The Indo-Pacific Geopolitics Thread

Re: Aftermath of the Hong Kong Color Revolution Attempt and Paul Wolfowitz connection

In Hong Kong, there is a trial going on now with Jimmy Lai, a Chinese Dissident Billionaire whom had a coordinating & funding role for the protestors.

Going through the evidence, they have discovered that Jimmy was in contact with Paul Wolfowitz, a notorious neo-conservative and architect of the Iraqi War under the Bush Administration and author of the Wolfowitz doctrine. Within the Wolfowitz Doctrine, it specific'd that America's role as a world leader should work to prevent other Governments from aspiring to become peer competitors to the United States.

It is revealed that Jimmy Lai was also in touch with other China Hawks such as Jack Keane, retired US General, Raymond Burghardt, and others.

Eric Prince on GBNews saying that he would be surprised if PRC doesn't try anything regarding Taiwan before November 2024.


China has mediated a ceasefire between the Myanmar junta and the Three Brotherhood Alliance (all Maoist Han Chinese or Sinified rebels) in Northern Shan state. Junta has basically signed the lost territory away in return for peace. The peacedeal doesn't include all the other areas of insurgency.


Taiwan election is tomorrow.

Looks like DPP candidate LAI Ching-Te has won. The Taiwanese have taken their measure of China and found it lacking. DPP is the more traditionally anti-Chinese party, making a stance more for Taiwanese independence (as opposed to the "One China" idea). This is a surprise to me, as now Taiwan sets itself on the path to being the Ukraine of Asia. The election coverage has been hyping the orderly, transparent process (no deniers allowed).

The DPRK has made a U-turn on its previous policy of re-unification with the South, and will from now on have a more belligerent poaition.

Some quotes from Kim Jong Un:

Today the Supreme People's Assembly newly legalized the policy of our Republic toward the south on the basis of putting an end to the nearly 80 year-long history of inter-Korean relations and recognizing the two states both existing in the Korean peninsula.

As solemnly clarified at the 2023 December Plenary Meeting of the Party Central Committee, our Party, government and people had shown great magnanimity and tireless patience and made sincere efforts always with the view that those of the ROK (South Korea) are still the fellow countrymen and compatriots in the long period of history and even discussed with them the great cause of national reunification in a candid manner

It is the final conclusion drawn from the bitter history of the inter-Korean relations that we cannot go along the road of national restoration and reunification together with the ROK clan that adopted as its state policy the all-out confrontation with our Republic, dreaming of the "collapse of our government" and "unification by absorption," and lost compatriotic consciousness, getting more vicious and arrogant in the madcap confrontational racket.

We have formulated a new stand on the north-south relations and the policy of reunification and dismantled all the organizations we established as solidarity bodies for peaceful reunification at the current session of the Supreme People's Assembly which discusses the laws of the DPRK. It can be said this is an indispensable process that should take place without fail.

We have formulated a new stand on the north-south relations and the policy of reunification and dismantled all the organizations we established as solidarity bodies for peaceful reunification at the current session of the Supreme People's Assembly which discusses the laws of the DPRK. It can be said this is an indispensable process that should take place without fail.

We do not want war, but we also have no intention of avoiding it.

Taiwanese MSM reports that US will station a number of troops on Kinmen and Matsu Island. Both islands are less than 10 kilometers from Mainland Chinese shoreline.

Details are unknown. The US officially only has a small number of troops in Taiwan (<100) for trainings missions and protection of the American Institute in Taiwan (de facto embassy). Only in 2021 did the Taiwanese government officially confirm the presence of US troops in Taiwan.

Kinmen Island with Xiamen's skyscrapers in the background.
images - 2024-02-08T225045.352.webp
images (14).webp
Taiwanese MSM reports that US will station a number of troops on Kinmen and Matsu Island. Both islands are less than 10 kilometers from Mainland Chinese shoreline.

Details are unknown. The US officially only has a small number of troops in Taiwan (<100) for trainings missions and protection of the American Institute in Taiwan (de facto embassy). Only in 2021 did the Taiwanese government officially confirm the presence of US troops in Taiwan.

Kinmen Island with Xiamen's skyscrapers in the background.
View attachment 4773
View attachment 4774

This is a crazy policy for the US to follow.

I will point out that the picture is fake. Kinmen Island, as shown in the final map picture, is about 10 miles long, not a couple 100 feet as shown in the photo.
This is a crazy policy for the US to follow.

I will point out that the picture is fake. Kinmen Island, as shown in the final map picture, is about 10 miles long, not a couple 100 feet as shown in the photo.

Kinmen consists of Kinmen and Little Kinmen, the latter being attached to the bigger island by bridge. The picture posted above shows either Little Kinmen or one of the smaller islets surrounding Kinmen. It looks like a big rock with some houses on buildings on it so possibly the latter.

images - 2024-02-08T232854.525.webp遍布反登陆桩的上林海滩_-_Anti-landing_Spikes_on_Shanglin_Coast_-_2014.09_-_panoramio.webpimages (15).webp
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Pakistan's having its general elections and Imran Khan's PTI is leading big in the preliminary results but the communicating of election results has stopped completely since a couple of hours.

Imran Khan and his wife were sentenced to 10 years in prison weeks ago.

Pakistan's having its general elections and Imran Khan's PTI is leading big in the preliminary results but the communicating of election results has stopped completely since a couple of hours.

Imran Khan and his wife were sentenced to 10 years in prison weeks ago.

Quick update from IROP TG channel. Decisive win for Imran Khan's party which is getting acknowledged by the medias. Election Commission is so far uncooperative.

The whole Imran Khan saga has been of proportions that make the Trump vs. Deep State fight dwarf in comparison. Will be very interesting to see where this goes from here.



Khan wins: National elections in Pakistan as a colossal failure of pro-British forces in the country

Yesterday, national parliamentary elections were held in Pakistan. According to the election committee, the number of registered voters was over 128 million.

The fight was actually between five parties, but the main focus was on two of them:
- the Justice Movement (JM) led by Imran Khan
- the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) led by Shahbaz Nawaz Sharif

❓The whole point of these elections was that the Sharif family controlled by the British crown and the military command led by Asim Munir took all measures to politically eliminate the ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan - Imran Khan.

The former head of the republic was accused of several far-fetched violations, abuse of power and corruption, which is why he was convicted and sent to prison for 14 years. Moreover, even his wife Bushra Bibi was imprisoned.

In this way, the government of Shahbaz Sharif hoped to clear the field for its victory in the elections. A few months earlier, Nawaz Sharif's disgraced elder brother returned to the country, miraculously cleared of all corruption charges.

🔻However, the plan of the current authorities turned out to be a failure. For some reason, Islamabad did not take into account that Khan’s popularity is so great that his imprisonment under a false pretext would further increase his ratings. And this was reflected in the results.

▪️From the very beginning of the vote counting, the DzS party began to break away from its opponents. In the two largest provinces - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, as well as in the capital region, the Justice Movement came out ahead with devastating results.

▪️Even in other regions like Balochistan or Sindh, where in the old years Imran Khan barely got a few votes, he received a share of support. According to preliminary data, by evening the DZS already had 154 seats out of 169 needed to obtain a majority and create a government.

❗️And against the backdrop of the disaster that Sharif’s party faced, the most interesting thing began: first, internet outages began across the country, which caused problems with counting votes. Then hundreds and even thousands of security forces and military personnel began to appear at polling stations.

After this, the counting was stopped indefinitely. Imran Khan's party declared victory and called on supporters not to leave the polling stations as "the elections could be stolen."

Only 12 hours after the end of voting did the official presentation of the results begin, giving rise to the quite fair opinion that Sharif's leadership may have intervened to rig the votes in order to at least form a coalition government.

🔻In recent years, none of the parties has gained a majority, and there has always been a cabinet including representatives of different groups. Therefore, the current situation of the PML is truly depressing, because the level of public support is catastrophically low. The last time the Pakistan Muslim League achieved a majority was in 1997.

The option of interference in the elections certainly cannot be ruled out, since the Sharif family, and even more so Nawaz Sharif, do not intend to lose power. And this brings us to the question, will they go for it? Indeed, in this case, it will certainly not be possible to avoid the discontent of the population.

-- Source Rybar
Taiwanese MSM reports that US will station a number of troops on Kinmen and Matsu Island. Both islands are less than 10 kilometers from Mainland Chinese shoreline.

Details are unknown. The US officially only has a small number of troops in Taiwan (<100) for trainings missions and protection of the American Institute in Taiwan (de facto embassy). Only in 2021 did the Taiwanese government officially confirm the presence of US troops in Taiwan.

Kinmen Island with Xiamen's skyscrapers in the background.
View attachment 4773
View attachment 4774

US troops are now confirmed to be in Taiwan, some just one mile from China.
