All men think like this, and anyone saying otherwise is lying. Or a homoThere is something so biologically primal about a woman at that peak age of 16 - 18. The emotions it stirred up in me simply speaking to her.
100%, it's a cynical display of conformity and "normalcy" for social brownie points. There are no other reasons to ever lie about this. You could just not go around announcing your opinion on every little thing. I guarantee no one will ever ask you about your thoughts on the attractiveness of 16 year olds.All men think like this, and anyone saying otherwise is lying. Or a homo
We're talking about the experiments of women in developed nations, which clearly dominate any "genetic" heritage, again proving my point. That women around the world in yesteryear, non advanced civilizations, or with low economic conditions, have children (the most children) also proves my point. I'm not sure why you keep kicking at the goads on this one, as you keep proving my points, not yours.But this can't be true, because if they didn't we'd have gone extinct a long time ago. Instead Earth's population is billions strong.
It's one of the reasons we have higher longevity, but older people across the board live much longer now. Not even close. I'm not saying that's a good thing, by the way, though others might. I'm generally against the longevity idol thing, as you may know.The reason life expectancies are double from the past is because 50% of children would not survive to adulthood.
NopeOf those who reached the age of 18, the vast majority (80%+) would live to about the same ages you see today, around 75 years old
YupThat women are spoiled is unique to our time and it is a severe negative influence, even though in theory it should enable us to have bigger families than ever before.
This is mostly a) affluence and b) egalitarian thinking. Since women, their parents, or others don't believe they need men until they might want them, obviously that's the reason for younger women not getting married or having kids early. The reason of course is discussed in the following posts, and below.There is just something about women in that 16 - 18 age bracket biologically and the innocence they have you simply cannot get the same emotions and attachment toward even a 21 year old woman even if they physically are just as attractive.
Yes, when you took the need for men out, and by nature men desire youth in women for many reasons, you get clown world stuff. That usually comes with the population boom and alternate strategies for mating, as I've described. Going along with the crowd is what most people do, and since most can't distinguish themselves from the crowd, they try to go along with it and pander, hoping that'll get them some female love. As we know, it never does.These guys just really want to go out of their way to declare their undying loyalty to the gynocracy unprompted. I don't know if they think it'll benefit them in some way. Maybe it does, I wouldn't know, I've never tried it, I'm a real human being.
Ooooh he got in troubleWe're talking about the experiments of women in developed nations, which clearly dominate any "genetic" heritage, again proving my point. That women around the world in yesteryear, non advanced civilizations, or with low economic conditions, have children (the most children) also proves my point. I'm not sure why you keep kicking at the goads on this one, as you keep proving my points, not yours.
It's one of the reasons we have higher longevity, but older people across the board live much longer now. Not even close. I'm not saying that's a good thing, by the way, though others might. I'm generally against the longevity idol thing, as you may know.
This is mostly a) affluence and b) egalitarian thinking. Since women, their parents, or others don't believe they need men until they might want them, obviously that's the reason for younger women not getting married or having kids early. The reason of course is discussed in the following posts, and below.
Yes, when you took the need for men out, and by nature men desire youth in women for many reasons, you get clown world stuff. That usually comes with the population boom and alternate strategies for mating, as I've described. Going along with the crowd is what most people do, and since most can't distinguish themselves from the crowd, they try to go along with it and pander, hoping that'll get them some female love. As we know, it never does.
We're talking about the experiments of women in developed nations, which clearly dominate any "genetic" heritage, again proving my point. That women around the world in yesteryear, non advanced civilizations, or with low economic conditions, have children (the most children) also proves my point. I'm not sure why you keep kicking at the goads on this one, as you keep proving my points, not yours.
There's no doubt the "genes" are there for babies at, wait for it ... 35 at crunch time and clock ticking. This happens a lot because of continued simping with what I keep talking about, which is big population. And then fairly frequent breakups. We keep coming back to these points, it's ok, we can move on. The desire to procreate at the last minute, when applying to women, is hardly what we're talking about.Even in developed, decadent nations, you still get something like 50% of women having children. That's still a very strong sign of genetic influence. Yes our wills are still more powerful, however, if it was purely will there wouldn't be hundreds of millions of Whites. It just doesn't make sense to say there is no past genetic influence.
I’ve questioned people on this (on the internet, not IRL of course) about why exactly it’s morally wrong for a man in his 20’s to be with a teenage girl and aside from the “power imbalance” bullshit some will say grown men shouldn’t “compete” with teenage boys for teen girls. They essentially believe teenage girls are fuckdolls for teen boys sexual experiences. Furthermore, they believe the grown man is “smurfing” to go after younger girls. So when people tell men to not go for women “out of their league,” it has multiple meanings, but both amount to men not optimizing their partners and settling for a used up mediocre roastie.A 16 year old woman wanting a 16 year old male is absurd as a male at that age has no life experience and cannot look after her.
Don’t despair. You still have time. Just focus on growing your net worth and then in your 30s you can move to a more conservative country with better women and find a woman to marry and stay there. The game is already over in the west.A while ago, I was talking about how I value seriousness and religiosity in a woman, and someone suggested I go for older women and offered to introduce me to a woman in her 30's. I'm early 20s btw. Worst part is, I actually considered it for a few seconds.
I have been demoralized to the point where I am open to settling for a post-wall cougar if she's Christian enough. I wish I had the fortitude to just call it quits and embrace celibacy, but I know I don't have it. My biological imperative will not allow me to have peace. I can only hope it will gradually shrivel up and die as I get older.
I'm so tired.
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Just recently I met a 16 year old girl from Spain. She was very beautiful and was giving virgin vibes (although I did not get a chance to ask about that). There is something so biologically primal about a woman at that peak age of 16 - 18. The emotions it stirred up in me simply speaking to her. She seemed very nice but rejected me because of my age. Unfortunately the brainwashing in western countries regarding age shaming is strong. I felt that she innately liked me but that her natural response was overridden by the social indoctrination she received. A 16 year old woman wanting a 16 year old male is absurd as a male at that age has no life experience and cannot look after her. There is just something about women in that 16 - 18 age bracket biologically and the innocence they have you simply cannot get the same emotions and attachment toward even a 21 year old woman even if they physically are just as attractive.
By the way where I live 16 is the legal age of sexual consent and the legal age of marriage (if parental approval and a magistrates approval are both given) so I am not talking about anything illegal I just want to make that clear.
I'm Latin American (not an immigrant, I live in my country) and not white. I don't think there's anything waiting for me in SEA or EE. Anyhow, I'd do well to stop whining and go play videogames or work out or something.Don’t despair. You still have time. Just focus on growing your net worth and then in your 30s you can move to a more conservative country with better women and find a woman to marry and stay there. The game is already over in the west.
I hate to be that guy but you're in your early 20's? God have mercy, you are still so young.A while ago, I was talking about how I value seriousness and religiosity in a woman, and someone suggested I go for older women and offered to introduce me to a woman in her 30's. I'm early 20s btw. Worst part is, I actually considered it for a few seconds.
I have been demoralized to the point where I am open to settling for a post-wall cougar if she's Christian enough. I wish I had the fortitude to just call it quits and embrace celibacy, but I know I don't have it. The biological imperative will not let me have peace. I can only hope it will gradually shrivel up and die as I get older.
I'm so tired.
Speak for yourself. 16 years old, really? What is gay is obsessing about women and putting pussy so high up on a pedestal that one would even consider banging, much less marrying a 16 year old. It's 2025, not 1725. Historical and hence cultural context is everything. The magical thinking here is incredulous. You really think as a 30 or 40 year old man you're just going to walk down the streets of the modern world holding hands with a 16 year old? The image is so cringe I don't even know what to tell you. Pussy kills. It can be worse than being a heroin addict. Please don't encourage Austraila's and Blade Runner's addiction to, and obsession with women, especially teeneage girls. If any two men ever needed to be encouraged to go in the opposite direction by going celibate monk mode it's these two.All men think like this, and anyone saying otherwise is lying. Or a homo
I'm not chasing 16-year-olds, or anyone under 22, or probably under 25, but I am a lot older than these guys. But the fact is, women never know what they want. Women were not designed to know what they want. Women were designed to have 4 to 8 children, and their life work is raising them in conditions that we don't really consider, because we take so many modern conveniences for granted. The toil of raising 4 to 8 children, half of which don't make it to adulthood, would be a very difficult struggle. It also give purpose and meaning to life.It's such a weird obsession some guys on here have. Any human being until 25-30 has no damn idea what they know or want for their life. And yet weirdo posters are talking about 16 because it's legal?
Too many thirsty males here. Lust doesn't last, bros.
They know exactly how it will all play out with em' leading, great husbands all of a sudden......f**k off.... lol......and will make sure to give plenty of reasons from the good ol' days but offer nothing in return.
In Latin America there are plenty of young attractive women looking for a provider and are happy to be housewives however they want a man with a lot of $$$$ they are not interested in men without dough (not the ones you would want anyway) so you can even stay where you are just make sure you have money and your options will expand exponentially. It’s not easy to find a Latina with good morals but still slightly more common than a western woman.I'm Latin American (not an immigrant, I live in my country) and not white. I don't think there's anything waiting for me in SEA or EE. Anyhow, I'd do well to stop whining and go play videogames or work out or something.
That depends where you live. But in most places in the world (including Australia, most of Europe, most of Latin America, most of Asia, etc) the age of sexual consent is 16 (and even lower in certain countries). In the USA age of sexual consent varies by state and in many states it’s 16.It is illegal though, and due to this, you best stay far away from any woman under 18.
Yea, I know in the USA is varies state to state. There have also been instances where someone in one state is legally married, and they travel through another state, where it is illegal, and the man has been arrested. It is a risky game. I mean, if you are 21 and have a 17-year-old girlfriend, I doubt there is any risk. But if you are 24 and have a 16-year-old girlfriend in the USA, you might run into issues, even if it is legal.That depends where you live. But in most places in the world (including Australia, most of Europe, most of Latin America, most of Asia, etc) the age of sexual consent is 16 (and even lower in certain countries). In the USA age of sexual consent varies by state and in many states it’s 16.
Also in regards to the legal marriage age the majority of countries will allow a 16 year old to marry if parental permission is given in conjunction with a magistrates approval.
I’ve posted data about both of these points before so I’m. It going to go over it again.
But your assertion is provably false.
Its a moot point in either case. In any Anglo-sphere country its near impossible to find a a 16 or 17 year old that is interested in a man in their 30s or 40s (unless you are a male celebrity or billionaire). So if you were looking to marry a 16 or 17 yer old realistically you would need to move to a more traditional country (Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Asia, Latin America, Africa, etc) to even find a woman that age who is interested.In the USA anyway, it often isn't wise to flirt with the laws and just stay safely onside.