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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Everything. Even our elites are bragging that once they can pump MTV into their countries they can defeat their regimes. The young people want these sinful activities and the west uses this sin to destroy our people and then hopefully (for them) their regimes. The armies of the west are satan's army and their greatest weapon is sin, all 7 sins in excess on their youth to destroy their society just like they did ours.
I've often said this thing in Ukraine wouldn't haven't happened if more Ukrainians had of stayed closer to their Orthodox roots, both for spiritual and political reasons.
The Washington Post reports that Israel has failed to convince Hezbollah to withdraw 6-7 km from the border and that they are aiming for a significant escalation to clear that area out.

Warning: language nsfw
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I can't imagine that Israel will play ball with any of those peace plans - they need a total victory because the costs (personal, material, economic) of this conflict are far too great. With around 600k people out of the labour force (mobilized reservists + people evacuated from communities adjacent to the Gaza and Lebanon borders) they're suffocating their own economy. That's too huge price to pay, only to gain nothing in return. So I think, Israel will escalate hoping that victory in a larger regional conflict (with direct American involvement) will offset those costs.
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Meanwhile attacks on American bases in Iraq continue.

Full text:
Iranian-backed Militants Attack Al-Assad Airbase, Iraq
At approximately 6:30 p.m. (Baghdad time) time Jan. 20, multiple ballistic missiles and rockets were launched by Iranian-backed militants in Western Iraq targeting al-Assad Airbase. Most of the missiles were intercepted by the base’s air defense systems while others impacted on the base. Damage assessments are ongoing. A number of U.S. personnel are undergoing evaluation for traumatic brain injuries. At least one Iraqi service member was wounded.

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Lots of rumors that Israel is preparing to invade Lebanon.

It's more than rumours. The troop movements are ominous - unless meant a a negotiation/pressure tactic to get Hezbollah to vacate a buffer area (either up till the Litani river or 6-7 km from the border). They have essentially pulled some of their elite units out of Gaza and relocated them to the Northern border.

It's going to be massive.
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This is a big escalation. I pray for these three service members and their families.

The US will not be able to ignore this, if they do its open season.

The attack took place near the Al Tanf area, which is on the Jordan-Syrian border. The US leaning accounts state it was on the Jordan side of the border, the US critical accounts state it was on the Syrian side of the border

LOL some of the pro Axis accounts are backpedalling pretty hard. Shifting the blame to Kataib Hezbollah instead of Iran.

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