The June 1990 issue of S.W.A.T. magazine featured an article entitled "J.P.F.O. In Defense of Firearms Ownership." It was an interview with Aaron Zelman, a Jewish man who formed Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). Zelman made some startling revelations in the interview.
Q: Aaron what can JPFO do to defend gun ownership that is not being done by other pro-gun groups?
A: Jim, it is obvious that one of the major problems we gun owners face is the heavy influence of
left-wing, liberal, Jewish antigunners in the media and government. JFPO can do what needs to be done: forcefully challenge these individuals without the fear of being labelled anti-Semitic. The other pro-gun groups do excellent work, but they must daily tiptoe around the truth for fear of the anti-Semitic label, which would be used by the liberal media in a blink of the eye and without mercy.
Comment: Here, he admitted that Jews have a stranglehold in the media and government and use that power to push for ever greater gun restrictions. He also admitted that pro-gun groups must not admit the overwhelmingly Jewish influence in America's anti-gun movement. Accusations of anti-Semitism are used as a club to beat opponents of Jewish agendas into submission.
Q: What are your personal reasons for starting JPFO?
A: There are a small percentage of Jews, like myself, who are staunch supporters of gun ownership, but our side of the story is censored by the liberal Jews who heavily influence the mass media and government. Another reason for forming JPFO is to combat the growing anti-Semitism in America, partly caused by antigun Jews. Hopefully, we will succeed in reaching non-Jewish gun owners in letting them know that not all Jews want to take their guns away from them. We may even possibly educate some Jewish anti-gunners and "convert" them to the pro-freedom, pro-American, pro-gun viewpoint: however, I'm not very hopeful that will happen.
Comment: Most Jews despise gun ownership and heavily influence the mass media and government. The real reason Zelman created the JPFO is to protect American Jews from possible backlash arising from their actions. Protecting gun rights seems to be an ancillary matter for the JPFO.
Q: Can you tell us some of your plans for JPFO?
A: JPFO is preparing a series of advertisements that challenge liberal Jewish positions on gun ownership. The ads are designed to attack and destroy the myths and lies that liberal Jewish commentators, writers, actors, and politicians spew forth every opportunity they get. The content of the ads is simple, but direct and will effectively put Jewish antigunners on the defensive and make them nervous about their place in America. It is also hoped that the ads will have a positive effect and will increase gun ownership, as well as educate people that a heavily armed citizenry is essential to thwart tyranny, the kind we have pushed on us now or any future tyranny the liberals want to fore upon us.
Comment: According to Zelman, many American Jews want to force tyranny on Americans.
Q: What would non-Jewish gun owners have to gain by supporting JPFO?
A: Christians are the bedrock of America. This nation and all its goodness exists because Christians have, from its earlies beginnings, sacrificed their lives, their fortunes and even their children to horrible wars, to forge this wonderful and free country. But as we speak, an insidious liberal conspiracy, Jewish and non-Jewish, is at work to destroy every shred of liberty and freedom we gun owners hold so dear.
Comment: America is Christian and not "Judeo-Christian." It was founded on Christian principles, not Jewish values.
The interview goes on for quite some time and can be found online for those interested. Zelman's JFPO is the group responsible for all of those conservative memes about gun control being a National Socialist ideal. See the poster below.