The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

I had a vivid dream Tuesday night that has bothered me all week. I dreamt that I was exiting an industrial building through the basement. The basement had concrete floors and walls covered by faded and chipping paint. It was dimly lit and slightly damp and musty. It was uncluttered but had some rusty, old style YMCA type exercise machines along the walls. There were openings in the walls (doorways) without doors. You had to climb up two concrete steps to pass through.

As I made my way through the basement I noticed a single twin bed off in one corner. I walked over to it and saw my daughter who is now deceased. My daughter was medically fragile her whole life and passed away when she was six years old. I saw her laying on the bed with her mask on and all of her medical equipment on the bed. When she saw me her eyes got huge as if to say "Daddy, you finally came!"

I rushed over to the bed and knelt down and hugged her. But then her eyes got very narrow and it seemed like she was accusing me "Why did you leave me here like this, alone for so long!" I tried telling her I didn't know she was there but I couldn't get through to her. I woke sobbing.

I really don't dream much anymore and nothing as vivid as this in a long time. It has really bothered and distracted me. When I think about it I have to fight against tearing up.
Met my patent attorney at a nice restauramt yesterday, it was Sunday she wanted to meet at a restaurant whatever no big deal. The whole time we're there this little deformed probably early 20's black kid dressed like a designer hobo with a tattoo above his eyebrow and on his neck is pacing the restaurant around us talking to someone on his phone about nothing, loudly. We left and went to Starbucks (yuck), on our way in another deformed designer hobo black kid comes and asks us for $2 to pay a bill while getting out of a newer dodge charger with an iPhone in his hand, also walking into Starbucks for whatever half a fag drink he drinks. He also had the nerve when I shook my head and grabbed my attractive female attorney out of his path to say I could afford it because of the car I was stepping out of.

We had our meeting in the car.
Met my patent attorney at a nice restauramt yesterday, it was Sunday she wanted to meet at a restaurant whatever no big deal. The whole time we're there this little deformed probably early 20's black kid dressed like a designer hobo with a tattoo above his eyebrow and on his neck is pacing the restaurant around us talking to someone on his phone about nothing, loudly. We left and went to Starbucks (yuck), on our way in another deformed designer hobo black kid comes and asks us for $2 to pay a bill while getting out of a newer dodge charger with an iPhone in his hand, also walking into Starbucks for whatever half a fag drink he drinks. He also had the nerve when I shook my head and grabbed my attractive female attorney out of his path to say I could afford it because of the car I was stepping out of.

We had our meeting in the car.
I moved to an area that is 98% white and it feels like I moved from Mordor to the Shire. But, unfortunately like the Shire, fences can only keep the outside world out for so long before it makes its way in.
I moved to an area that is 98% white and it feels like I moved from Mordor to the Shire. But, unfortunately like the Shire, fences can only keep the outside world out for so long before it makes its way in.

That is exactly the situation, we gave them Detroit we said screw it you animals can have it. Of course they destroyed it and now want to venture out to where the normal people live and bring their garbage with them. The sense of entitlement and inability to function with normal societal decorum has intensified exponentially ever since Obama enabled their victim status.
Took that online mensa test. It's so rigged. They brainwash you into thinking you need to solve each problem by looking at the horizontal patterns without informing you some of the problems may be solved through vertical pattern recognition. This forced my score to be far lower than any other IQ test I've ever done, all because of one unspoken rule I was trying to adhere to.
Took that online mensa test. It's so rigged. They brainwash you into thinking you need to solve each problem by looking at the horizontal patterns without informing you some of the problems may be solved through vertical pattern recognition. This forced my score to be far lower than any other IQ test I've ever done, all because of one unspoken rule I was trying to adhere to.
If you want a fun IQ test, I recommend this one:

If you want a fun IQ test, I recommend this one:

I will try that. I retook the Mensa IQ test with the knowledge I can go either direction to solve the puzzles and I scored two standard deviations higher than before. 110 -> 131. This makes me think how my IQ is a lot lower when I'm faced with constraints, either real or believed, in comparison to having the freedom to tackle something from any point.
Took that online mensa test. It's so rigged. They brainwash you into thinking you need to solve each problem by looking at the horizontal patterns without informing you some of the problems may be solved through vertical pattern recognition. This forced my score to be far lower than any other IQ test I've ever done, all because of one unspoken rule I was trying to adhere to.
A lot of problems on tests like this are based on recognizing simple shortcuts. For instance if it is a geometry problem, it will feature a 30-60-90 triangle, in which the side lengths have a ratio of 1:2:sqrt(3). They don't point this out explicitly, but if you notice it, you can solve it in a second. If you don't notice it, you're grinding on your calculator for a minute to get the answer.

Whether it is math shortcuts, or recognizing vertical patterns, or something else, the idea of noticing something that allows you to solve the problem quickly is very common. If you catch all these things, you can finish the test and get a high score. If you have to grind out every answer, you don't have time to finish, and you probably get more wrong answers besides, for a much lower score.

It helps to be in school recently. I clearly remember seeing those kinds of math shortcuts in tests like this, but after being out of school for years, I'm sure I would miss some that I knew then.
Whenever the topic of IQ comes up, I’m always obliged to contribute my favourite factoid; which is that former Chelsea and England midfielder Frank Lampard allegedly scored an IQ of 150 when his team were tested, that’s only 10 less than Einstein.

Don’t judge a book by its cover!
I'm 39, I haven't wrestled since I was a walk on freshmen year in college 20 years ago. I was good, damn good, but life got in the way. Wrestling has no support or really any future, I wasn't going to wrestle in the Olympics and even if I did then what....wrestling has no future or following. I walked on in college and I was better than the guy at my weight but I couldn't make that weight to save my life and I wanted to wrestle up a weight but the guy at that weight was a 5th year senior coach's pet captain, he was terrible I used to wipe the mat with them. The team sucked the coach cared more about appearances that winning and wanted to redshirt me which I wanted no part of so I quit the team and never wrestled again. Broke my heart and looking back on it I should have went to the AD but I was 18 and I had life to live, that was that.

I always wanted to wrestle again, I honestly just miss competition and I always wanted to know how good I really am. I randomly stumbled upon a wrestling tournament locally that has a masters division, I was absolutely shocked to see it here in Michigan because nobody cares about wrestling here. Mind you it's all probably wrestling coaches competing or guys part of clubs or do mma who drill with teams every day then me who fights not to smoke a pack of newports a day and hasn't done anything but weights in the gym since the war.

Kinda nervous, kinda excited....
I'm 39, I haven't wrestled since I was a walk on freshmen year in college 20 years ago. I was good, damn good, but life got in the way. Wrestling has no support or really any future, I wasn't going to wrestle in the Olympics and even if I did then what....wrestling has no future or following.
I think of high school and college wrestling as more or less the minor leagues for American professional MMA fighters.
I think of high school and college wrestling as more or less the minor leagues for American professional MMA fighters.

Yea that would be like saying running track helped you become a better wide receiver. But if you're saying that's the only logical path to continue then yes I suppose so. Never had any interest in being a punching bag to be honest.
Yea that would be like saying running track helped you become a better wide receiver. But if you're saying that's the only logical path to continue then yes I suppose so. Never had any interest in being a punching bag to be honest.
I don't know, I think wrestling translates to MMA much better than your wide receiver example. I'm not a huge MMA fan, but it seems like most of the really good American fighters were college wrestlers, or at least that used to be the case.
I had a thought last night that it is a good thing people are mostly dumb and incompetent. If humans were, on average, another 100 IQ points above where we are now, and highly competent, then I think there would be hell on earth or we would already be extinct, not some kind of hyper-cooperative Vulcan empire. I think about how Clown World is doomed to failure because, if nothing else, they simply aren't smart enough or competent enough to pull off what they want. They were barely able to get as many people as they got with the vaccine, it was incredibly easy to see through it, and neither were the vaccines as effective (assuming malice) as was predicted. They won't be able to hang onto their empire because the parasites that took over were never in charge or responsible for the successes necessary to create empire in the first place. Progeny matters, it'd be like Paul Atreides from Dune trying to beat the Harkonnens with Fremen who weren't warriors at all, namely, he wouldn't have won if the Fremen weren't invented by Herbert to be the best warriors in the galaxy.

Then I reread the parts of Job where Satan is given the power to do whatever he wants to Job to get Job to curse God. I never really thought about it before, but Satan's tactics were... limited. They were unintelligent. He simply took everything away as quickly as possible from Job and then when he was able to touch Job himself he immediately gave him the worst kind of non-lethal disease. There was no creativity to Satan's attacks. It was wanton destruction, almost cartoonish, like an 80s B-film's idea of an evil bad guy. Satan's failure to get Job to curse God reveals his lack of competence, his inability to overcome the human spirit, even when given full permission by God. That's also why Satan's Clown World is destined to fail, because Satan himself isn't smart enough to figure it out.
A few more random thoughts about Job. It's interesting how his children are all killed but then replaced in the end, in the same numbers and makeup, as if they were no different than animals, except now his girls are better looking. Also, how Satan never took Job's wife. His wife survives, his friends survive, all because it was calculated they would try to get him to curse God? Or other reasons? Just found that to be interesting.
Just looked at the polyamory subreddit for the first time. Usually when I read about polyamory in media outlets or with social media influencers trying to promote the "lifestyle", it seems like the general impression that the writers want to give off is that it's something for enlightened humans that have transcended petty feelings of jealousy and that the people involved in it are more conscientious and open-minded. When I look at the front page of r/polyamory it seems like half of the threads are about being miserable and having negative experiences. One thread was written by a person who was a drug addict and had been clean for 3 years but relapsed after her experience with polyamory- her thread detailing her experience has a trigger warning.
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When I look at the front page of r/polyamory it seems like half of the threads are about being miserable and having negative experiences.

What do they expect? I never browsed that subreddit, but I did live around a lot of people living the polyamorous lifestyle. They try to act exactly as you described the media describes it: unselfish people claiming they've matured beyond jealousy. But it's obvious to even the casual observer how miserable that makes people.

It's a common type of relationship in the Seattle area. And you can feel how uncomfortable any guy is the second you say  anything to his "partner," no matter how benign. Ask any question at all and the guy will answer faster than his girlfriend can even open her lips. You will feel the cold stare in his eyes in spite of what the rest of his face seems to say. It's weird, until you understand that polyamory is so common out there that mate-guarding happens to an extreme.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: you're either keeping it casual or having sex. Woe unto those who believe the lie of "casual sex...."
Any thoughts on the current P Diddy situation?

It seems Kat Williams was onto something calling out Diddy for faggotry a month or so ago...

"I've had to turn down 50 million dollars four times just to protect my integrity and that virgin hole I was telling you about... because P Diddy be wantin' to party and you gotta tell him 'no'."

- Katt Williams
25-year-old Brendan Paul was just arrested for being Diddy's "drug mule" but I'm guessing Paul was also Diddy's side piece. Paul is a white, blonde "baller" who played basketball for Syracuse and is now being described as an "amateur" music producer.

Also, didn't Kanye mention Diddy's "jewish handlers" last year when he was on JQ fire?

Anyway, besides the fudge, it seems that there could be some stuff to unpack here?
Not sure where to put this, but has anyone else in the UK had an awful chest infection lately? Took me out of action for nearly a week and now I have a very sore throat and feel terrible again just another week later. Seems like everyone is ill as well. I had something similar in December also.

I won’t lie, it did have me wondering if covid causes some sort of respiratory or immune dysfunction, because I am not vaccinated and this is very unusual for me.
I appreciate that perhaps I’m a hypochondriac if my reaction to getting more illnesses than usual is “Jews have destroyed my immune system” but thought I’d ask