The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

I'm starting a 30 day challenge as of tomorrow, I'll be using this thread to keep myself accountable. Everyone is welcome to join in...

Pray every morning for 30 days
30 days of no masturbation
30 days of no seed oils
30 days of no alcohol
Read The New Testament in 30 days (plenty of reading plans available online)
3x workouts a week for 30 days
How did you do?
How did you do?

Honestly, not great :( The only goals I passed were the prayer and Bible ones (although the gym one was somewhat out of my control: I injured myself in the gym and wasn't able to continue working out).

It's not nice admitting I failed, but I just need to brush it off and keep trying to walk down the right path.
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Honestly, not great :( The only goals I passed were the pray and Bible ones (although the gym one was somewhat out of my control: I injured myself in the gym and wasn't able to continue working out).

It's not nice admitting I failed, but I just need to brush it off and keep trying to walk down the right path.
If I could offer any advice, is that your "workouts" should be a physical activity you enjoy. It shouldn't be a chore or demanded task, it should be something you truly look forward to and enjoy. It certainly doesn't have to be lifting weights. I see weights as a double edged sword, modern weights has allowed men to achieve their true physical potential, but it has caused a lot of mental issues as well, such as insecurity leading to quitting, over-confidence (wow, you can deadlift more than this guy, does that really mean anything in the real world?), and of course then eventually some turn to steroids and destroy themselves.

Find something you enjoy and do it. Whether it is going for a walk, or playing a sport, or yoga, or maybe it is lifting weights. I love lifting weights, but I do it in a way I enjoy. I focus on vertical leap, even though I am almost 50. Why? #1 I enjoy it. #2. I can't think of anything more functionally important than a vertical leap, the tendon strength and muscle explosion needed to jump your best translates to almost every other activity you will ever do. But it is fun, it is so much fun to just go outside and do jumping drills and practice dunk and feel like I am 19 again.

Anyway, make your physical activity something you enjoy and that will be easy to maintain.
Honestly, not great :( The only goals I passed were the prayer and Bible ones (although the gym one was somewhat out of my control: I injured myself in the gym and wasn't able to continue working out).

It's not nice admitting I failed, but I just need to brush it off and keep trying to walk down the right path.
You can do it!