The Jewish Question (JQ)

^THIS. This was one of the things he told me over beers one night. By his own admission, most of the Ashkenazi Jews who inhabit Israel have little to no genetic relation to the true Semitic inhabitants of the area, the Arabs. They could attack the Arabs; any Yehudim who did have a genetic risk factor could easily be pre-vaccinated. The sad thing is, despite the evil abominations that he and his biologist wife may be working on now, they were really super nice people. I stayed FB friends with them for several years. I would say that he was, hands-down, the smartest person that I've ever known personally. Such a shame that all of their smarts won't get them into Heaven. I had totally forgotten about them until your post. Perhaps I should pray regularly for their repentance.
Yes but they would have to have done specific genetic marker isolation work between the Arabs and the mongrelized jewish ashkenazim, the more closely related sephardim, and the eastern mizrahim jews to not bungle their batch so to say. Then they would have to figure out some kind of compound that targets specifically Arab genes. Then they would have to figure out a way to weaponize it efficiently without causing damage to any jew who may be nearby. Dispersed aerosol bombs with a biological compound that has a direct rate of transdermal absorption, and if they load up their batch with DMSO or similar carrier, it could work rather effectively, but there is a problem in your friends theory, multiple actually. The idea of using biological weapons targeting specific genetic markers in one demographic is fundamentally flawed due to the high degree of genetic overlap and historical mixing between various populations, especially in the Middle East

The Arabs are not a pure race. They are the result of original nomadic raiders raping captives (usually White women) and then generation upon generation of a mixed-progeny adopting a creed (mixing disparate races is the right skew of the bell curve of unhealthy breeding) therefore it is no coincidence why Islam is so backwards in a majority of its adherents. This is compounded by present-day inbreeding (left skew of the bell curve of unhealthy breeding) that makes it such a problematic variable to have in a society that is not full of these people.

Is Islam a threat to jews? Not historically. It has been their golem for many cases against advanced civilizations. They greatly weakened Aryan Persia with it, which then allowed the Mongols to further destroy it later. They let them in to Spain (Gates of Toledo) and that changed much of the makeup of the country and caused the Marranos to be problems later on. You are witnessing Islam's golem days coming to a close, like some rich racehorse owner discussing how to best euthanize his star horse because it is old and lame. Islam has served its purposes, and its time to go. They will keep the really retarded versions of it alive in foreign lands just to keep disrupting Whitey and to counter weakened and jewified Christianity.

Then the issue is that how can they isolate one genetic marker to attack when it is so muted from centuries of mongrelization? The jew is so mongrelized himself that they may mistakenly kill themselves by coming up with a biological compound in this manner. I don't think it can be done. Part of genetics is a mystery, a holy mystery, and that is why they have not "cracked" the human genome completely by their manmade mapping sequences. Many eugenicists were actually more mongrelized and jewish themselves in the 19th century, as if they were searching for a cure for their own madness rather than to aim for a better purer society. You see the same vein of eugenicist Darwinian chutzpah coming out of their mouths today when they rally to protect their condos and shopping malls in Palestine from the natives.

Most traits including susceptibility to diseases or certain genetic markers are polygenic, meaning they are influenced by multiple genes. Trying to isolate and target specific genetic traits across a population would require an impossible level of precision, especially given the genetic complexity within the populations (Mizrahi and Arabs are closest).

Then you run into a whole additional set of problems with the virus / germ theory. From what we have seen with the coronahoax, there was no magical killer flu, there were maledict shriners, jews, and freemasons who were killing people intentionally with the remdesivir protocol, then driving everyone else insane with fear propaganda from a complicit media, then the deaths started to skyrocket once the injections came out. It's the other way around, there are no contagious germs, especially ones that can target specific people, as I often thought the jews would concoct a sickle-cell plague once they got rid of Whites since the blacks were no longer needed, but then I realized this was folly too. The only thing dangerous is literal poison (heavy metals, carcinogens, free radicals, venom, neurotoxins) and the occult combination of MRNA and nanotechnology.

Remember these jews will lie to your face even if you're a "family friend," let alone a stranger they meet on vacation. What we have here is a lie within a lie. They lie about genetics, they lie about epidemiology, and they wrap them together neatly in a lie sandwich.

It would be extremely difficult to be build a genetic bio-weapon that targets Arabs and not Jews as Arabs and Jews are both semites and very genetically similar. This is doubly the case for Palestinians vs Jews living in Israel as they are extremely similar genetically.
I have seen plenty of research claiming the opposite. Here is one example:

"The genetic profile of Palestinians has, for the first time, been studied by using human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene variability and haplotypes. The comparison with other Mediterranean populations by using neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses reveal that Palestinians are genetically very close to Jews and other Middle East populations, including Turks (Anatolians), Lebanese, Egyptians, Armenians, and Iranians. Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences. The relatively close relatedness of both Jews and Palestinians to western Mediterranean populations reflects the continuous circum-Mediterranean cultural and gene flow that have occurred in prehistoric and historic times. This flow overtly contradicts the demic diffusion model of western Mediterranean populations substitution by agriculturalists coming from the Middle East in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition."

“The closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots,” as Ostrer and Skorecki wrote in a review of their findings that they co-authored in the journal Human Genetics in October 2012.

In 2010 I was vacationing in Roatan, Honduras on a scuba-diving holiday; an Israeli couple was vacationing there at my guesthouse prior to the husband (a PhD in biochemistry/genetics) starting a post-doctoral fellowship at Rockefeller University in NYC. RU is one of the world's top universities devoted to the 'life sciences.' He told me quite openly that his uncle was involved with the IDF's bio-weapons program and that they were working on this as early as the 1980's. He said that it's actually quite feasible. What wicked people.

I guess that James Bond movie 'No Time To Die' isn't so fictional after all. 😔
I'm no DNA specialist, and I've heard a lot of pushback against the Ashkenazi/Khazarian angle of modern Jews. Does this bioweapon development mean their DNA is separate and confirm the Ashkenazi/Khazarian angle?
^The two kids here are probably children of Russian immigrants with some Jewish heritage who identify as Christians.

See tennis player Denis Shapovalov, born in Israel from Russian immigrants, Jewish mother, Christian father, looks very northern Rus, wears the cross, to the dismay of a lot of Israelis. He probably got a lot of grief for that growing up, perhaps that's why he emigrated to Canada.
