The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

So my question is, when will all this end? What is the date and time of America's imminent "collapse" that I've been hearing about for 40 years?

My hypothesis is that an American collapse is not forthcoming. When I look at my own personal anecdotal trajectory through American space and time (i.e. history) very little has changed. Things have always been good, I've just mistakenly perceived them as being bad (due to depression, bad relationships, negativity, alcohol use, etc.).
This may be a bit naive, but one would think if a crash were imminent a very drastic spending cut could avert it. All those 800 or however many bases in all corners of the world. All that money given to various foreign regimes, Ukraine, Israel and surely many more. That would surely re-balance it. Probably TPTB know they can still afford the luxury of all of that for a little while longer.
Checked up on an old youtuber I used to watch gorillions of years ago as a kid. Sorting by recent uploads.

I was shocked by the extremely high pitched tranny voice, then an animated 3D avatar of an anime woman came up on screen.

The world we were born in no longer exists.
Checked up on an old youtuber I used to watch gorillions of years ago as a kid. Sorting by recent uploads.

I was shocked by the extremely high pitched tranny voice, then an animated 3D avatar of an anime woman came up on screen.
View attachment 3796

The world we were born in no longer exists.
Ha! Aren't you under 20? When you refer to the time gorillions of years ago when you were a kid, that was 10 years ago, maybe 12?

I know the perspective is different when you are young, but it's funny how I took it. It sounded to me like to were referring to a time 50 years ago. The world of that time is definitely gone.

The sad thing is that the world of even 10 years ago is completely gone.
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I had a dream where I went camping in Norway with the actor Josh Brolin. Tremendously strange, it was so vivid and so nonsensical. We shared a huge big blue duvet under a tarp lean-to and watched the snow fall on the mountainside while drinking tea and having a conversation I don’t remember.

I rarely remember dreams, but this one was so bizarre. I haven’t seen a movie with him in it for years, or even thought about him
I had a dream where I went camping in Norway with the actor Josh Brolin. Tremendously strange, it was so vivid and so nonsensical. We shared a huge big blue duvet under a tarp lean-to and watched the snow fall on the mountainside while drinking tea and having a conversation I don’t remember.

I rarely remember dreams, but this one was so bizarre. I haven’t seen a movie with him in it for years, or even thought about him

That sounds quite pleasant. I have a lot of dreams like that.

There was the dream where Alex Jones showed me his most successful books on his personal computer.

Once I dreamed I was having lunch with Jordan Peterson on the beach. He told me my obsession with sharks was the mark of a sick mind, but he got offended when the waitress didn't show him the proper respect.
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I had a dream last night where I had typed all of these notes into a notepad about moving to another country. Then for some reason, I erased some of them and had to use Control-Z to get them back. Oh yeah, and one of the notes mentioned not to move to the EU.

Very strange.
Ha! Aren't you under 20? When you refer to the time gorillions of years ago when you were a kid, that was 10 years ago, maybe 12?

I know the perspective is different when you are young, but it's funny how I took it. It sounded to me like to were referring to a time 50 years ago. The world of that time is definitely gone.

The sad thing is that the world of even 10 years ago is completely gone.
Well, I feel that 50 years is cheating. Dying to polio at the age of 5 is gone, despite vaccines for it still being shilled here. Just living in the era where the Berlin wall fell is impressive in itself. My father always tells me when driving through my home town: "You know that borough? When I was a kid, that was just woods and trees."

The internet stuff really reflects the time change for zoomers. I spent a bit of my time as a kid watching Minecraft or Team Fortress playthroughs, a lot of time because I couldn't afford vidja consoles. All in good fun. A bit of it was for money, but it was just video james and silly people.
Now it seems gen alpha is growing up with this hyper-political identity politics clown world where almost every youtuber is in the LGTV spectrum, or some kind of political grifter. Seeing a lot of the guys I used to follow as a kid gave me that feeling. Just compare PewDiePie's old Amnesia videos to Mr BEAST.
They were out of raisins at Whole Foods. One of the employees checked the backroom stock, but they were completely out. He apologized and called me "boss" at least twice. I didn't mind. It reminded me of an old thread on RVF.
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I was buying water on a store with my father, and we ran across an unusual cashier guy. Blond, blue eyes, pale, etc. Naturally, he asked "are you from here". He claimed yes, but his father was from Italy. Dumbfoundedness ensues as my father tries to comprehend why this guy has Italian citizenship on a silver platter, and even visited Spain and Italy to see his family members, yet chooses to spend his days on a dark drug store in night shift, on BRAZIL.

I tried pushing and shoving every type of question and search while looking for Portuguese citizenship, and that was my great great grandfather who was in Portugal. I can unironically apply for Tupinambá citizenship, though, so it isn't so bad.
Amazon is now pushing a cartoon, based on a demonic lie straight from the Talmud and Zohar. Hey kids, don't you know that Lucifer is the victim here, and that God and the angels are just a bunch of meanies and party-poopers!?

After some digging, it seems the shows creator is one Vivienne Medrano, a Salvadorian-American, who is a bisexual (of course). Couldn't find anything more on her.

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Dumbfoundedness ensues as my father tries to comprehend why this guy has Italian citizenship on a silver platter, and even visited Spain and Italy to see his family members, yet chooses to spend his days on a dark drug store in night shift, on BRAZIL.
Genuinely curious, is this really so strange? Maybe he grew up around there and something or someone he's attached to is there, so he stays. Surely Brasil isn't all bad, right? I have some family from there and while they definitely prefer being here in the States, they do genuinely miss it. Am I missing something here?
They were out of raisins at Whole Foods. One of the employees checked the backroom stock, but they were completely out. He apologized and called me "boss" at least twice. I didn't mind. It reminded me of an old thread on RVF.
When someone calls me that, it always reminds me of that movie Cool Hand Luke where all the prisoners called the head guy, "boss."

The moment the employee told you they didn't have any raisins, you should've said, "What we have here is a failure to communicate."
Genuinely curious, is this really so strange? Maybe he grew up around there and something or someone he's attached to is there, so he stays. Surely Brasil isn't all bad, right? I have some family from there and while they definitely prefer being here in the States, they do genuinely miss it. Am I missing something here?
It isn't so much as Brazil being the worst place on earth, but that he barely tried to get the citizenship. Dual citizenship is probably better than only one. Night shift at a drug store is also not the best paying job here, added with the fact the streets of said drug stores tend to be absurdly dark.

I don't remember much of the conversation as it was last week or something, but he said that almost all of his family is in Italy or Spain. He didn't really give a reason as to not living in Italy outside of "I kinda tried". Neither did he really give a good reason as to why he would want to stay here.

The general argument for me is that it's just kind of an upgrade to work at a drug store in Italy, compared to a drug store in Brazil. Obviously he would have way more options with European citizenship.