but I feel like the kinds of dreams I have now at almost 40 are the same kinds of dreams I had 20 years ago.
I drive for a living and today I brought someone to a planned parenthood facility. On my way out I saw a man holding a sign that quoted the 6th commandment, Thou Shall Not Murder. I gave him a thumbs up and donated to a pro-life organization soon after.

Strangely just prior, I was driving through a liberal town and saw a Jewish temple with a sign that said: Reproductive Freedom is a Jewish Value, which made me think of a tweet by E. Michael Jones.

And what would You do, if Yor passenger was a pregnanat woman going to an abortion clinic ? Could You, legally, refuse to drive her there ?
I feel like my dreams haven't matured, so to speak. All I remember from last night was me pushing a desk through a high school gymnasium in the middle of a performance and I was the fighting the feeling of embarrassment. Maybe dreams are too abstract to mature, but I feel like the kinds of dreams I have now at almost 40 are the same kinds of dreams I had 20 years ago.
I have had dreams that I was in college and it was near the end of the semester, with final projects and the final exam coming due. In dreams like this I had been skipping class for weeks and was woefully unprepared for the end of the semester, totally headed for an F.

This never happened in real life, but I've had dreams like this decades after being out of college.
I think I've had that dream at least 3 times, well after college too. I'm in college or high school, it's the end of the semester, and I haven't even started the project that's due. The importance of this assignment has been stressed throughout the year and my grade rides on it. I've also stopped going to several classes, probably math, so I'm worried about failing.
I have had dreams that I was in college and it was near the end of the semester, with final projects and the final exam coming due. In dreams like this I had been skipping class for weeks and was woefully unprepared for the end of the semester, totally headed for an F.

This never happened in real life, but I've had dreams like this decades after being out of college.
I've had the same dream. I didn't study for a class the entire year and I'm sitting there at my desk in a panic not knowing what to do.

Wasn't this dream also in the Tom Cruise movie, Risky Business?
Anyone notice that athiests struggle with basic logical concepts? The claim that God does not objectively exist is as much of a claim about objective reality as is the claim that God does objectively exist. Any claim about objective reality requires evidence to be substantiated. Because the athiest denies the basis for objective reality altogether, he can only predicate on his subjective reality.
It does seem that atheists are bad at logic because I would assume one would have to place importance on truth if one is to adhere to logical axioms. But even highly logical people, like good programmers, are often woke and compartmentalize things that are political and progressive. I think that's why Vox Day and others assert that rhetoric > dialectic because some people simply can't or won't dialect.
It does seem that atheists are bad at logic because I would assume one would have to place importance on truth if one is to adhere to logical axioms. But even highly logical people, like good programmers, are often woke and compartmentalize things that are political and progressive. I think that's why Vox Day and others assert that rhetoric > dialectic because some people simply can't or won't dialect.
If there was no objective standard that we all will be held accountable to, then rhetoric would indeed be more important than dialectic. The problem is logical inconsistency. Even the most insane leftist lives his life as if there is a standard outside of himself, and the most hardened athiest recognizes he is not God, no matter how much he continues in idolatry.
I've had the same dream.
I must be the only one who's never had this dream!

I did have a similar recurring dream throughout high-school, though. In both real life and the dream, my middle school and high school shared a parking lot. It was a big parking lot. Anyway, a maze made out of homework, tests, notes, assignments, etc, would suddenly materialize in the parking lot. And then I'd get lost in it. Sometimes I would wake up after just meandering around aimlessly. One time I woke up right after finding a note that made me laugh.

Eventually, in my early twenties, I had a dream that was a two-parter. As in a movie one night, and it's sequel the next. It seemed to be very relevant to what I was going through at the time. Nowadays, I hardly have any dreams at all anymore. But that long, 2-part dream's narrative still applies to the general mindset with which I am living my life.

Perhaps the motif of feeling behind on schoolwork as a kid lives on in our subconscious as the same feeling we get when we are trying to keep up with stuff as an adult.

Dreams and their interpretation are fascinating. They tell you so much about yourself if you're willing to learn how to listen. Every person has a subconscious association of one thing to another that is unique to them. So in spite of how much most people have in common(hence why so many dreams are common), each and every person's dream is a world unto itself.
I can barely stand to live in America now. My feelings about this country have changed so much in the last 40 years what with all the changes that have taken place.

Even just watching "normal" people on TV makes my skin crawl. They are either fat, low-class, loud, annoying, addicted to pop culture, or something else I find repulsive.

Where are the men and women who are of a normal weight, good intelligence, classy, and believe in our Lord? I feel this cohort died out many years ago. Even at most of the churches I've been to, people dress like hippies, have tats, and just generally seem low-class. I just feel like I can't relate to anybody anymore.