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The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

I didn't want to create a separate thread in the public figures subforum because he isn't quite as prominent, but I've been enjoying Redeemed Zoomer's content.

He has a YouTube channel with Christian-related videos geared toward Zoomers (Minecraft, tier lists, zoomered-down summaries of the Bible and important Christian figures), but accessible to a general audience.

He's a former secular leftist convert to Christianity (Presbyterian), and is ethnically Jewish. Being a Joomer convert isn't easy, and he often gets asked to "name them" by Groypers and the like, which he obliges:

He also criticizes Judaism itself.

He supports "Reconquista," that rather than branch off or depart a liberalizing denomination, people should stay put and take it back, re-establishing traditional conservatism. As such, he'll often have debates with liberal and LGBT-affirming pastors.

He's also already had a discussion with Jay Dyer.

I don't wanna derail the Redeemed Zoomer thing, but I got a picture of myself on WhatsApp for the first time in 10 years, after my father bullied me into it.

He did not at all understate that the default profile picture, and Travis Bickle ones for that matter, scare the hoes away.
You guys ever get sick of things? Like something you used to enjoy and then you take a break from it and discover you have no desire to go back to it? For me, I tried watching a chess video and discovered I have zero interest in chess now. Last year I regularly watched high level play, played games, studied a few positions and followed some of the big tournaments. I tried watching some Hikaru just now and I can barely pay attention. I seem to have phases with things but I also tend to burn out on stuff if I think it's not going to go anywhere. Last year I spent loads of time learning to code and learning stuff for IT but because no jobs have been available I'm beginning to enter into the phase of hardly being able to stomach any time doing those things. Same for movies, I could watch movies back to back or late into the night and now I can hardly watch them. Lately my phase has been making Youtube videos.
You guys ever get sick of things? Like something you used to enjoy and then you take a break from it and discover you have no desire to go back to it? For me, I tried watching a chess video and discovered I have zero interest in chess now. Last year I regularly watched high level play, played games, studied a few positions and followed some of the big tournaments. I tried watching some Hikaru just now and I can barely pay attention. I seem to have phases with things but I also tend to burn out on stuff if I think it's not going to go anywhere. Last year I spent loads of time learning to code and learning stuff for IT but because no jobs have been available I'm beginning to enter into the phase of hardly being able to stomach any time doing those things. Same for movies, I could watch movies back to back or late into the night and now I can hardly watch them. Lately my phase has been making Youtube videos.
So you don't like to think, read, or write code anymore?!

I'm sorry, I know you didn't say that, but you did make me think of the play on words.

Anyway, I definitely go in phases like that with activities, and food too. I'll have a certain dish once or twice a week for a year, then go two years without eating it. Then I make it again and start the cycle over. Same with hobbies.
You guys ever get sick of things? Like something you used to enjoy and then you take a break from it and discover you have no desire to go back to it? For me, I tried watching a chess video and discovered I have zero interest in chess now. Last year I regularly watched high level play, played games, studied a few positions and followed some of the big tournaments. I tried watching some Hikaru just now and I can barely pay attention. I seem to have phases with things but I also tend to burn out on stuff if I think it's not going to go anywhere. Last year I spent loads of time learning to code and learning stuff for IT but because no jobs have been available I'm beginning to enter into the phase of hardly being able to stomach any time doing those things. Same for movies, I could watch movies back to back or late into the night and now I can hardly watch them. Lately my phase has been making Youtube videos.

This is my life. When I was still a materialist atheist I wondered if I had ADHD due to a recurrent pattern of “hyper-focusing” on something before abandoning it. I’m very wary of such diagnoses now of course. I was so consumed by different (largely pointless) activities that I have subsequently abandoned.

I have this list of things I’m pretty good at, but nothing I’ve mastered and nothing I’ve achieved. I recently found myself watching sleight-of-hand videos on YouTube and wanting to learn some techniques, then had to slap myself and focus on the actual productive things in my life.

I tried the programming thing briefly, but I was just doing it because I know it can be lucrative and couldn’t find a sustainable motivation. Not to say that’s a bad motivation to do something, but if I don’t love it I can’t seem to dedicate my spare time to it even though it can bare fruit.
You guys ever get sick of things? Like something you used to enjoy and then you take a break from it and discover you have no desire to go back to it? For me, I tried watching a chess video and discovered I have zero interest in chess now. Last year I regularly watched high level play, played games, studied a few positions and followed some of the big tournaments. I tried watching some Hikaru just now and I can barely pay attention. I seem to have phases with things but I also tend to burn out on stuff if I think it's not going to go anywhere. Last year I spent loads of time learning to code and learning stuff for IT but because no jobs have been available I'm beginning to enter into the phase of hardly being able to stomach any time doing those things. Same for movies, I could watch movies back to back or late into the night and now I can hardly watch them. Lately my phase has been making Youtube videos.

I used to draw almost everyday from my mid 20s to my mid 30s. Now I only draw about 3 times a year, and the creativity spurt usually only lasts a week.

I think writing replaced drawing as my main creative interest. I've journaled everyday since I was 38.
I think this is a good thing. It can be spiritually counter productive to get overly consumed with worldly pursuits. Hobbies are good to pass the time and are better than watching porn or doing drugs, but they can take away from focusing on truly important things like physical and mental health. I've found that chopping wood in the snow to feed my wood stove is much more interesting and rewarding than picking up my guitar and learning how to play the latest riff.
You guys ever get sick of things? Like something you used to enjoy and then you take a break from it and discover you have no desire to go back to it? For me, I tried watching a chess video and discovered I have zero interest in chess now. Last year I regularly watched high level play, played games, studied a few positions and followed some of the big tournaments. I tried watching some Hikaru just now and I can barely pay attention. I seem to have phases with things but I also tend to burn out on stuff if I think it's not going to go anywhere. Last year I spent loads of time learning to code and learning stuff for IT but because no jobs have been available I'm beginning to enter into the phase of hardly being able to stomach any time doing those things. Same for movies, I could watch movies back to back or late into the night and now I can hardly watch them. Lately my phase has been making Youtube videos.
When I was a teen, I loved fantasy games. Be it a board game like D&D or one on the computer, I would get totally hooked on it. Back in the 80s, I had 2 different D&D game books, basic and expert, the monster manual, the dungeon master manual, metal figures to paint, and at least 4-5 different scenarios.

I now have this weird relationship with the fantasy genre. I still get a kick out of looking over old D&D scenarios, but I no longer have the urge to play one or a computer game in that genre. I can't even sit through a great series like Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones. It's so strange because I would've salivated over shows like that when I was younger, but now they just don't hold my interest anymore.
It's happened to me too, but I see it as a huge positive. Watching sports, tv, movies, drinking, smoking weed, going to bars, hanging out with annoying people, eating out, staying up late. It was all so stupid and pointless. I tried playing hockey and baseball too (which isn't pointless when you're actually playing), but was pretty bored. Used to love them when I was younger. But hobbies change and most of it has been for the better.

Now I like peace and quiet, outdoor hobbies, being sober, going to church and reading the Bible, reading books (especially about Rome), biking around town, going to the library, getting coffee, making my own food. The only thing I should cut back on is watching YouTube, but it's usually related to the things above. So at least that's better than the garbage on tv and Netflix.
It's happened to me too, but I see it as a huge positive. Watching sports, tv, movies, drinking, smoking weed, going to bars, hanging out with annoying people, eating out, staying up late. It was all so stupid and pointless. I tried playing hockey and baseball too (which isn't pointless when you're actually playing), but was pretty bored. Used to love them when I was younger. But hobbies change and most of it has been for the better.

Now I like peace and quiet, outdoor hobbies, being sober, going to church and reading the Bible, reading books (especially about Rome), biking around town, going to the library, getting coffee, making my own food. The only thing I should cut back on is watching YouTube, but it's usually related to the things above. So at least that's better than the garbage on tv and Netflix.
I've changed in much the same way since finding my faith. I still watch too many movies though. The main thing I still struggle with is that I need a social outlet. And I'm struggling to find guys on the same page as me, whereas before I would just hang out with anyone. I would go out to parties I disliked just to not be alone on a Saturday night.

At work my colleagues talk about all these random shows and sports and trivial stuff that I can't relate to. It's almost like we live in a different world nowadays.
Pictures of myself cause more problems than thought before, I suppose. I ain't an attractive Johnny Bravo type, but every Christian has some struggle with narcissism. The Instagram filters are the biggest topic among secular individuals, but then you get just narcissism for an attractive face and all that. Everyone kind of struggles with this, but I'm too wary of it thanks to the filter stuff being popular in my country. Case in point being this post over dumb pictures on a profile. I was always used to funny animal ones, however.
This is my life. When I was still a materialist atheist I wondered if I had ADHD due to a recurrent pattern of “hyper-focusing” on something before abandoning it. I’m very wary of such diagnoses now of course. I was so consumed by different (largely pointless) activities that I have subsequently abandoned.

I have this list of things I’m pretty good at, but nothing I’ve mastered and nothing I’ve achieved. I recently found myself watching sleight-of-hand videos on YouTube and wanting to learn some techniques, then had to slap myself and focus on the actual productive things in my life.

I tried the programming thing briefly, but I was just doing it because I know it can be lucrative and couldn’t find a sustainable motivation. Not to say that’s a bad motivation to do something, but if I don’t love it I can’t seem to dedicate my spare time to it even though it can bare fruit.
You guys ever get sick of things? Like something you used to enjoy and then you take a break from it and discover you have no desire to go back to it? For me, I tried watching a chess video and discovered I have zero interest in chess now. Last year I regularly watched high level play, played games, studied a few positions and followed some of the big tournaments. I tried watching some Hikaru just now and I can barely pay attention. I seem to have phases with things but I also tend to burn out on stuff if I think it's not going to go anywhere. Last year I spent loads of time learning to code and learning stuff for IT but because no jobs have been available I'm beginning to enter into the phase of hardly being able to stomach any time doing those things. Same for movies, I could watch movies back to back or late into the night and now I can hardly watch them. Lately my phase has been making Youtube videos.
They also call it high functioning autism along with ADHD. It’s the process of pathologizing high IQ white men. Anything that’s not female-oriented or low IQ is considered “weird.” They want you to think you’re abnormal and need medication to control you.

What you are describing is a perfectly normal and reasonable process. It takes time and effort to find the things you like, and your interests can change over time as you grow and mature. In fact, mastery and creativity is often understood of combining and harmonizing disparate fields into something novel. Your ancestors also went through the same process, which is why they were able to create such beautiful things.
I was sure there was a thread dedicated to American history and Americana in general, but I can't find it here, so perhaps it was on RVF.

Either way, here's an interesting piece about an American pioneer, Fred Harvey.

I say "American" because, although born in England, it sounds like he embodied the American spirit that built the country:

Fred Harvey: The Entrepreneur Who Built the West with Fast Food

Fred Harvey is our subject today. Although an often-forgotten man in American history, his contributions were among those of many towards conquering the West. Like many Americans, he saw a problem that could be remedied through his ingenious solutions and entrepreneurial spirit. As with so many entrepreneurs before and since him, his vision would reap many benefits that he could not foresee at the time.
I remember reading about this incident last year and I watched the video but didn't think there was any real conclusion to make. Looking at it now it seems very obvious that this kid jumped directly into a huge pool of sharks and never stood a chance. Not sure why it wasn't clear to me at the time, I do seem to remember the narrative being pushed was that he perhaps may drown before the sharks got him. Um, no.

I know I’m like five years late. But I just saw this e girl streamer who goes on a rant in 2019 and it’s hilarious.

It’s one of the girls who made a rant about “$5 a month”! When one of her viewers didn’t want to pay the monthly fee

Invadervie I mean I don’t really get what she’s talking about but she doesn’t stutter or pause for breath

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