The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

I cut off all sources of temptation, stopped fornicating and looking at porn or anything provocative. It wasn’t that hard and I attribute it to going to mass often, and confession.

Only thing is now I have full blown sexual dreams on a nightly basis. It doesn’t interfere with my daily life or keeping my streak, but it is odd. Anyone else have this happen?
I cut off all sources of temptation, stopped fornicating and looking at porn or anything provocative. It wasn’t that hard and I attribute it to going to mass often, and confession.

Only thing is now I have full blown sexual dreams on a nightly basis. It doesn’t interfere with my daily life or keeping my streak, but it is odd. Anyone else have this happen?
I think of this as progress. When you are too strong during your waking hours they come and attack you during your sleep. Its the one thing the enemy doesn't need to do (sleep) and we have to unfortunately.

Having said that. I do think its important to not be too proud of our progress, it is all through the grace of our Lord.
I've been doing better against porn lately but now they attack me more through real women. I was taking a walk after lunch and I passed by an attractive young woman licking an ice cream cone seductively. Her mother was next to her and gave a glance of disapproval as we both know what she was doing. But I had that image flashing through my mind for a few minutes after that. You can never escape, the demons will use people around you when they can.
Temptation is everywhere. Yesterday while doing rideshare I picked up an attractive 19 year old woman who was dressed somewhat immodestly. When we started talking she told me she was homeless and asked me to adopt her. In the end I bought her a cup of coffee and gave her some encouraging words. She needs a social worker, not a 40 something simp.
It was a few things, but attending daily mass is what really made the difference for me coupled with a strong conviction.

When you are receiving the Eucharist so frequently, it just feels disgusting to engage in any type of sexual sin.

Now it’s not like my thoughts are pure 100% of the time of course. I’m still a red blooded high t male, but I just don’t feel the need to engage with that sort of stuff. I told my priest today I feel like I’ve won most of the battle, he warned me that the devil can find the smallest thing to latch on to, but I feel great peace and freedom. I also walked away from a sinful relationship, and she was quite the looker, but she wasn’t worth my soul, nobody is.
I cut off all sources of temptation, stopped fornicating and looking at porn or anything provocative. It wasn’t that hard and I attribute it to going to mass often, and confession.

Only thing is now I have full blown sexual dreams on a nightly basis. It doesn’t interfere with my daily life or keeping my streak, but it is odd. Anyone else have this happen?
Yes, very much so. The demons started attacking through lucid dreams, really weird interactions. So I started to pray about it nightly, and they mostly went away.
Only thing is now I have full blown sexual dreams on a nightly basis. It doesn’t interfere with my daily life or keeping my streak, but it is odd. Anyone else have this happen?
After around 14 days of NoPorn / NoFap I begin to have regular nightmare every night such as alone in a building, home invasion and seeing a creepy being. But fortunately after around the 30 days streak the nightmare stopped. Thank God during my current streak I did not experience any sexual dreams / wet dreams at all.

I cut off all sources of temptation, stopped fornicating and looking at porn or anything provocative. It wasn’t that hard and I attribute it to going to mass often, and confession.
Having said that. I do think its important to not be too proud of our progress, it is all through the grace of our Lord.
It was a few things, but attending daily mass is what really made the difference for me coupled with a strong conviction.

When you are receiving the Eucharist so frequently, it just feels disgusting to engage in any type of sexual sin.

Now it’s not like my thoughts are pure 100% of the time of course. I’m still a red blooded high t male, but I just don’t feel the need to engage with that sort of stuff. I told my priest today I feel like I’ve won most of the battle, he warned me that the devil can find the smallest thing to latch on to, but I feel great peace and freedom. I also walked away from a sinful relationship, and she was quite the looker, but she wasn’t worth my soul, nobody is.
This is true, my current streak is only possible by regularly attending liturgy, confession and receiving the eucharist. I go to the church more often not because I wanted to be a saint, but because I want to be healed by God from my depravity. Several days ago I saw a woman with a great body, and sensing impending desire I began to pray "Lord have mercy on me". Normally during a situation like this I will just revel in lustful thoughts. Through the grace of our Lord indeed it is possible for a Porn/Fap addict like me to turn my life around.

I've been doing better against porn lately but now they attack me more through real women. I was taking a walk after lunch and I passed by an attractive young woman licking an ice cream cone seductively. Her mother was next to her and gave a glance of disapproval as we both know what she was doing. But I had that image flashing through my mind for a few minutes after that. You can never escape, the demons will use people around you when they can.
Temptation is everywhere. Yesterday while doing rideshare I picked up an attractive 19 year old woman who was dressed somewhat immodestly. When we started talking she told me she was homeless and asked me to adopt her. In the end I bought her a cup of coffee and gave her some encouraging words. She needs a social worker, not a 40 something simp.
My experience is a little bit different. During my current streak from last month until now I have attended several church events, and in every event I get to know at least one attractive woman. So you could say my experience is a bit more positive.
Temptation is everywhere. Yesterday while doing rideshare I picked up an attractive 19 year old woman who was dressed somewhat immodestly. When we started talking she told me she was homeless and asked me to adopt her. In the end I bought her a cup of coffee and gave her some encouraging words. She needs a social worker, not a 40 something simp.

She needs a Priest, not a social worker.

Think about it - she enters a stranger car, asking an older man for help. This means one or more of the following:

- She has no father in her life
- She is trying to run away from home, which indicates a terrible family life
- She may be addicted to drugs and has been kicked out of the house

Any man who takes her home is taking a bomb back to their place. She really needs a father figure, which would best be provided for by a priest. It would have been a good time to recommend her to an Orthodox Church.

When someone is at rock bottom, they are most open to being saved by God.
Yes, very much so. The demons started attacking through lucid dreams, really weird interactions. So I started to pray about it nightly, and they mostly went away.

Man, this is happening every night nonstop for two weeks now. Same story, I am in the middle of a dream and being seduced by a different woman, mostly imaginary sometimes one I know in real life, a few have been quite ugly, like witches.

I also have had others that are strange but kind of like Doraemon’s being alone in the woods or other strangeness.

Prayer before bed has not stopped them yet, but I am undeterred in eliminating this totally from my life. I also spent a week recently at a holy location and was at mass for hours per day, guess the demons feel they have lost their grasp.
Do you feel that you are being tempted into masturbation?

It’s possible. I’ve had no urges during waking hours. My only thoughts in that area revolve around finding a wife but not even in a lustful way. The dreams are quite intense. I recently broke off a relationship (I was committing a sin and having sex with a woman I was not married to) and have done nothing not even viewed porn since. I feel a lot better.
I've been reading "Modern Biological Theory and Experiments on Celibacy" by Jatin Shankar. The author is an agnostic from a Hindu background. Before anyone misunderstands my intentions, I am making this post to satisfy my own (and others) curiosity about any possible physical benefits that a man could receive from celibacy. I am not endorsing Hinduism nor am I suggesting that chastity is only worthwhile if a physical benefit can be realized through its practice. As Christian men, we are called to either marriage or celibacy through God's commandments. I will note that, although I read Mr. Shankar's book in its entirety, I did not closely examine every resource cited by his book.

Shankar believes that sexual activity has a negative influence on the lifespan of an organism. He attempts to support his hypothesis by looking at a number of studies to prove this. Shankar references a 1996 study titled "The Retardation of Aging by Caloric Restriction: Studies in Rodents and Primates" by Richard Weinruch. You may find this study here:

According to the Weinruch study, rats that had their diets reduced (but not reduced to the point of starvation) lived longer than rats who didn't endure any shortages of food. Shankar leaps to the conclusion that, because the rats had a reduction in their food supply, they must have engaged in less sexual activity. Therefore, the reduction in sexual activity led to an increase in the rats' lifespans!

Unfortunately for Mr. Shankar, the Weinruch study was entirely based on female rats! No male rats were involved in the study, so the first study that he cites as supporting his hypothesis doesn't support it at all! Since I only skimmed the Weinruch study and was able to quickly ascertain that the study involved only female rats, I am left worrying about Mr. Shankar's integrity.

The second study cited by Mr. Shankar involves the castration of problematic male inmates at a mental asylum, "Effect of Castration in Adolescent and Young Adult Males Upon Further Changes in the Proportions of Bare and Hairy Scalp" by J.B. Hamilton. An abstraction of the article can be found here:

Interesting, based on what I read in the article's abstract, castration of the inmates led to a significant reduction in male pattern baldness! I've copied the relevant section below:

"A study of 21 adolescent and young adult males, before castration and for eight to eighteen years afterwards, showed that after orchiectomy there was no development of male pattern baldness (MPB) nor of any grossly recognizable denudation of the scalp. There was no expansion of bald areas in existence at the time of castration. At the end of the study the eunuchs, compared with intact males of similar age, exhibited a significantly lower incidence of MPB (P = .01) and had no further loss of coarse hairs in the pattern that in most males results in recession of the frontal hairline."

WARNING: I am strongly opposed to male castration and don't want anyone to get any stupid ideas from this post.

Unfortunately for the inmates who already had bald patches, hair did not regrow in the bald spots (except for one man). But castrated inmates didn't lose their hair!

Mr. Shankar claims that this study proved that castrated inmates lived longer than their intact counterparts. I do not see any evidence of this claim in the abstract available online, but I cannot immediately disprove Shankar's reading of this study. Still, the study is interesting for the following reasons:

(1) It suggests that sexually active men are more likely to experience hair loss.
(2) Both the castrated and intact men experienced the same living conditions, thus removing the objection that different lifestyles may have contributed to the outcomes reported in each group by the study.

Shankar makes the bold claim that the castrated men in the experiment lived to age of 70 while the intact men only survived to 55 years or less. It's a bold claim, but why doesn't he quote the study directly so that the reader can verify it?

Shankar then turns to a Korean study on eunuchs for more evidence of his claim that male celibacy lengthens male lives. One can see an immediate problem with the Korean study, it only examines the lives of 81 eunuchs and such a small sample size raises questions about the veracity of the study's conclusions (summarized below):

"The average lifespan of eunuchs was 70.0 ± 1.76 years, which was 14.4–19.1 years longer than the lifespan of non-castrated men of similar socio-economic status. Our study supports the idea that male sex hormones decrease the lifespan of men."

The Korean study was mildly interesting and can be found here: average lifespan of eunuchs,decrease the lifespan of men.

I was very disappointed with this small booklet. My hopes for finding any scientific evidence proving the existence of physical benefits for celibate men were crushed. Mr. Shankar had an interesting hypothesis but he failed to find any compelling evidence to back it up.

The following is a 2013 article on continence written by Sven Longshanks. I found it inspirational and wanted to share it.
EDIT: Yeah, I had my reservations and skepticism when purchasing the book (it was cheap, so don't worry). But what bothered me is that Shankar made bold claims, cited scientific studies as proof of those claims, and seemed to hope that no one would bother examining his cited sources.
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Its not rocket science. Sex and masturbation put the body through a series of many physicial and mental stresses while simultaneously draining precious resources from a person.

With sexually provocative imagery and propaganda now deliberately constantly in our eyes and ears it's very hard for the average person with little self control to switch off completely to a normal state. This is being done purposely by diabolically-inspired people and their puppets to have the lemming population in a constant state of lust. A state of immediate and destructive self gratification contrast to the patience and trust necessary to form genuine love fpr one another. If people arent with clear minds they can't make good decisions or positively self reflect on important matters. On top of being self destructive, they are also impulsed to ruin the lives of others to satisfy their carnal lusts at any cost. This is why faggots, dykes, and crossedressors/trannies have always been genuinely despised throughout history. They're a major threat to a healthy, functioning society.

Masturbation is just a deceitful placebo. You feel good for a few seconds but there's no substance or true reward from the act. But your body still goes through a series of similar physical, mental, and chemical reactions from the act in comparison to sex. However, no children can be made from that act, no connection is formed with someone else, and you drained your body's resources with no benefit. If you habitually drain your resources and put yourself through this stress your body will eventually begin to negatively respond.

When you have sex with someone, there is a physical, mental, and spiritual connection formed. It binds you to the other person. This is why sex is to be performed responsibly with someone of the opposite sex to whom you made a serious lifelong commitment. Recent science has even begun to softly admit that there's evidence of physical and psychological connections being made when two people having sex and certain correlations made between higher and lower number of previous sexual partners in people. Remnants of DNA from men's sperm has been proven to be absorbed into the body of women they have sex with. It might explain why women with high body counts are fucking nuts. They're trying to make a connection with all those men.

People have always been and always be horny at times. Its because of that sexual charge that men and women persue each other. To seek love through bodily gratification through a spouse and to continue the human family as God intended. But the amount of sex, much less irresponsible sex, happening today is a modern phenomenon. It's only possible through declining social norms, too much free time, increase in quality of life, and too many social service safety nets.

In addition to the self inflicted physical and mental damage there are other factors contributing to the decline of human health. Poor diets, constant stress/worry, and places people live becoming low trust societies.
Even if the science doesn't provide conclusive support for the benefits of chastity, that is only an indication of the inability of science to take anything besides a reductionist approach to things.

Chastity always symbolizes the rejection of worldly desire in pursuit of a higher, often spiritual aim. Given that science only ever analyses things in the worldly sense, it wouldn't surprise me at that the findings of science "wouldn't understand" the benefits of abstinence. The benefits are of a higher kind. It doesn't surprise me at all that scientists, who are merely concerned with the material, would advocate for masturbation as being healthy and normal behaviour. And whatever they cite in defence of that is irrelevant to me, because I know they cannot measure the spiritual benefits of something.

I think this is why the secular bro-science no fap folk get caught in a loop of failure. They think of abstinence as a means to gain things on the material level; make themselves more attractive to women, increase testosterone etc. If there is no upward aim towards things of a less base nature then failure is inevitable. A ladder is pointless to someone who wants to stay on the ground.
I'm starting a 30 day challenge as of tomorrow, I'll be using this thread to keep myself accountable. Everyone is welcome to join in...

Pray every morning for 30 days
30 days of no masturbation
30 days of no seed oils
30 days of no alcohol
Read The New Testament in 30 days (plenty of reading plans available online)
3x workouts a week for 30 days
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Last night, I had a nightmare that I was watching pornography on my phone. In the dream, I was merely looking at my options in a porn site, and then thought to myself, "What the hell am I doing? How did this happen, how did I find myself here again?" and then I woke up.

I suppose it's a good sign that this is what my nightmares are like, that this is what I am afraid of, rather than being chased by a monster or something? I do not wish to have to confess such a shameful sin ever again.

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