The Destruction of Modern Women

... finding a 16-year-old woman attractive.
Finding a teenage girl attractive, or any woman attractive for that matter is not the issue here. I find alcohol and cigarettes attractive but I abstain from using them because they are unhealthy. This takes discipline and an iron will that can only be developed through prayer and a daily practice of choosing stability over chaos. A modern teenage girl or an early 20-something year old woman would bring nothing but chaos to an "older" man's life no matter what part of the world she is from.
I don't know where the age of a man should cut off in finding teenage women attractive would be. It is illegal though, and due to this, you best stay far away from any woman under 18.
And then there's this. 25 is probably the sweet spot in terms of modern human development. Trump's press secretary Karoline Leavitt (age 27) is married to a man 32 years her senior, but she's quite obviously a unicorn. In addition, with a "mature" 20-something woman like her you're going to be constantly running up against her careerist girl boss mentality.
In Latin America there are plenty of young attractive women looking for a provider and are happy to be housewives however they want a man with a lot of $$$$ they are not interested in men without dough (not the ones you would want anyway)
Young and attractive yes. Everything else I care about no. I am very financially stable and have indeed seen a few of these women. They can cook and so on but it's all worthless because their dispositions are awful.

I'm looking for a companion, an ally in life who will actively work to make my life easier and won't take me for granted. I want mutual yearning. These women will provide none of that. These women think they are massive catches, and everything about the way they talk to you and act toward you is imbued with that thought.

I have money so I could easily get with one of these women, but she would look down on me. Maybe if you're an alpha sigma epsilon whatever, then you can get them to value you, but I'm just a well-paid autist. Being the kind of charismatic man these women genuinely want is beyond my capabilities. Best I can do is not be a doormat.

If those are my options, I would rather throw in the towel, take up an alcohol addiction to keep the ennui and frustration at bay, and then unceremoniously die of liver failure after a few decades. Alcoholism cannot possibly be worse than being a paypig.
so you can even stay where you are just make sure you have money and your options will expand exponentially. It’s not easy to find a Latina with good morals but still slightly more common than a western woman.
I've been to the States and I think the cultural and spiritual state of the women is barely different, if at all. Notable differences are that latinas aren't obese as often and American women are noticeably much more intelligent. Beyond that, they have all of the exact same problems.

Things used to be a lot less insane here, but during the COVID thing they took advantage of the chaos to push forward a lot of social changes and now it's just all the same. Been a while since I last met a woman who wasn't an outspoken feminist. I'm friends with a few feminists (the alternative would be not talking to women ever), and they can be pleasant to be around if you don't say anything that sets off a hysterical outburst, but man...
It’s not easy to find a Latina with good morals but still slightly more common than a western woman.
"But hey, it's slightly better than Sodom!"

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this isn't a game forum (no need to describe women as pussy)
Speak for yourself. 16 years old, really? What is gay is obsessing about women and putting pussy so high up on a pedestal that one would even consider banging, much less marrying a 16 year old. It's 2025, not 1725. Historical and hence cultural context is everything. The magical thinking here is incredulous. You really think as a 30 or 40 year old man you're just going to walk down the streets of the modern world holding hands with a 16 year old? The image is so cringe I don't even know what to tell you. Pussy kills. It can be worse than being a heroin addict. Please don't encourage Austraila's and Blade Runner's addiction to, and obsession with women, especially teeneage girls. If any two men ever needed to be encouraged to go in the opposite direction by going celibate monk mode it's these two.
You need to relax and not take the post out of
context. I am not suggesting to actually talk to 16-18 year old girls in today's world or to obsess over women.

The post I quoted was talking about men's nature to be attracted to a younger woman that hasn't been sleeping around, especially for trying to start a family. It is absolutely true and has always been true since the dawn of time. Watch how men act around women that age and you can see it, but they don't want to admit it obviously.

The times we live in now are not the norm and should not be used as a good example of man's nature. What's gay is men settling for horrible modern women that will make their lives hell. That is putting pussy on a pedestal.
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On the instant shaming from women about the power dynamic of an older man with a younger woman...what us a woman's primary power over a man? Sexuality. When is that power at it's peak? 18-28 as a ballpark age. So who really has the power?

On the other hand, if you're 23 and dating an 18 year old, fine. If you're 43 and chasing 18 year olds, that is unwise. No shaming for finding them attractive, but a generation difference is usually asking for trouble. Read The Miller's Tale by Chaucer.

I have had plenty of 18 year old sloots working for me, and the horror stories of what they get up to is frankly depressing. Focus on the culture they grew up in and whether they have a healthy relationship with their parents.
A few Brazilians I have met in the United States have been utmost whores. They go to mass and then still sleep around town. Brazilian Catholics in the United States seem very liberal, like they are not even religious at all. Has anyone noticed this trend?
I've met my fair share of Brazilians in the US. The ones that are actively practicing their faith tend to be evangelicals. The ones that say they are Catholic seem to be non-observant. With the Catholics I noticed that there's also a tendency for them to be more syncretic and they'll blend pagan or New Age elements into their Catholicism.

That's not to say you won't find degenerate behavior with the evangelicals but at least they'll still go to church and talk about Jesus constantly even if they spent the previous week partying it up while with the Catholic ones won't even do that.