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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

LOL some of the pro Axis accounts are backpedalling pretty hard. Shifting the blame to Kataib Hezbollah instead of Iran.

Iran and/or KCCHCHHAMAS is now responsible for everything that goes wrong under the sun, appararently. Good for Russia, I guess, who held that position earlier.

It's such shameless, transparent and ridiculous warmongering that I wonder how anyone can take it seriously. But people obviously do.

(actually I don't wonder. After covid I have learned that the vast majority of people are mindless sheep)
Iran and/or KCCHCHHAMAS is now responsible for everything that goes wrong under the sun, appararently. Good for Russia, I guess, who held that position earlier.

It's such shameless, transparent and ridiculous warmongering that I wonder how anyone can take it seriously. But people obviously do.

(actually I don't wonder. After covid I have learned that the vast majority of people are mindless sheep)

Kataib Hezbollah is an IRGC offshoot which is financed, trained and organized by the IRGC.
Right. And how do we know they are behind the attack? Because the Zionists say so?

Because they claim their attacks and have been doing so for 10+ years. In this particular case I am going off of the popular Axis accounts on TG and Twitter (both Arabic and English) that keep mentioning the Kataib Hezbollah Brigade as the perps. I am just taking their word for it.

The US claims to have identified the source of the attack.

Again, all the pro US people say the attack happened on Jordanian soil. All the anti-US people say it happened on Syrian soil. To me it seems weird to attack on Jordanian soil, it's out of the ordinary and makes little sense from the Axis perspective.

The whole Jordan thing might become important. It would be an attack on a US ally where the troop concentrations are judicially legit whereas in Syria they are illegal occupiers.

The Tri-State Area where many US bases are.

Not sure if someone has mentioned this yet - it's come up a few times briefly in some podcasts I listen to but haven't read anything about it.

Something about no hebrew empire being able to last beyond 80 years.

Search for "the curse of the eighth decade"

That could explain the extreme reaction we are seeing.
Not sure if someone has mentioned this yet - it's come up a few times briefly in some podcasts I listen to but haven't read anything about it.

Something about no hebrew empire being able to last beyond 80 years.

Search for "the curse of the eighth decade"

That could explain the extreme reaction we are seeing.
Maybe it takes that long for populations to wise up to the tricks and schemes they play.
Maybe it takes that long for populations to wise up to the tricks and schemes they play.
Maybe it will go faster in this information age.

Then on the other hand there is now artificial intelligence and mass-propoganda to try to better control people's minds, keep them from wrongthink.
The war is going so good for Israel that they already need more funding.

For the blood and money we spend in the middle east, we could invade Mexico and Canada, eliminating the cartels and communists while building a reinforced wall with an automated killzone on the southern border and annexing the Canadian prairie provinces, but noooo, we have to simp for usurious sand people.
For the blood and money we spend in the middle east, we could invade Mexico and Canada, eliminating the cartels and communists while building a reinforced wall with an automated killzone on the southern border and annexing the Canadian prairie provinces, but noooo, we have to simp for usurious sand people.
It is almost like those cartels are controlled at the top by the same people dictating this insane foreign policy that is extremely unpopular.
Not sure if someone has mentioned this yet - it's come up a few times briefly in some podcasts I listen to but haven't read anything about it.

Something about no hebrew empire being able to last beyond 80 years.

Search for "the curse of the eighth decade"

That could explain the extreme reaction we are seeing.
That's very interesting. This will be the third time it has tried to be established. Three seems to be an important number in the Bible in this respect, e.g. Peter denied Jesus three times; Pilate declares Jesus innocent three times; Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane three times, etc.
For the blood and money we spend in the middle east, we could invade Mexico and Canada, eliminating the cartels and communists while building a reinforced wall with an automated killzone on the southern border and annexing the Canadian prairie provinces, but noooo, we have to simp for usurious sand people.

"usurious sand people"

Jon Stewart Laughing GIF