I agree with arguably smartest man in the world Chris Langan's take on the JQ and the central banker scam
here and
here. He writes:
Comment: "Very seldom are (they) the head of the snake we superficially identify as our enemy. They pose as the mice the snake needs to survive thereby controlling where the snake injects his venom in order to satisfy his appetite for mice."
Response: Very good! However, it's actually a three-level affair.
At the very top are the demonic parasites who run the show...the
World Megabanksters.
Below them, controlled by their shills and enforcement agencies, is an inner ring of scapegoats, human shields who, in return for a few miserable crumbs, must form a tight protective cordon around the demon on demand. These are the rank-and-file, non-stakeholder Jews. When the demon snaps its fingers, they must sound the alarm and man the barricades in unison.
Our Bankster Masters All Jews have been threatened!" they must cry. Then they must pay the ultimate price as their masters scurry for cover. (After all, despite being Jewish, they're expendable non-stakeholders.)
Then comes the outer ring of scapegoats: non-Jewish Whites of European ancestry, pathetic, hyperindoctrinated sad sacks whose "White guilt" and refusal to cooperate with each other makes them easy meat, sources of unguarded wealth to be righteously burgled, robbed, and extorted for the sake of "social justice".
When the West is sucked dry and the last of our wealth has been consumed, everything worth having will be in the hands, pockets, and bellies of the global Ziobanksters and their friends and families. just the way they all think it's supposed to be!
At that point, unfortunately, it's Game Over. White people of European ancestry, and Jewish "useless eaters" as well, are no longer necessary once the Kalergi-compliant Eurasian-Negroid Race of the Future is in place
as it now mostly is.
Unless we do something to stop it. It's either that, or prepare for total annihilation."
Question: "Can you explain the Ziobanksters' banking structure?"
Troll farm employee Yitzi: "Yes, I'd be very interested in this! Make a long post if you have to (I want all the details). Maybe for once we'll actually get a decent explanation from a conspiracist!"
Answer: First, Yitzi, I think you meant "conspiracy theorist", not "conspiracist". (I'm the one who's cancelled by the conspiracists and their suckers, not to mention the conspirators themselves.) Secondly, what am I, your own personal magic 8 ball?
Just look at the history and practice of banking and the structure of the modern banking empire. This structure includes national central banks and international banking institutions like the World Bank, BIS (Bank of International Settlements), IMF (International Monetary Fund), and WTO (World Trade Organization). Look them up. They're all right there in Wickedpedia. So is the "Great Reset".
The same people run them all. They're virtually all your relatives, or at least they claim to be. And while they've got it all covered, a poor little wastrel like you will never see more than a few pennies. You're one of the hapless "little Jews" cheerleading and muling the ongoing legacy of these scoundrels through the centuries, and you'll be among those who dig deep when the credit runs out and the bill comes due.
Only an idiot can't see what's been happening. Do your homework, then wipe the cobwebs from your sleepy little eyes before you and all your friends get your last and most shocking eye-opener: another taste of what it feels like to reap the whirlwind for your ruthless, infinitely greedy "master race".
They'll never invite you onto their superyachts, kid. You're just the shark chum, and even now there's a Great White something coming your way.
"Yitzi, Yitzi, Yitzi!" the leviathan is singing. "Good to the last itsy bitsy!"
Mend your ways, child, and come back to humanity."