The Jewish Question (JQ)

Nietzsche: “The Jews are the most remarkable nation of world history because, faced with the question of being or not being, they preferred…being at any price: the price they had to pay was the radical falsification of all nature, all naturalness, all reality, the entire inner world as well as the outer.…Considered psychologically, the Jewish nation is a nation of the toughest vital energy which…took the side of all décadence instincts…because it divined in them a power by means of which one can prevail against ‘the world.’ The Jews are the counterparts of décadents: they have been compelled to act as décadents to the point of illusion….[T]his kind of man has a life-interest in making mankind sick, and in inverting the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ ‘true’ and ‘false’ in a mortally dangerous and world-maligning sense.”
Wow, that's crazy.
I apologize if this has been brought up elsewhere, but:

Now, Pizzagate happened during the early stages of my redpilling and I didn't really catch most of it. I watched the Mouthy Buddha documentary, that's about it. It does seem to be real at the core though, and, what Mouthy Buddha didn't mention, it does seem to be very Jewish. The article doesn't actually give his ethnicity, but I think a name like Sohmer, a physiognomy like that and involvement with establishment journalism, politicians and CP suffices for me.

Does anybody have a good article or doc on the subject?
@White_Rabbit: The Eternal Jew exhibit which opened in Munich, 1937

The exhibition was sponsored by Joseph Goebbels. The exhibit was intended to show the public how Communism, Freemasonry, Capitalism, Degenerate Art, etc. is all tied up together.





Below 1943's film - "Occult Forces" - is the one that was mentioned in the above post.

Video description
Following WW2, the film's writer, Jean-Marie Rivière, was imprisoned. Its producer, Robert Muzard, and director, Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy), were executed for their part in the production of this film. "Occult Forces" was the last film Riche directed before his unjust execution.

The film recounts the life of a young member of parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring to encourage France into a war against Germany.
I see you're finally looking into the deep end of the pool. They had plenty of anti-masonic exhibitions throughout France, Germany, as well as Belgium and even some in Italy. In Franco's Spain the common insult hurled at the Red enemy was "judeo-masonic" how ironic.

Similarly related is Joseph Goebbels Warning, broadcast here:

It's quite intense.
Wow, I know the French get carried away in their revolutions, but they killed the guy just for WRITING that script?
That's pretty extreme.

I browse the site through a European VPN and I can't even see the clips on Bitchute. For many, this kind of stuff was just completely erased from history.

The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:Contains Incitement to Hatred​

I can view the youtube link above, so the even more creepy thing is that they censored the guy's entire ACCOUNT for something that he posted that was deemed hateful. Have wrongthink? We won't just censor you, we will completely silence you. That's where we are heading.
For those of you who've never dealt with jews, this is how they speak when no goyim are around. Notice the neuroticism in both cases, the first one is a shrieking bloodthirsty demon insistently declaring the rabbis will tear up their guts and their meat, the second one is clearly an overweight grotesque demon also obsessed with sex and murder. The first one even mentions a rabbi who pushes Putin around, what do you know. I'm sure there has been more incidents of jews on public transportation disgusted at riding with their "cattle" and knowing that they can never be prosecuted under the law, especially the female jewesses, and will go bonkers for any variety of reasons. At least some of the Russians aren't afraid to talk smack back to this creature from hell:

warning: gross language and cursing, but highly educational for those who don't know.
"Meanwhile in Putin's Russia: What you can expect if they pass Anti-semitism laws in the U.S."

They are calling for our blood the same way they always have been.
For those of you who've never dealt with jews, this is how they speak when no goyim are around.

You have it backwards, this is how a few insane ones speak when they are around non-chews. When they in polite company of each other, they speak calmly and matter of factly, with little emotion about such things. At least every single gather of chews I've seen or been part of, and they have all been very high class and wealthy types, spoke in this manner.

There was very little need to discuss goys out of hand, the subtext was plainly evident that the business of chews was higher than that of non-chews.

The video though is some kind of Freudian slip into chew culture, these women have become fully possessed and can no longer keep their mouths shut because they've become so consumed with hatred.

This is more what normal chews sound like:

Notice, the views have a wide range, but they all shift heavily towards being the special chosenites.
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Wow, I know the French get carried away in their revolutions, but they killed the guy just for WRITING that script?
That's pretty extreme.
As far as I am aware, Forces Occultes was the first time in history when Masonic rituals were exposed so Jean Mamy's execution may have proven his thesis correct about the Masonic power behind the French Republics.