The Jewish Question (JQ)

Croos post from the Conspiracy Theory thread:

The Movie Back to the Future where the jews Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis seeded in all those references to the "Tower being hit"? Seeding in all the 9-11 numerology - 1:16 , 1:19 9:11 and all the scenes about the saving the Tower having freemason pyramids on the wall in the background.
Step forward the novel "Futility or the Wreck of the Titan" a novel published in 1898 about a record attempting giant ocean liner crossing the Atlantic and.. hitting an Iceberg on its maiden voyage. 14 years before the real thing happened.

That caused some consternation with the public at the time but, as ever, the jewish elites were able to contain any public outcry.

The jews killed the Titanic passengers in order to enable their plans for the federal reserve and WWI (the monster from Jekyll Island - the federal Reserve was planned at a meeting on Jekyll Island in 1870. Without the Federal Reserve the jews' long-planned "coming European War" could not have happened.
The dates are important as that period in April seems to be a special week for the jews and freemasons and their human sacrifices - see also the Waco massacre, the Hillsborough disaster (yes, even that, another human sacrifice planned and executed by jews) and the murder of anti-banker Abrham Lincoln by the jew John Wilkes Booth.
JP Morgan was a crypto-jew.
Thanks to the Diversity Hire sub accident the same cabal who were in control in 1912 and in 2001 and who are still in control now .. will henceforth be nixing any undersea access to the evidence.
The name of that mini-sub? The Titan. The Wreck of the Titan.

Thanks to the fact that it is so long ago and considered such a quack theory you can still see videos like this on jew tube. Similar videos on 9-11 being committed by jews and their freemason servants tend to get shadow banned or taken down. Im not sure I subscribe to the "Insurance swap" idea with the substitution of the Olympia.
Note what this guy says, words to the effect of - "well, how ELSE are you supposed to control a planet with 7 billion people on it, without orchestrating events like this?" This is the philosophy of the jews and their freemason adherents.

Crosspost from the Conspiracy Theory thread where it seems naming the jew is no longer o-kay, to go with exploring Freemasonry control and its methods (a la Forces Occultes, France, 1940s) which has never been okay.. or so it seems.
I posted some videos showing the Lesser Magick predictions employed by Spielberg and Zemeckis in the movie Back to the Future, around 9-11 and JFK's assassination.
This was met with criticism of the kind that Im a little tired of - because it is a new forum standard of normieness I no longer recognise - because its the same old derision and snark I continually get - because each time I am able to defend my position but this means that I have to type and re-type the same old essays. I'm just done with it. The Xen Foro structure remains the same but this isn't a space I recognise any more. The norm faction has won out.
I was told that posting (as per Jay Dyer) that Spielberg embedded symbolism relating to 9-11 and JFK's assassination into his Back to the Future movie

trying to say that Spielberg and Zemeckis sat down and wrote a film and made sure to cram it full of references to things that will happen in the future, that they have knowledge of, because they are freemason jews, and freemason jews control the world, and like to make fun of the crap they will pull 20 or 30 years in the future, in a way that only they will get at the time?
Nope, that's coincidence and autists making connections where there are none.
And the idea that everything we do is controlled and predetermined is anathema to a lot (not all) Christians.
idea that everything we do is controlled and predetermined is anathema to a lot (not all) Christians.

I never said any such thing.

If people want to subscribe to the Official 9-11 story then that is up to them.
I believe the mounting evidence that 9-11 and the JFK assassination were attacks on America by World Jewry.
I believe that one of the best journalists on 9-11 who is not also a gatekeeper is Christopher Bollyn.

Here is a video recently uploaded to YouTube where Christopher Bollyn lays out the jewish conspiracy. Bollyn not only lost his job for his work but was beaten up and harassed by the FBI, and eventually had to flee the country.
Here he lays out how the Israeli/jewish plan goes all the way back to 1948 and the King David Hotel bombing where they took down British Army HQ with explosives whilst pretending the Arabs did it (sound familiar?) It wasn't just a bunch of Dancing Israelis.

Notice, per Bollyn, that the jews were very concerned with bringing the west into the fight against THEIR Arab enemies and in order to do so very concerned with using the media to seed the idea that Arabs were going to commit a mass terror attack on America.

Isser Harel, the former head of Mossad, told evangelical Christians visiting Israel in 1979 that "the Arabs are planning to take down your tallest building in New York because it is a symbol of your power". 1979.
The same year I believe. Bibi Nateanyahu gave a talk saying words to the effect that "Israel has the will but not the capability to take on Islamic terrorism. America has the ability but it does not have the will"
Hollywood movies and jews eh? Are we saying that jews DONT run Hollywood?

Bibi Netanyahu through his 'Jonathan Institute' financed a >Hollywood movie< about. a mass terror attack on America called "Black Sunday".
Remember the Black September Palestinian terrorist group?
Well this movie had the Arabs using an airship to attack a US institution - Super Bowl Sunday - and the poster had terrified Americans on the ground fleeing below an exploding airship above them.
Predictive Hollywood Movie made by boss jews about a 9-11 style terror attack to come not 20 years later? Check.

Enter Arnon Milchan.
Arnon Milchan is the 2nd richest and most powerful Hollywood producer, even today. he is also a jew. He is also Mossad.
In the 90s I believe an American paper reported that Milchan was Mossad. Milchan won at least a retraction f not a libel case against the paper THEN he later gave a press conference alongside Israeli Prime Ministers Shimon Peres and Bibi Netanyahu celebrating the fact that he was indeed - a Mossad Agent! who stole 800 nuclear triggers from the US.
Pretty Woman? He produced that. Fight Club with its twin falling buildings at the end? he produced that. The Revenant? He produced that. Good friends with Steven Spielberg and often photographed with him. He produced JFK and by all accounts the director, that Freemason and jew Oliver Stone was increasingly frustrated at Milchan's censorship.
In 1979 Milchan produced a movie about a jet passenger plane crashing into the Pan Am skyscraper, very concerned with the imagery.
Was that a movie about Arabs staging a mass terror attack on the west? No, it wasn't. It was a hokey story with actor Richard Burton about a man with psychic powers but what was important to Milchan was seeding the imagery of planes crashing into NY buildings.

Thats interesting, he was a Hollywood jew who sat down and planned out a movie containing images of an attack that would take place in September 2001. Just like Bibi Netanyahu did with HIS Hollywood move Black Sunday in 1979.
That Has Nothing to Do with Claiming That All Our Lives are somehow pre-Destined. I hope that I've made myself clear.

Here is a video that @Uncle Cr33pin (no crazed conspiracist theorist him) posted on RVF in 2021 saying "some of these are pretty meh.. some of these are pretty.. Wow"

Some of the examples ARE a little meh, as the WTC was a well known landmark that would appear in computer games and cartoons about alien attacks etc. But some are "interesting to say the least".
There is no 9'11" height limit on LA bridges (Terminator 2) no parking restriction between 9 -11 on LA streets (Lethal Weapon 2) and its interesting that the Matrix claims that Western civilisation declined after 1999. That seemed strange at the time, but seeing the expiry date of 9-11-2001 on Neo's ID makes you wonder. See also Arnies passport in his terrorist film that was already in distribution by the time of 9-11 but whose release was then delayed by 5 months.
Notice that Arnon Milchan produced, with Rupert Murdoch, the pilot for the Lone Gunman (JFK Assassination reference) TV show where a **remote controlled plane is flown into the WTC twin towers** - watched by 10 million - did they sit down and sketch out a movie depicting events that happened 6 months later? This Mossad operative? yes.
Black Sunday.. 1979 The Medusa Touch... 1979 The Lone Gunman..
And I quote..
sat down and wrote a film and made sure to cram it full of references to things that will happen in the future, that they have knowledge of, because they are freemason jews, and freemason jews control the world, and like to make fun of the crap they will pull 20 or 30 years in the future, in a way that only they will get at the time?
But we are at the point where we have to litigate and relitigate the fact that Israel was behind the 911 attacks, that powerful Jewry does control much of the world and they do like to show their plans in advance - See Fauci's Milken Institute talk in October 2019 and Event 201 where a Pandemic tabletop exercise was gamed out in New York with all the media present.
here is their faked Covid newsreel made 2 months before Covid supposedly even began its life cycle as a disease

In earlier pages of the conspiracy thread someone wrote of:
"the occultic idea that you need to tell people what you are doing and get them to go along with it to really get the power that comes with the action/spell."
Are we now saying that it is somehow groundbreaking to say that Hollywood or the Jews or freemasons are in to the Occult? It's ridiculous to say that now?
Honestly why am I even typing this?
Note the same comments poking fun at this by the same people whenever this is brought up.
We had to go through this in the RVF 9-11 thread just over a month ago. I mean it - a month ago, we had this debate. And here I am typing these essays, in my defence, yet again.

In the Russell Brand thread on RVF not two months ago the same people, Red lagoon prominent, were commenting and laughing at my suggestion that Hollywood and the Corridors of power are in the control B'Nai B'rith Jewish freemasonry. It was all so silly. Posting pictures of Hollywood Celebs and putting captions- "oh look he's a freemason! and he's saying...! look he's making a hand signal!" ha ha ha
A few weeks ago it was questions asked of me "do you know anyone who ISN'T a freemason or a jew? or a jewish freemason?" ha ha ha. Thankfully on that occasion @MrRedsquare came to my defence.

What was that quote from Hitler about just when you thought you had carried the argument with them, then the next day they start it up again as if the whole previous debate never happened...? Gaslighting.

Now this morning - is it "because they are freemason jews, and freemason jews control the world" (implying that this is ridiculous)
But what's wrong with saying that? And why is Caduceus claiming one moment that B'nai B'rith jew Spielberg had advanced knowledge only because "these sort of things indicate the have the power (only partially) to see into the future. Perhaps with the help of demons, like those things people see (and talk to) when taking the drugs DMT or Ayahuasca. I know Spielberg definitely took Ayahuasca is the 1960s or early 70s."
and then in the next hour agreeing with my critics and suggesting that when I say they were forecasting their plans its because I have Apophrenia? So I'm mentally ill as well, now? I'm retarded?
But its always the same thing and always the likes of Red Lagoon leading the charge, not with well though out or reasoned arguments, but rather with clown emojis and snark and derision --- the exact same words I typed out in my defence 2 months ago, and then had to type out again a month later, and now, again, today.
Stadtaffe demanded that I explain the Titanic conspiracy theory and I immediately obliged him with two articles and a video lecture of over an hour. Before he had even had time to read one article he came back saying dismissively "I suppose they're going to say that they drove into the Iceberg on purpose" or words to that effect. Well, the theory says that there was no iceberg but you dismissed my sources in less than a minute. This was in the thread named The Conspiracy Thread.
So what's the point in making any effort here? The whole purpose Is to make me, or anyone like me, a laughing stock. And to exhaust ourselves re-litigating each issue every time we post something that isn't considered kosher.

I was annoyed when Paternos dismissed all of Christopher Bollyns work - almost instantly the moment I posted - saying that he was disqualified because- he had a jewish wife and - saying that nano-thermite sounded 'made-up'
but I was equally dismayed seeing the pile-on on Paternos that went on - with certain people leading the way - where he was alone in the ring against his accusers it seemed.
I was surprised and disappointed at the way that he self-immolated on here, and then surprised and disappointed at the way that Bird, who I also liked, also self immolated not long after. Now it seems to be my turn.

@PurpleUrkel you say "start some other threads with conspiracy theory specificity and I'll be your Huckleberry," - Urkel, you're ALREADY stating that IN the Conspiracy thread...
You accuse me of claiming that there is an
"army of thousands of world class actors behind every psy op and false flag operation that (are) going on every second of everyday throughout the world and human history"
....Because people on here used to believe that 9-11 was a jewish run false flag then we're claiming that all day, every day, there are 100s of 1000s of false flags all the time?
Again, thats a straw man. Gaslighting.
"I can't go down one giant black hole of "every conspiracy is connected by a cabal of jews who all know each other,"
Freemason boss-jews like Schiff, Israel Helphand and Parvuus were heavily involved in the Bolshevik Revolution and Genocide AND they were heavily involved in the Armenian genocide.
Why would they not be connected? Why would they not think in inter-generational terms? Solzhenitsyn wrote a whole book about it -

"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.
It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is still in the hands of the perpetrators.”"

But because you don't like the idea that "every conspiracy is connected by a cabal of jews who all know each other," (why would they NOT all know each other) it seems that now we are to throw Solzhenitsyn out the window as well. Wikipedia will be proud of you.

I'm glad that we're all now moving back towards the "science" of the official 9-11 story, having had our brief brush with the madness of "9-11 truth" predictive programming and conspiracy theorising.
Back towards "its just multinationals controlled by (((greed))" "someone would have talked" "It isn't the jews!"

You must be right when you say the truther version of events "can't be" what you characterise as some ludicrous "jewish false flag psy op planned and organized to such flawless perfection."
Thanks for bringing me (and us) to my/our senses. Although it does seem that most people agree with you here already.

When you say you want "the names" "it just seems like people have every angle except the actual identity of operatives in the field." "I want the names of the operators, the one's who planted the explosives on 911 (it must of taken at least a team of 10 professional demolition men and not one has ever spilled the beans or been gotten to by a journalist?)"

When you say I want the names I have to say I get a little bit paranoid.
Thats because I do actually know one of the operatives involved, although not very well. He's not American nor Israeli although he is Jewish. He was in America on the day and at the site of one of the attacks, involved in the operation, or so he says - whilst officially he worked at the time for another NATO military payroll and he plays up that country as his home ethnicity, although - if you ever talk politics with him - he starts moaning and kvetching about "white people" which would be odd if he really was as (x ethnicity) as he claims to be, but not so odd when you realise that he's jewish and a former 9-11 goon.
I don't know his address, sorry, and Im not about to tail him home from the gym either. And frankly, for the benefit of any few feds reading, I value my physical health and I value any future career - so I will be discrete instead. Take that as an evasion or anything else you wish. I assure you it's true.
Its funny that you keep talking about taking a step back from posting because you are in the process of retreating from this world - and then you post away the next day and then the very next day after that you're back saying that you're all in for big debates. Funny because..
.. having been ridiculed for talking about jewish and freemason control and accused of pushing sacrilegious .. Anathema, to go with my Apophrenia metal illness, I am actually starting a church retreat today and will be away from the internet for a while.

And perhaps its best, at the end of the day, that I step away from this new forum with its new 'standards of truth, its continuing (over weeks and months and different forums) ridicule of people who talk about jewish involvement in, and predictive programming of, 9-11 and with its new dog-piling Zeitgeist.
But I would say that for all we laugh, dear reader, at Paternos or Bird or me for saying what we believe to be true.. well, wait until its your turn.

Always having to cite the same sources, always repeating myself, always providing a robust enough defence, and then the same suspects start in.. a-gain. a couple of weeks later with the wisecracks and the digs.
And remember that the main thing that characterises these situations is that people - people who maybe prefer the orthodox MSM YouTube Twitter version of events - stand aside while each member who differs from the mainstream is put in the middle in their turn - or stay shtum when they entirely disappear,.. as with 911.

I'll step away now and for the rest of you, beware of the day when this is the Tranny, LGBTQ, Bestiality RVF 26.0 forum and you're being put in the middle across several threads and across several weeks and months for saying that jews do actually have a lot of power and ARE involved in some nefarious conspiracies.

Anyway, I have to crack on. I bid you all a bientot and I wish you all fun on here with the new spirit of not believing conspiracies and not mentioning freemasonry in any detail, or that they control both sides of these conflicts (which seems to be the hot button issue that ignites the pushback)
For those who will ridicule me further, as happened to Bird and Paternos and as will happen to the next person who differs too far from the (freemason-controlled I said it) MSM narrative --- I say go for it...
To the victor, the spoils..
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Crosspost from the Conspiracy Theory thread where it seems naming the jew is no longer o-kay, to go with exploring Freemasonry control and its methods (a la Forces Occultes, France, 1940s) which has never been okay.. or so it seems.
I posted some videos showing the Lesser Magick predictions employed by Spielberg and Zemeckis in the movie Back to the Future, around 9-11 and JFK's assassination.
This was met with criticism of the kind that Im a little tired of - because it is a new forum standard of normieness I no longer recognise - because its the same old derision and snark I continually get - because each time I am able to defend my position but this means that I have to type and re-type the same old essays. I'm just done with it. The Xen Foro structure remains the same but this isn't a space I recognise any more. The norm faction has won out.
I was told that posting (as per Jay Dyer) that Spielberg embedded symbolism relating to 9-11 and JFK's assassination into his Back to the Future movie

I never said any such thing.

If people want to subscribe to the Official 9-11 story then that is up to them.
I believe the mounting evidence that 9-11 and the JFK assassination were attacks on America by World Jewry.
I believe that one of the best journalists on 9-11 who is not also a gatekeeper is Christopher Bollyn.

Here is a video recently uploaded to YouTube where Christopher Bollyn lays out the jewish conspiracy. Bollyn not only lost his job for his work but was beaten up and harassed by the FBI, and eventually had to flee the country.
Here he lays out how the Israeli/jewish plan goes all the way back to 1948 and the King David Hotel bombing where they took down British Army HQ with explosives whilst pretending the Arabs did it (sound familiar?) It wasn't just a bunch of Dancing Israelis.

Notice, per Bollyn, that the jews were very concerned with bringing the west into the fight against THEIR Arab enemies and in order to do so very concerned with using the media to seed the idea that Arabs were going to commit a mass terror attack on America.

Isser Harel, the former head of Mossad, told evangelical Christians visiting Israel in 1979 that "the Arabs are planning to take down your tallest building in New York because it is a symbol of your power". 1979.
The same year I believe. Bibi Nateanyahu gave a talk saying words to the effect that "Israel has the will but not the capability to take on Islamic terrorism. America has the ability but it does not have the will"
Hollywood movies and jews eh? Are we saying that jews DONT run Hollywood?

Bibi Netanyahu through his 'Jonathan Institute' financed a >Hollywood movie< about. a mass terror attack on America called "Black Sunday".
Remember the Black September Palestinian terrorist group?
Well this movie had the Arabs using an airship to attack a US institution - Super Bowl Sunday - and the poster had terrified Americans on the ground fleeing below an exploding airship above them.
Predictive Hollywood Movie made by boss jews about a 9-11 style terror attack to come not 20 years later? Check.

Enter Arnon Milchan.
Arnon Milchan is the 2nd richest and most powerful Hollywood producer, even today. he is also a jew. He is also Mossad.
In the 90s I believe an American paper reported that Milchan was Mossad. Milchan won at least a retraction f not a libel case against the paper THEN he later gave a press conference alongside Israeli Prime Ministers Shimon Peres and Bibi Netanyahu celebrating the fact that he was indeed - a Mossad Agent! who stole 800 nuclear triggers from the US.
Pretty Woman? He produced that. Fight Club with its twin falling buildings at the end? he produced that. The Revenant? He produced that. Good friends with Steven Spielberg and often photographed with him. He produced JFK and by all accounts the director, that Freemason and jew Oliver Stone was increasingly frustrated at Milchan's censorship.
In 1979 Milchan produced a movie about a jet passenger plane crashing into the Pan Am skyscraper, very concerned with the imagery.
Was that a movie about Arabs staging a mass terror attack on the west? No, it wasn't. It was a hokey story with actor Richard Burton about a man with psychic powers but what was important to Milchan was seeding the imagery of planes crashing into NY buildings.

Thats interesting, he was a Hollywood jew who sat down and planned out a movie containing images of an attack that would take place in September 2001. Just like Bibi Netanyahu did with HIS Hollywood move Black Sunday in 1979.
That Has Nothing to Do with Claiming That All Our Lives are somehow pre-Destined. I hope that I've made myself clear.

Here is a video that @Uncle Cr33pin (no crazed conspiracist theorist him) posted on RVF in 2021 saying "some of these are pretty meh.. some of these are pretty.. Wow"

Some of the examples ARE a little meh, as the WTC was a well known landmark that would appear in computer games and cartoons about alien attacks etc. But some are "interesting to say the least".
There is no 9'11" height limit on LA bridges (Terminator 2) no parking restriction between 9 -11 on LA streets (Lethal Weapon 2) and its interesting that the Matrix claims that Western civilisation declined after 1999. That seemed strange at the time, but seeing the expiry date of 9-11-2001 on Neo's ID makes you wonder. See also Arnies passport in his terrorist film that was already in distribution by the time of 9-11 but whose release was then delayed by 5 months.
Notice that Arnon Milchan produced, with Rupert Murdoch, the pilot for the Lone Gunman (JFK Assassination reference) TV show where a **remote controlled plane is flown into the WTC twin towers** - watched by 10 million - did they sit down and sketch out a movie depicting events that happened 6 months later? This Mossad operative? yes.
Black Sunday.. 1979 The Medusa Touch... 1979 The Lone Gunman..
And I quote..

But we are at the point where we have to litigate and relitigate the fact that Israel was behind the 911 attacks, that powerful Jewry does control much of the world and they do like to show their plans in advance - See Fauci's Milken Institute talk in October 2019 and Event 201 where a Pandemic tabletop exercise was gamed out in New York with all the media present.
here is their faked Covid newsreel made 2 months before Covid supposedly even began its life cycle as a disease

In earlier pages of the conspiracy thread someone wrote of:
"the occultic idea that you need to tell people what you are doing and get them to go along with it to really get the power that comes with the action/spell."
Are we now saying that it is somehow groundbreaking to say that Hollywood or the Jews or freemasons are in to the Occult? It's ridiculous to say that now?
Honestly why am I even typing this?
Note the same comments poking fun at this by the same people whenever this is brought up.
We had to go through this in the RVF 9-11 thread just over a month ago. I mean it - a month ago, we had this debate. And here I am typing these essays, in my defence, yet again.

In the Russell Brand thread on RVF not two months ago the same people, Red lagoon prominent, were commenting and laughing at my suggestion that Hollywood and the Corridors of power are in the control B'Nai B'rith Jewish freemasonry. It was all so silly. Posting pictures of Hollywood Celebs and putting captions- "oh look he's a freemason! and he's saying...! look he's making a hand signal!" ha ha ha
A few weeks ago it was questions asked of me "do you know anyone who ISN'T a freemason or a jew? or a jewish freemason?" ha ha ha. Thankfully on that occasion @MrRedsquare came to my defence.

What was that quote from Hitler about just when you thought you had carried the argument with them, then the next day they start it up again as if the whole previous debate never happened...? Gaslighting.

Now this morning - is it "because they are freemason jews, and freemason jews control the world" (implying that this is ridiculous)
But what's wrong with saying that? And why is Caduceus claiming one moment that B'nai B'rith jew Spielberg had advanced knowledge only because "these sort of things indicate the have the power (only partially) to see into the future. Perhaps with the help of demons, like those things people see (and talk to) when taking the drugs DMT or Ayahuasca. I know Spielberg definitely took Ayahuasca is the 1960s or early 70s."
and then in the next hour agreeing with my critics and suggesting that when I say they were forecasting their plans its because I have Apophrenia? So I'm mentally ill as well, now? I'm retarded?
But its always the same thing and always the likes of Red Lagoon leading the charge, not with well though out or reasoned arguments, but rather with clown emojis and snark and derision --- the exact same words I typed out in my defence 2 months ago, and then had to type out again a month later, and now, again, today.
Stadtaffe demanded that I explain the Titanic conspiracy theory and I immediately obliged him with two articles and a video lecture of over an hour. Before he had even had time to read one article he came back saying dismissively "I suppose they're going to say that they drove into the Iceberg on purpose" or words to that effect. Well, the theory says that there was no iceberg but you dismissed my sources in less than a minute. This was in the thread named The Conspiracy Thread.
So what's the point in making any effort here? The whole purpose Is to make me, or anyone like me, a laughing stock. And to exhaust ourselves re-litigating each issue every time we post something that isn't considered kosher.

I was annoyed when Paternos dismissed all of Christopher Bollyns work - almost instantly the moment I posted - saying that he was disqualified because- he had a jewish wife and - saying that nano-thermite sounded 'made-up'
but I was equally dismayed seeing the pile-on on Paternos that went on - with certain people leading the way - where he was alone in the ring against his accusers it seemed.
I was surprised and disappointed at the way that he self-immolated on here, and then surprised and disappointed at the way that Bird, who I also liked, also self immolated not long after. Now it seems to be my turn.

@PurpleUrkel you say "start some other threads with conspiracy theory specificity and I'll be your Huckleberry," - Urkel, you're ALREADY stating that IN the Conspiracy thread...
You accuse me of claiming that there is an
"army of thousands of world class actors behind every psy op and false flag operation that (are) going on every second of everyday throughout the world and human history"
....Because people on here used to believe that 9-11 was a jewish run false flag then we're claiming that all day, every day, there are 100s of 1000s of false flags all the time?
Again, thats a straw man. Gaslighting.
"I can't go down one giant black hole of "every conspiracy is connected by a cabal of jews who all know each other,"
Freemason boss-jews like Schiff, Israel Helphand and Parvuus were heavily involved in the Bolshevik Revolution and Genocide AND they were heavily involved in the Armenian genocide.
Why would they not be connected? Why would they not think in inter-generational terms? Solzhenitsyn wrote a whole book about it -

"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.
It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is still in the hands of the perpetrators.”"

But because you don't like the idea that "every conspiracy is connected by a cabal of jews who all know each other," (why would they NOT all know each other) it seems that now we are to throw Solzhenitsyn out the window as well. Wikipedia will be proud of you.

I'm glad that we're all now moving back towards the "science" of the official 9-11 story, having had our brief brush with the madness of "9-11 truth" predictive programming and conspiracy theorising.
Back towards "its just multinationals controlled by (((greed))" "someone would have talked" "It isn't the jews!"

You must be right when you say the truther version of events "can't be" what you characterise as some ludicrous "jewish false flag psy op planned and organized to such flawless perfection."
Thanks for bringing me (and us) to my/our senses. Although it does seem that most people agree with you here already.

When you say you want "the names" "it just seems like people have every angle except the actual identity of operatives in the field." "I want the names of the operators, the one's who planted the explosives on 911 (it must of taken at least a team of 10 professional demolition men and not one has ever spilled the beans or been gotten to by a journalist?)"

When you say I want the names I have to say I get a little bit paranoid.
Thats because I do actually know one of the operatives involved, although not very well. He's not American nor Israeli although he is Jewish. He was in America on the day and at the site of one of the attacks, involved in the operation, or so he says - whilst officially he worked at the time for another NATO military payroll and he plays up that country as his home ethnicity, although - if you ever talk politics with him - he starts moaning and kvetching about "white people" which would be odd if he really was as (x ethnicity) as he claims to be, but not so odd when you realise that he's jewish and a former 9-11 goon.
I don't know his address, sorry, and Im not about to tail him home from the gym either. And frankly, for the benefit of any few feds reading, I value my physical health and I value any future career - so I will be discrete instead. Take that as an evasion or anything else you wish. I assure you it's true.
Its funny that you keep talking about taking a step back from posting because you are in the process of retreating from this world - and then you post away the next day and then the very next day after that you're back saying that you're all in for big debates. Funny because..
.. having been ridiculed for talking about jewish and freemason control and accused of pushing sacrilegious .. Anathema, to go with my Apophrenia metal illness, I am actually starting a church retreat today and will be away from the internet for a while.

And perhaps its best, at the end of the day, that I step away from this new forum with its new 'standards of truth, its continuing (over weeks and months and different forums) ridicule of people who talk about jewish involvement in, and predictive programming of, 9-11 and with its new dog-piling Zeitgeist.
But I would say that for all we laugh, dear reader, at Paternos or Bird or me for saying what we believe to be true.. well, wait until its your turn.

Always having to cite the same sources, always repeating myself, always providing a robust enough defence, and then the same suspects start in.. a-gain. a couple of weeks later with the wisecracks and the digs.
And remember that the main thing that characterises these situations is that people - people who maybe prefer the orthodox MSM YouTube Twitter version of events - stand aside while each member who differs from the mainstream is put in the middle in their turn - or stay shtum when they entirely disappear,.. as with 911.

I'll step away now and for the rest of you, beware of the day when this is the Tranny, LGBTQ, Bestiality RVF 26.0 forum and you're being put in the middle across several threads and across several weeks and months for saying that jews do actually have a lot of power and ARE involved in some nefarious conspiracies.

Anyway, I have to crack on. I bid you all a bientot and I wish you all fun on here with the new spirit of not believing conspiracies and not mentioning freemasonry in any detail, or that they control both sides of these conflicts (which seems to be the hot button issue that ignites the pushback)
For those who will ridicule me further, as happened to Bird and Paternos and as will happen to the next person who differs too far from the (freemason-controlled I said it) MSM narrative --- I say go for it...
To the victor, the spoils..

Chutzpah, or 'it cries in pain as it strikes you'

One of the highest jewish values is 'chutzpah' which is literally the ability to tell bald-faced lies without shame.

Chutzpah is a Hebrew word that has been adopted into Yiddish and then English. Chutzpah has been defined as "audacity, insolence, impudence, gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, incredible guts, presumption and arrogance". Yet something essential about chutzpah is missing from all these words.

The problem Christians have is that we assume that everybody shares our baseline value of honesty and that lets the liars abuse that trust in terrible ways.

Definition of chutzpah: a jewish man on trial for brutally murdering his parents demands mercy from the court because he is an orphan.

Chutzpah in Business and in Law
Guy Kawasaki was Steve Jobs’s original marketing man—the guy who invented “corporate evangelism.” He started his career working in the Jewish-dominated New York garment industry. He described chutzpah as “calling up tech support to report a bug on pirated software.” Guy believed chutzpah was a vital element in successful marketing, a key to Apple’s success.

You couldn’t get more explicit than the words of the Midrash: “There is no nation with more chutzpah than the Jews.” Rabbi Yizchak Ben Redifa said in the name of Rabbi Imi, “You think this is derogatory? It's actually nothing but praise! A Jew says, ‘Let me be a Jew or let me be crucified!’”