The Fat People Thread

Grains are a massive part of the obesity epidemic:
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The food pyramid suggests a ton of grains which are pure carbs. Then it suggests fruits and vegetables even more than meat eggs and fish. Having nutrient and protein rich foods is what will help one be healthy.
It really depends on the grains. Refined white flour is not so good for you as most of the nutrients have been removed from it and it spikes your blood sugar. But whole grains are healthy in moderation. They have more fiber, protein and vitamins and minerals. And they are slow-digesting so they keep you full longer and it's easier to eat less. Still, I agree grains shouldn't be the base of the pyramid.
I have a dad gut and I know it comes from the beer. I'm active but had a serious injury that put me on the couch for many many months, beating myself up over it and feeling sorry for myself didn't help me. Going ketogenic is the only way to loose that extra pudge.

If you're not married just abstain from alcohol or (at least) beer as it packs on around your waist and bloats you up like a balloon. Yeah its tasty and I'm also of Viking stock (ref to someone before) so it's always a huge temptation.

Your wife will understand (as she remembers you before), if you have no wife well then you know the drill.
How do you guys go about talking to a morbidly obese family member about their weight?
My only real suggestion is to just talk about physical activities, sports, etc that they might like to do. I'm guessing some intense sport won't interest them; but if they get excited about anything from hiking to golf, you have your solution. Even if it's something like golf, you point out how less alcohol will improve their coordination, or their sleep; which in turn improves their coordination. Personally I hate golf but whatever it might be that gets them going. Hunting, fishing, etc depending on what they like, or what you might be able to introduce them to in a fun way. Or you point out how a certain meal change could just "be healthy" for them but you don't bring up the weight part.

No need to confront them aggressively, unless you really get into an intimate conversation with one of them and they are ready to hear hard truths.
I have a dad gut and I know it comes from the beer. I'm active but had a serious injury that put me on the couch for many many months, beating myself up over it and feeling sorry for myself didn't help me.
Very curious now what your injury was and how crippling.
Going ketogenic is the only way to loose that extra pudge.

If you're not married just abstain from alcohol or (at least) beer as it packs on around your waist and bloats you up like a balloon. Yeah its tasty and I'm also of Viking stock (ref to someone before) so it's always a huge temptation.

Your wife will understand (as she remembers you before), if you have no wife well then you know the drill.
How is a ketogenic diet the only way?
Very curious now what your injury was and how crippling.

How is a ketogenic diet the only way?

Let's just say both legs didn't work anymore and I had to crawl to the toilet on bad days. I'm nowhere near obese but the pudge packed on quickly sitting/laying on the couch (not that I had a choice). It was a dark time and I did drink beer and ate a lot of carbs to make me feel a little more comfortable I guess.

Keto, for me, was/is the only way to shed weight (and exercise of course if you can). The diet is no punishment btw! Cut the beer bread and pasta's and only eat your meats eggs and cheeses, it can be hard and heavy on the stomach in the beginning but when the bloating subsides and you go through the "keto fever" you'll feel like a new man.

I'm not telling anyone to do this per se, it just worked for me and some of the people I know, it's certainly not a cheap diet and you will also need to have access to some good sources for your meat and eggs (mainly).
I’m no one to judge cos I got a bit of a dad bod going on. Working on it though. i was talking to my mom about this and she was commenting about how everyone’s gotten so fat since the pandemic. She blames stress and overwork cos everyone’s been working so hard since the “virus” rolled in. Nope, she’s been working hard. Statistically we’re working less hours and workers have more bargaining ability so stress? No. I blame social acceptance of obesity and fat positivity’s steady drum beat over the last decade.

Maybe this is a social engineering trick for a bankrupt country to save on social security and Medicare. If everyone dies before 65, don’t have to pay 🫠
No. I blame social acceptance of obesity and fat positivity’s steady drum beat over the last decade.

Maybe this is a social engineering trick for a bankrupt country to save on social security and Medicare.
In the US in the 1970's even when people were just beginning to get fat, most people were normal weight.

The state of health outcomes in Europe today suggests to me that cigarettes, croissants, and wine are not half as bad for you as the trash most Americans eat.

The proportion of Americans that sit on their fat behinds doing nothing is staggering. Obese people are less likely to do simple home maintenance tasks and are generally useless. Sure you find a fat guy who does roofing or plumbing, but typical obese people are physically useless.
In the US in the 1970's even when people were just beginning to get fat, most people were normal weight.

The state of health outcomes in Europe today suggests to me that cigarettes, croissants, and wine are not half as bad for you as the trash most Americans eat.

The proportion of Americans that sit on their fat behinds doing nothing is staggering. Obese people are less likely to do simple home maintenance tasks and are generally useless. Sure you find a fat guy who does roofing or plumbing, but typical obese people are physically useless.
When I observe fat people I know, it ain’t just a label. It’s a lifestyle. It means they aren’t active. Don’t move nearly enough. Eat mountains of processed, chemical laden food and drink. Sugar consumption thru the roof. Which creates havoc on their organs, and mentally they struggle too.

When I say fat I mean actually fat. Not a beer gut or putting on 10 lbs with age.

It’s no wonder active, slim people who eat wholesome foods yet smoke a pack a day are far healthier. In Japan they also smoke like chimneys but live longer.
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When I observe fat people I know, it ain’t just a label. It’s a lifestyle. It means they aren’t active. Don’t move nearly enough. Eat mountains of processed, chemical laden food and drink. Sugar consumption thru the roof. Which creates havoc on their organs, and mentally they struggle too.

When I say fat I mean actually fat. Not a beer gut or putting on 10 lbs with age.

It’s no wonder active, slim people who eat wholesome foods yet smoke a pack a day are far healthier. In Japan they also smoke like chimneys but live longer.
My obese neighbors won a $200k settlement, pissed it away on new trucks and cars, and a couple of years later they had to sell their home out of bankruptcy.

They had empty boxes of Pepsi and Mountain Dew sticking out of their recycle bin all the time, but said that there was "nothing they could do" to improve their autoimmune diseases. I saw the home during the sale and it had so much dog fur (they had 4 large dogs) that a rake would be the right tool to clean it up.

Like you suggested, excess bodyfat isn't the only label. It seems to me, the right descriptor, which isn't used as much colloquially anymore: gluttony.
The proportion of Americans that sit on their fat behinds doing nothing is staggering.
The issue for most is a combination of stress from work, literally not exercising (at all), alcohol, and processed food (more than 3x per day).

I know plenty of people that don't really drink, either, and are still chubby and beyond.

It's also funny how many fat slobs drink or ask for "diet" soda pop. That one always gets an internal laugh from me.
They had empty boxes of Pepsi and Mountain Dew sticking out of their recycle bin all the time, but said that there was "nothing they could do" to improve their autoimmune diseases. I saw the home during the sale and it had so much dog fur (they had 4 large dogs) that a rake would be the right tool to clean it up.

When I see people buying soda, especially the big boxes in grocery stores, I am always perplexed. How low IQ do you have to be to buy soda in 2023?
I know plenty of people that don't really drink, either, and are still chubby and beyond.

Know can become knew at any moment.


Cherish them.

adam sandler GIF
Growing up I had some extended family who were always obese. They took pride in it. They made fun of skinny people like skinny people make fun of fat people and saw nothing wrong with that (God forbid you made fun of fat people though). My brothers and I were skinny and my Aunt would always mess with my mom saying how she wasn't feeding us.

I think a lot of people simply didn't know how bad the obesity crisis would get. They came from famine cultures where being fat was a symbol of wealth. People used to always be skinny because they were poor or had to live off the land. Too much food production prosperity and gov't led subsidized corn and wheat led to an explosion of junk food because it sells the best and large companies always have to maximize profit, who cares that they're killing the populace.
Growing up I had some extended family who were always obese. They took pride in it. They made fun of skinny people like skinny people make fun of fat people and saw nothing wrong with that (God forbid you made fun of fat people though). My brothers and I were skinny and my Aunt would always mess with my mom saying how she wasn't feeding us.

I think a lot of people simply didn't know how bad the obesity crisis would get. They came from famine cultures where being fat was a symbol of wealth. People used to always be skinny because they were poor or had to live off the land. Too much food production prosperity and gov't led subsidized corn and wheat led to an explosion of junk food because it sells the best and large companies always have to maximize profit, who cares that they're killing the populace.
That sounds like it could have been an egotistical defense mechanism. It is easier to criticize others for being too skinny instead of acknowledging the brutal truth that she and her entire immediate family are obese and they all need to completely change their lives. Kind of the same way Adele faces criticism for losing weight.
When I see people buying soda, especially the big boxes in grocery stores, I am always perplexed. How low IQ do you have to be to buy soda in 2023?
Fat people should never drink their calories. But that's a major reason they're fat. 500-1K+ calories per day just from liquid consumptions. Soda, juice, flavored coffees, etc.

This really doesn't get talked about enough. They may eat like crap but still stay around 2,500-3K calories per day which for many can fall in the maintenance range. But all the sugary and high caloric drinks are what creates the situation where they gain 2-4 lbs per month. And that's gonna largely be pure sugar going to the waist line.

Want some pizza. Great, live life. We all like pizza. But if you're having 2-3 slices you don't really need an American size regular coke with it (or refills in a restaurant) which add another 75-150 grams of sugar, HFCS and 300-500 calories.....just to your lunch.

At least drink diet. Yeah aspartame and other chemicals aren't great for you. But it pales in comparison to what long term obesity will do to you.

Or, buy European soda or Mexican coke. I know lots of Eastern Europeans who drink soda regularly but the ingredients are entirely different. Beginning with no HFCS and instead, pure sugar like the soda we used to have in the states in the 80's. But that discussion is more complex so for the masses, just go diet. At the very least, keep your BMI in check. Not a big fan of BMI but we're talking about the average Joe Schmoe here.
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“Don’t idolize being healthy!”
While her losing weight is great for many reasons (her long-term health, potential confidence boost, etc.), the drastic change in appearance has come as a shock to many of her overweight fans, including myself.
Ah, so written by a fat woman.
This sudden shift in public interest is incredibly harmful for people like me who are on the bigger side, as it sends the message that someone can only be seen as beautiful or wanted if they are thin.
Uh, duh?
Losing weight is not (nor has it ever been) the key to beauty or success, and Adele is no exception.
Cope, weight is huge for being beautiful.
It needs to be said that the now largest company in Europe is Novo Nordisk of Denmark.

It has reached this size through its injection product Ozempic which lets fat people get thin without focusing so much on diet.
The runaway success of Ozempic and Wegovy has turned 100-year old Novo Nordisk into Europe’s most valuable listed company, with a market capitalization bigger than Denmark’s domestic economy.
They're opening a large new plant in Dublin


That is how badly some fat people want to not be fat anymore.

Personal opinion is that it is the "soda" drinks as the Americans call it. All that sugary stuff in aluminium cans and PET bottles which is everywhere. So these people drink it as if it were harmless then get a proscription for Ozempic to cancel it out again. $457 billion company. How many fat people are injecting this stuff to make it worth that much...