The Jewish Question (JQ)

A ski resort in Davos has decided to stop renting out equipment to jews as they behave badly and :

Not sure how they will identify who is a jew or not, since they hide their identities so frequently. Besides isn't 3/4 of the WEF that meets in Davos all jews? Someone needs to come up with an AI image of "jews on skis". I'm not good with that artistic stuff.
Not sure how they will identify who is a jew or not, since they hide their identities so frequently. Besides isn't 3/4 of the WEF that meets in Davos all jews? Someone needs to come up with an AI image of "jews on skis". I'm not good with that artistic stuff.
I can picture the whiny Jew voices. "It's cold, there's too much snow, my feet hurt." I'm surprised they're even trying to ski.

They can also take that selfish, degenerate behavior back to Israel.
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The shoes in this photo are piled on a sloping ramp to make them appear more voluminous. They're only a few shoes deep for the entire pile to give a false impression. It's incredible how deceitful they are in all aspects of life.
I was actually wondering about that, but it certainly doesn't surprise me. I visited Auschwitz many decades ago and saw the "shoe exhibit" and the "shorn hair exhibit", as well as the "Zykon B canister exhibit", etc. For all the "solemness" they try to pass off about this place, it sure felt like a circus side show grift. I felt that even back in the day when I was still blue-pilled and clueless about the truth. It's all just too staged, scripted, convenient, and prop-like.
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I was actually wondering about that, but it certainly doesn't surprise me. I visited Auschwitz many decades ago and saw the "shoe exhibit" and the "shorn hair exhibit", as well as the "Zykon B canister exhibit", etc. For all the "solemness" they try to pass off about this place, it sure felt like a circus side show grift. I felt that even back in the day when I was still blue-pilled and clueless about the truth. It's all just too staged, scripted, convenient, and prop-like.

Right. On top of that, who cares about a pile of shoes? It proves absolutely nothing. "Hello people who have lice all over your body and clothing including your footwear, remove your lice-filled crap and we will clean it." It was a very humane thing the Germans were doing to clean things up to prevent typhus, which they successfully did for most of the war until the end. The Jews should be thanking them for saving their lives. The propaganda pile of shoes indicates that lives were saved, not lost. Only the shoes died. Boo-hoo, I lost my shoe.
The jews don't even thank the countries that saved their butts in WWII. The hundreds of thousands of young men slaughtered on the battlefields to save ungrateful people who subsequently destroy our societies and subvert our values. It's the frog and the scorpion all over again.
The jews did the least amount of fighting and the least amount of dying in WW2, yet the most amount of scheming, warmongering, and dividing non-jews. It's a complete bait and switch from the narrative we are forced to digest in the mainstream. Just like in the present wars, which are even more scripted, they are behind the scenes manipulating and moving their pawns around at the expense of hundreds of thousands of non-jewish lives.
