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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

One of the main purpose of this pier is to allow deportation of Gazans directly from there. For supplies, they could just load them in nearby ports and ship them with trucks. Loading and unloading supplies through a floating pier is not convenient.
gaza plan.jpg
UCLA College students rightfully protest the genocide in Gaza being funded with our tax dollars. Israel citizens/Mossad agents are allowed to beat them for three hours straight, while the police do nothing and then the police arrest the college students.

Yet another GOP run state has passed anti-1A laws. I know Florida, South Dakota and Texas off the top of my head have done similar bills since Israel's war crimes were exposed to the world. The GOP is quickly becoming an extension of the Likud party.

Not that I expect any better out of the DNC, but they have a big and young enough "Free Palestine" base to keep them from performing these over the top measures.


Multi-million dollar project washed away:

The headline is misleading. The pier itself is fine, only one of its elements - a transloading platform, anchored miles away from the coast, broke loose and 2 Army watercraft, working transshipment, were washed ashore. 3 American soldiers were injured during the incident.
Nevertheless, its not even the storm season and we've already got problems. So this pier will have to be dismantled before November, or the winter storms will destroy it.
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The Gaza pier had to be removed and towed to Ashdod for repairs. Apparently due to rough sea the fastenings came loose, and parts of the pier broke off and sunk.


The repairs are said to take at least a week.
Funny how the British Admiralty was able to position not ONE but TWO functioning floating harbours on the coast of Normandy to get vital supplies ashore and into an active war zone....EIGHTY years ago.

Mulberry Harbours:

Funny how the British Admiralty was able to position not ONE but TWO functioning floating harbours on the coast of Normandy to get vital supplies ashore and into an active war zone....EIGHTY years ago.

Mulberry Harbours:

Apples to oranges.
First of all, the Normandy landing was carried out in the Bay of Seine, which naturally offered protection from rough seas. The coast of Gaza doesn't have any bays.
Then there's the difference in scale. Those Mulberry harbours were protected by man-made breakwaters: scuttled merchant vessels and engineering barriers. The Trident in Gaza doesn't have any protection, it literally floats on the surface, secured only by anchors. That being said, it doesn't excuse the failure - the nature of the coastline, and the limitations of the Trident are known, and yet despite this a politically motivated decision to deploy it was made.
Anyway, the pier was repaired and it's back.